Bk 101 - RIC Flashcards
The ______ channel is designated by the Incident Commander and is provided for communications between the incident commander and the tactical level management components (i.e. divisions or groups) during emergency incidents.
________ is defined as the use of common terminology understandable by all.
The intent of the use of “Clear-Text” for radio communications is to paint a clear picture and reduce confusion at incidents, particularly where different agencies are working together.
The term “emergency traffic” is used to clear radio channels for important messages regarding:
-FF emergency situation
-safety concerns for members on scene
-immediate change in tactical operations
What are the Clear-text terms used for radio communications to notify personnel on-scene at an emergency that a firefighter accident or emergency has occurred?
I.e., “Firefighter _______”
NFPA ______ STANDARD – National Fire Protection Association Standard on Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Program.
NFPA ______ STANDARD – National Fire Protection Association standard on Emergency Services Incident Management System. (ICS system)
NFPA 1500
NFPA 1561
______ is a VERBAL personnel accountability report of personnel and companies assigned to an incident.
Personnel Accountability Report (PAR)
The ________ tactical channel is used by the Rapid Intervention Company/Companies and the Incident Commander or Rescue Group Supervisor to monitor rescue progress and communicate among the rescue personnel.
Rescue tactical channel
Whenever a hand-held radio is turned in for repairs or reassigned to another position, the ______ Captain shall be immediately notified.
MFC floor Captain
(The radio four-digit identification number, position and/or the member’s name is to be given.)
MFC has the ability to lock on only one radio number when the emergency trigger is activated.
What happens if multiple radios activate their emergency triggers?
It will delete previous radio identification numbers at MFC.
(Members will still be able to communicate on channel 6 with MFC.)
this info is old and MFC can now handle multiple activations
When the Emergency Button is depressed, the radio will automatically switch to EMERGENCY Channel 6 in the repeat mode and is locked on this channel (until reset).
The radio will beep _____ times and the display on the radio will read “EMERGENCY”. When the radio signal is received at MFC the computer will automatically acknowledge it and the display will then read “ACK RCV”.
4 times
The transmission of the radio identifier and Emergency Button information to MFC is dependent upon the radio system’s coverage area.
Members may encounter radio problems when operating in the following locations:
-Below ground level (basement, tunnels)
-Within or adjacent to shielded rooms (X - Ray rooms, sound stages, etc.)
-In enclosed elevator cars
-In steep or narrow canyons
-Anytime you are located outside the City limits
All company personnel shall carry their assigned radio in the “_____” mode in their turnout coat or brush jacket pouch.
Repeat mode
The emergency traffic radio tone is transmitted for testing purposes on ______ channel every Sunday at 0800 hours.
-Each Division Tac Channel
(Also on channel 6 and command 11 but not stated here)
The term “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC” shall be used to clear radio traffic for _________.
an important message.
As incidents expand BEYOND the FIRST ALARM assignment, the Incident Commander SHALL designate a ________ to stand by.
Rapid Intervention Company
The Incident Commander should consider a ______ or _______ as a minimum for assignment as a Rapid Intervention Company.
The IC should NOT use companies from the first alarm assignment as RIC, UNLESS a significant hazard to firefighters exists.
Engine or squad
Rapid Intervention Company/Companies should normally be located in proximity to _______ to ensure rapid dissemination of information from the Incident Commander and rapid deployment.
the command post
Rapid Interventions mission is separated into what two categories?
- Standby Mode
(have time to gather equipment, recon, liaison with Command Post) - Deployment Mode
(Immediate rescue upon arrival at incident or deployment from standby mode.)
In Standby Mode the resources assigned as RIC shall monitor the following radio channels:
-Incident Command Channel
-Incident Tactical Channel(s)
-Rescue Tactical Channel (if assigned)
-Emergency Channel 6
When assigned RIC at an incident and in the “DEPLOYMENT MODE” (immediate rescue) the following radio channels should be monitored:
-Rescue Tactical Channel (assigned by IC)
-Emergency Channel 6 and/or Incident Tactical Channel (at least one member of RIC must monitor)
In high-rise fire incidents the Rapid Intervention Company/Companies shall be located _______.
at staging.
As rescue scenarios become more complex or when _____ or more Rapid Intervention Companies are assigned, the Incident Commander shall consider assigning a Rescue Group Supervisor.
2 or more
(The Rescue Group Supervisor will be responsible for the overall firefighter rescue operation.)
In a high-rise incident, paramedics RA’s should be assigned as ________ in staging.
medical standby
If a Rapid Intervention Company/Companies is deployed to affect a rescue of a firefighter, the Incident Commander shall assign _______ as a backup for the RIC that was deployed.
an additional RIC
Company commanders responding to emergency incidents shall always report to a designated “Staging” or at a high-rise incident “______”.
This will assist in reducing unnecessary radio communications on tactical channel(s).
The key to successful conclusion of a firefighter rescue is:
-effective communication
-timely search and rescue operation.
If a member is in a life-threatening situation, the best way to get help is to:
activate the emergency trigger button. (Conflicts with new mayday procedures)
When member activates the emergency trigger on the radio:
-Member to communicate with MFC and IC on Emergency Channel 6
-MFC will attempt to contact member on Ch 6
-If MFC cannot contact member on Channel 6, MFC will notify IC.
-IC confirms via Incident Tac channel(s) or Ch 6 with affected company or member. IC shall attempt to go through ICS (Branches, Div, Group Supes) via Command Channel to confirm status of member.
-IC shall request MFC to broadcast emergency tones on command and tact channels
In the field/EMS call ect:
Failure of a member to respond to an accidental activation of the Emergency Trigger will cause MFC to send resources equivalent to a ________ dispatch.
Fire Dept Needs Help
Life-threatening situation (person with gun):
When unable to broadcast “FIRE DEPARTMENT NEEDS HELP” message over the radio because this action may bring possible retribution from assailant(s), the member should:
Activate emergency trigger
The primary components of the Department’s accountability system and emergency guidelines are:
-on-scene documentation of resources
-Incident Command System
-effective communications on Department radios
-“Emergency Button”
-MFC procedures.
NFPA Standard _____ requires that all company members’ names be immediately available on scene of the incident.
The LAFD uses magnetic strips that will be carried in a visible location on the Captain’s side of the cab on heavy apparatus and passenger side in rescue ambulances and other staffed apparatus.
Battalion SUV’s, the magnetic strips shall be carried in a visible location on the communication console, dashboard, or visor.
NFPA 1500
The Los Angeles Fire Department Apparatus Roster System consists of magnetic strips marked with information about the member’s assigned to each apparatus that day.
The information that will be contained on the magnetic strip is as follows:
-The member’s full civil service name
-The member’s rank
(Company Commanders shall ensure that these magnetic strips are changed when the staffing of that apparatus changes.)
Imminent Hazard Notification Guidelines:
Provisions of NFPA ______ require an Incident Command System (ICS) that includes standard operating guidelines to evacuate personnel from an area where an imminent hazard condition is found to exist, and to account for their safety.
NFPA 1561
Imminent Hazard Notification Guidelines:
In the event of potential building collapse, extraordinary hazard, or a change in conditions that creates an imminent danger to personnel, members shall communicate this information by either declaring an “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC,” or?
by communicating this information to the Incident Commander.
Imminent Hazard Notification Guidelines:
At the conclusion of the “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC” situation, or when the IC has confirmed that members on scene are aware of specific hazard, the Incident Commander shall transmit an “ALL CLEAR-RESUME RADIO TRAFFIC” on _______ Channels to end the emergency situation, or have MFC transmit the “ALL CLEAR-RESUME RADIO TRAFFIC.”
all assigned Tactical and Command Channels
Operational Retreat Policy:
If an immediate evacuation is needed, the Incident Commander shall initiate evacuation procedures and have ______ broadcast emergency traffic tones, and announce “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC”, and proceed to broadcast critical scene information in “CLEAR-TEXT” to emergency personnel operating in an area requiring evacuation.
At the conclusion of the “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC”, who can transmit an “ALL CLEAR-RESUME RADIO TRAFFIC” to end the emergency situation?
The IC or have MFC transmit the “ALL CLEAR RESUME RADIO TRAFFIC.”
In addition to radio traffic requiring evacuation, the following audible signal can be used to indicate evacuation:
The “EVACUATION SIGNAL” will consist of air horn blasts for 10 seconds followed by a 10 second period of silence. This will be done _____ times
Total air horn evacuation signal including periods of silence will last ____ seconds.
3 times
50 seconds
Who shall designate the specific apparatus to sound the evacuation signal using air horns.
The Incident Commander
NOTE: The apparatus selected to conduct the air horn “EVACUATION SIGNAL” should not be apparatus in close proximity to the Command Post, if possible, thus reducing the chance of missing any radio messages.
After an “EMERGENCY TRAFFIC” evacuation of a building, a ______ Accountability Report shall be conducted to assure all companies and members are accounted for at the incident or in a specific Branch, Division or Group.
Personnel Accountability Report (PAR)
NFPA 1500 mandates that Rapid Intervention be in place starting when?
From the onset of all emergency operations WITHIN the IDLH atmosphere. This is initially accomplished via the “Two In/Two Out” rule
The ________ is that period of time that a down, missing or trapped member will have the greatest chance of survival if he or she is in need of rescue.
-Golden Time
Factors that will significantly reduce the amount of time RIC will have to affect a rescue:
-time a member has been “on air”
-delay in notification of member needing rescue
MFC will update the IC of elapsed time on the incident clock until?
-incident is declared under control
-IC requests cancel to updates
FF down, missing or trapped:
Firefighting efforts must INTENSIFY in the area that a member is believed to be located. Companies working nearby may have the best opportunity to affect a quick rescue.
Company Commanders who feel that their company can effect the rescue must take into consideration the following:
-your position
-time “on air”
-the location of the member requiring rescue
-accountability for your company’s actions to the IC/immediate supervisor
Equipment considerations for Rapid Intervention Companies are incident specific. Only the minimum tools necessary to initiate a rescue should be taken.
The most important aspect of Rapid Intervention is that it is conducted in a ________, yet safe manner.
With the assignment of a Chief Officer to a Rescue Group, location of deployed resources and monitoring radio communications when in the Standby Mode will be most effective if accomplished from __________, except at High Rise incidents where it is performed at ________.
-the command vehicle
The RIC SCBA Kit consists of the following:
-Nylon bag with sling and carrying handles
-60 minute air cylinder
-First stage pressure reducer with 10 feet of intermediate pressure hose
-Second stage regulator
-Pelican Flashlight
-150 feet drop bag line
There are a number of considerations for Incident Commanders and Rapid Intervention Companies in regards to rapid intervention structure size-up.
These considerations can be broken down into what three categories?
- Enroute
-initial size-up, Tac channel, companies on-scene and assignments, who is IC and CP location - On scene (reconnaissance)
-building size, type, construction features, occupancy use, access points, area of LAFD operations - Continuous size-up
-incident getting better/worse?, document assignment of additional resources, consider additional RIC companies.
The Federal ________ Administration released a set of compliance instructions regarding the number of firefighters required to be present on the fire ground prior to commencing an initial interior attack on a structure fire.
The “Two In/Two Out” rule requires a standby team of at least two members to be organized to back up the initial entry team of two members BEFORE they enter into an Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health (IDLH) atmosphere.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
The “Two In/Two Out” Rule:
Can backup personnel (“two out” members) be engaged in other duties?
Yes. Only ONE of the two backup personnel outside the IDLH atmosphere may be engaged in other duties. The member involved in other duties may only be used if abandoning their task does not jeopardize the safety or health of any member onscene.
For example, an apparatus operator/engineer, incident commander, or technician aide (staff assistant), may fill a standby position.
What is the exception to operate with less than four members (“Two In/Two Out”) on-scene?
-Imminent life-threatening situation where immediate action could prevent the loss of life or serious injury
Any such actions taken with less than four members on-scene shall be thoroughly investigated and a written report (F-225) shall be submitted to the Commander, Bureau of Emergency Services, who will advise the Fire Chief.
A rapid intervention company shall consist of at least ______ members and shall be available for rescue of a member or a company if the need arises.
2 members
In the early stages of an incident, which includes the deployment of a First Alarm assignment, the rapid intervention company(s) shall be either:
a) On-scene members designated and dedicated as rapid intervention companies
b) On-scene members performing other functions but ready to redeploy to perform rapid intervention company functions.
*An engineer supplying water to multiple fire attack hose lines inside the IDLH atmosphere SHALL NOT be considered as a standby member, the abandonment of this primary task could jeopardize the safety of other firefighters.
To comply with OSHA requirements, when the first arriving engine company arrives onscene by themselves, the officer, and one firefighter can advance a hose line into the structure, while the firefighter that laid the supply line and engineer operating the pump shall remain outside the hazardous atmosphere as standby members until?
another company arrives on-scene.
Normally, who leads the Rapid Intervention Company?
Company Commander
Considerations for when there are 2 RIC teams (Task Force or Light Force and Engine):
-It may be necessary to leave one member (of a four member team), at an entry point to assist the rapid intervention team with either lighting, monitoring (tether) or as a reference point (exit).
-The tenth member can assist the Rescue Group Supervisor as needed.
Initially, all members assigned, as a Rapid Intervention Company shall have the following as a minimum:
-full protective clothing donned
-SCBA with drop bag
-800 MHZ radio
-RIC Kit.
Rescue Considerations:
Prior to lifting or pulling a downed firefighter, the following procedures should be accomplished IF conditions permit:
-Shut down and Reset the PASS
-ID Company on helmet— Inform IC.
-Ensure facepiece in place, buddy breath if necessary.
-Confirm SCBA waistbelt is secure
-Request resources to begin ALS intervention upon exit.
-Ask for backup (if needed) to help get victim out.
It is the responsibility of all on scene ______ to turn all apparatus pick-up lights and side mounted quartz lights on aerial apparatus towards the involved structure, to illuminate the potential openings of the building.
*If the first arriving companies have not done this act routinely, Rapid Intervention companies should request, through the IC, that this operation be completed.
Rescue Considerations:
In cases where the location of the firefighter is unknown and initial rescue attempts have been unsuccessful in locating the lost firefighter, several search options may be available with the following equipment:
-one inch hose line
-lighted life line
-drop bag
These options could prove beneficial in reducing the risk of rescuers under conditions with reduced visibility.
Rapid Intervention Search Techniques:
Any search and rescue operation should be preceded with a basic knowledge of the following factors:
-Structure (construction and layout)
-Fire (location and extension)
-Victims (number and location)
-Resources (personnel and equipment)
-SOPs (methods and training)
Rapid Intervention Search Techniques:
When entering a structure or room, what three factors usually determine the path of search?
-Information gathered from IC and firefighting personnel
-Location of interior fire attack lines, for last known location.
-Searching an area that is unknown for a potential victim by turning either left or right.
Rapid Intervention Search Techniques:
In cases where locations such as basements, hospitals, X-Ray rooms, metro-rail tunnel and other known radio trouble areas present communication problems, RIC members should consider using the following signal lines for communicating:
Rapid Intervention Search Techniques:
The following methods can be used by search personnel while advancing through a structure:
-In-line Position (using wall or reference point)
-Parallel Position (same as above)
-Hose Fan (Using tethered members to increase search area while following up a hoseline)
-Nozzle Fan (using nozzle as reference point and utilizing drop bag with overhand knots every six feet)
Rapid Intervention Search Techniques:
RIC search and rescue personnel should maintain contact with each other to ensure company effectiveness and integrity. This can be accomplished by:
-physical contact
RIC Operational Guidelines:
RIC Officers shall communicate with the IC or designated supervisor regarding:
-Structure configuration
-Areas of Fire Department operations with companies assigned
In addition, the officer in charge of RIC should obtain or request the following:
-Infrared Camera (from Battalion Sedan[old info])
-Additional RIC Kits (one kit assigned to each Task Force)
-Paramedic Ambulance if not already assigned
-A Rescue TAC Channel (If needed)
The designated Rapid Intervention Company shall not become involved in ______ operations on the fireground as long as they are assigned as the RIC
tactical operations
Members should consider changing over to one hour breathing apparatus bottles if time permits. However, changing over shall be carefully conducted so that _____ of the company is always available to initiate a rapid rescue during the change over process.
-Half of the company
When a task force is assigned as RIC — only one company at a time should change over to one-hour SCBA bottles.
Rescue Ambulance members should bring what equipment near the staging location of RIC?
-trauma box
RIC Operational Guidelines:
The entire Rapid Intervention Company should remain in the immediate proximity of the command post in order to:
-ensure the rapid dissemination of information from the IC
-to obtain updated changes in the firefighting operations.
(This location will change during a High Rise incident, where RIC will normally be deployed at Staging.)
RIC at a Metro-Rail incident should involve a Company at each train station. Resources should be assigned to ______ for RIC.
Rapid Intervention at a high-rise incident should involve a Light Force, Engine, or Squad and an ALS Resource at minimum.
Resources assigned to rapid intervention will initially report to IC/Operations. As the incident escalates, the RIC should expand to a _______ for standby in Staging.
Task Force
Metro rail RIC
Once activated from staging, RIC shall deploy to the PLATFORM level and check in with ________ for the acquisition of a “Rescue Train”
Station division
(Use the rescue train for priority movement of personnel and equipment to support rapid intervention operations. Utilize uninvolved tunnels.)