(2) Bk1 & LA Fire Code Flashcards
An apartment house is defined as any building or portion thereof which contains ____ or more dwelling units or space thereof, regardless of form or ownership.
An assembly occupancy is the gathering of ___ or more persons for amusement, entertainment, worshiping, dinning, ect.
Fire Assembly, Automatic-closing – A fire assembly which may remain in an open position and which will close automatically when subjected to an increase in temperature(maximum rating of ___° F.) or the actuation of a smoke detector.
Hotel – Is any building containing ___ or more guest rooms intended or designed to be used, rented, or occupied for sleeping purposes by guests.
Guy wires may be attached to a roof structure having a slope of less than ___ degrees provided there is full clearance of ___ feet or more between the roof and said obstruction
7 ft
Barbed wire, fences, wires, etc, on roofs are allowed if the building is located within ___ feet of utility poles or similar structures which could otherwise be used to gain access to the building’s roof, balcony or similar surfaces
8 ft
Occupancy under fire watch- How often shall assigned fire watch personnel patrol their designated area?
At least every half hour
Fire Code Warehouse Storage:
-A Main Aisle is an unobstructed way of egress at least ____ feet in width.
-A Side Aisle is an unobstructed secondary way of egress not less than ___ feet in width and transecting Main Aisles.
- 8 ft
- 4 ft
Fire Code Warehouse Storage: In unsprinklered buildings, piles of materials or storage racks shall have their highest point at least ___ feet below the ceiling or other roof support trusses
3 ft
Fire Code Warehouse Storage: In sprinklered buildings, piles of materials or storage racks shall have their highest point at least ___ inches below automatic sprinkler heads
18 in
Fire Code Warehouse Storage: Where storage consists of large, tightly-packed piles of baled, sacked, or cased material, the distance below sprinkler heads shall be a minimum of ___ feet.
Fire Code Warehouse Storage: A clearance of at least ___ inches shall be maintained between stored materials and lighting fixtures
18 in
Fire Code Auto Fueling Station: Within ___ feet of every dispenser there shall be located at least one portable fire extinguisher having a minimum rating of 2A,20B:C.
75 ft
Fire Code Tire Storage: Every rack or pile of tires shall be kept at least ___ inches below sprinkler heads in a sprinklered building.
18 in
Fire Code Tire Storage: PILES of tires shall be kept at least ___ feet below the ceiling or roof and every chord, beam or girder in an unsprinklered building.
3 ft
Fire Code Tire Storage: RACKS of tires shall be kept at least ___ inches below the ceiling or roof and every chord, beam, or girder in an unsprinklered building.
Fire Code Tire Storage:Piles or racks of tires placed in rows perpendicular to the walls shall not exceed ___ feet in width or ___ feet in length.
10 ft width
50 ft length
Fire Code Tire Storage: Piles and racks of tires which are placed directly against and parallel to walls, shall not extend out from such walls more than __ feet
Fire Code: In the event an apartment house has ___ or more dwelling units or a hotel has ___ or more guest rooms, a responsible resident having charge thereof shall reside on the premises.
Fire Code Residential Occupancies- Smoke detectors shall be maintained in dependable operating condition and tested every ___ months or as required by the Chief.
6 months
Fire Code New High Rise Buildings- The fire control room must be a minimum of ___ square feet with a minimum dimension of ___ feet.
Also state new fire code square footage.
100 sq ft. (200 sq ft is new)
10 ft min
Fire code high rise: A minimum of ___ handheld phone sets with cords __ feet in length shall be maintained at the building control station.
One handheld phone set shall be permanently installed and shall have a cord long enough to reach all areas of the building control
6 and 6
Fire Code High Rise: The standby power generator should activate within ___ sec of electrical system failure.
The emergency power supply system shall be automatically transferred and operated within __ seconds of electrical system failure.
60 sec
10 sec
Fire Code High rise: On-site fuel supplies for the standby power generator shall be sufficient for at least ___ hours at full demand operation
Include new and old fire code
8 hrs
New code is 6 hrs
Fire Code: Smoke detectors shall be located on the ceiling not less than ___ inches from a sidewall, or wall mounted between ___ inches to ___ inches down from the ceiling to the top of the detector.
- 6 inches
- 6 and 12 inches
Fire Code: On smooth ceilings, a spacing of ___ feet between smoke detectors may be used as a guide where total coverage is required
30 ft
Fire Code: The centerline of the manual pull station shall be ___ inches above floor level
48 inches (4 ft)
Fire Code: Manual pull stations shall be located so that the horizontal distance of travel to a manual pull station will not exceed ___ feet.
100 ft
Fire Code: An approved automatic or manually activated local fire alarm system shall be provided for:
Every apartment house ___ or more stories in height or containing ___ or more dwelling units.
3 stories, 16 units
Fire Code: An approved automatic or manually activated local fire alarm system shall be provided for:
Every hotel ___ or more stories in height or containing ___ or more guest rooms.
3 stories, 20 rooms
Fire Code: A minimum operating clearance of __ inches shall be provided around automatic sprinkler and standpipe control valves and Fire Department inlet connections.
18 inches
Fire Code: For sprinkler systems with not over ___ sprinklers, provide six spare sprinkler heads
Fire Code: For sprinkler systems with 301 to 1,000 sprinklers, provide ___ spare sprinkler heads.
Fire Code: For sprinkler systems with over 1,000 sprinklers, provide ___ spare sprinkler heads.
Fire Code: All Fire Department sprinkler and standpipe inlet connections shall have a sign not less than ___ inches in width and ___ inches in height
8” width
4” height
Fire Code: Fire hose cabinets shall contain a sign on the cabinet door stating “FIRE HOSE” with letters not less than ___ inches in height on a contrasting background.
Fire Code: Every required pressurized (stored-pressure) portable fire extinguisher shall be inspected, emptied, and serviced every ____ or immediately after use, whichever occurs first.
Fire Code: Portable fire extinguishers having a gross weight not exceeding 40 pounds shall be installed so that the top of the extinguisher is not more than ___ feet above the floor.
5 ft
Fire Code: Extinguishers having a gross weight greater than 40 pounds (except wheeled type) shall be so installed that the top of the extinguisher is not more than ____ feet above the floor.
3 1/2 ft
Fire Code: In no case shall the clearance between the bottom of an extinguisher and the floor be less than ___ inches.
Fire Code Residential Occupancies 3+ Stories:
At least one Class 2A fire extinguisher shall be provided on each floor and distributed throughout the building in such a manner that the horizontal distance of travel to the nearest extinguisher shall not exceed ___ feet.
2020 Fire Code: Fire lanes shall have a minimum clear roadway width of ___ feet when no parking is allowed on either side.
20 ft
2020 Fire Code
Those portions of a fire lane which must accommodate the operation of Fire Department aerial ladder apparatus shall have a minimum clear roadway width of ___ feet when no parking is allowed on either side.
28 ft
2020 Fire Code
Where access requires accommodate of Fire Department apparatus, overhead clearance shall not be less than ___ feet.
14 ft
New fire code states both 14’ (LA) and 13 feet 6 inches
Fire Code: Fire escapes shall have a minimum dimension of __ inches when open. The sill shall be not more than __ inches above the floor and landing.
29 inches
30 inches
Fire Code: Maintain all weeds and grass at a height of no more than ___ inches, if such weeds or other vegetation are within ___ feet of a building or structure located on such property or on adjacent property.
3 inches
200 ft
Fire Code: Remove any portion of a tree which extends within ___ feet of the outlet of a chimney or stovepipe
10 ft
Fire Code Brush: Native brush/shrubs shall be trimmed up from the ground ____ their height and have a minimum separation of ___ ft from any structure and native shrubs.
1/3 height
Fire Code Brush: Native shrubs shall not be planted within ____ ft of a combustible fence or roadway edge.
10 ft
Fire code brush: Maintain all grass and weeds within ____ ft of a combustible fence or roadway to a max height of ___ inches.
10 ft
3 inches
Fire code brush: branches/foliage shall be trimmed up to ___ ft from any roof structure.
Fire code:
Guy wires or rods required to support aerial or antenna masts may be attached to a roof structure a lateral distance from the mast not in excess of _____ the height of the mast.
Fire code:
An unobstructed passageway shall be provided around any approved structures or equipment installations on roof surfaces. One access passageway shall be provided for every ___ feet length or fraction thereof.
Fire code:
Passageways on roofs shall be at least ___ feet wide and have at least ___ feet of overhead clearance
Fire code: hazardous vegetation
Maintain ___ feet of vertical clearance between roof surfaces and portions of trees overhanging any building or structure.
5 ft
Fire code: stairwells
Stairwell signs shall be square in shape with a minimum dimension of ___ inches.
Fire code: stairwells
The bottom of the stairwell sign shall be mounted ____ feet above the floor of the stairway landing.
5 ft
Fire code: stairwells signs
The numbers and/or letters indicating the floor level shall be placed in the middle of the sign and shall be at least ____ inches in height and ____ inch wide.
Fire code: panic hardware
Panic hardware shall be installed not less than ___ inches nor more than ___ inches above the floor.
Fire code: panic hardware
Maximum effort to operate doors shall not exceed ____ pounds for exterior doors and ____ pounds for interior doors. When FIRE DOORS are required the maximum effort to operate the door may be increased not to exceed ___ pounds.
•8-1/2 lbs
•5 lbs
•15 lbs
Fire code:
Panic Hardware is a listed door-latch assembly incorporating an unlatching device of which the activating portion extends across at least ____ the width of the door leaf on which it is installed
Bk 1: Basic Inspection Guide, Apartments, Hotels, Condominiums and Apartment/Hotels
In every building other than single family dwellings, an exit walkway with a minimum width of ___ inches shall be maintained continuously to a public way.
Fire Code fire lanes:
Where parking is allowed on only one side of a required fire lane, parking shall be on the _____ (same or opposite?) side of the roadway as the hydrants
Fire code new high rise:
The Fire Control Room shall be separated from the remainder of the building by not less than ___ hour fire-resistive construction with all openings protected by assemblies having a fire-resistive rating of not less than ___ minutes.
1 hr
45 min
Fire code high rise:
The Fire Control Room sign requires letters not less than ___ inches in height.
Vol 6: Mountain Fire District
“No Smoking” and “Restricted Entry” signs shall be in letters no smaller than 3 inches and 1-3/4 inches in height and posted ____ft inside the entrance to a property and ___ feet above the ground.
Fire Code:
How many pounds or less of Class B explosive materials is exempt from the Division 4 permit requirement?
Vol 6:
Every building under construction ___ stories or more in height shall be provided with not less than one 2-1/2” outlet standpipe for use during construction.
6 (revised to 4?)
Vol 6:
What is the minimum size for a 704 placard?
Vol 6:
When a complaint is received, an F-____ form shall be filled out and filed in the complaints book. Any complaint of hazard received at the Fire Station should be inspected WITHOUT DELAY, and in no case later than _____. Councilmatic complaints shall be entered in ____ ink.
•F-334 Complaint of Hazard
•No case later than the following day
•red ink
Station Commanders shall plan to complete a minimum of ____ (what fraction?) of their total fire prevention inspection work load during each calendar month?
Fire prevention:
Business Occupancies which require only ONE exit shall be inspected once every ____ years. Occupancies with MORE THAN one required exit or containing over the allowable limits of hazardous materials shall be inspected _____.
Once each year
Fire prevention:
Enclosed corridor apartments/condominiums with 16 or more units or 3-5 stories in height; enclosed corridor hotels with 20 or more guest rooms or 3-5 stories in height; and company assemblage occupancies (normally 99 occupants or less) shall be inspected how often?
Twice a year, one daytime and one nighttime inspection, 6 months apart
Fire prevention:
Non-enclosed corridor apartments/ condominiums (garden type) occupancies with 16 or more units or 3-5 stories in height; and non-enclosed corridor hotels with 20 or more guest rooms or 3-5 stories in height shall be inspected how often?
Once a year
Fire prevention:
Multi-unit dwellings shall include all enclosed corridor multi-unit residential occupancies 5-15 units in size and hotels with 6-19 guest rooms which are less than 3 stories in height.
This category shall require inspection how often?
Once every 3 years
Fire prevention:
The platoon inspection responsibilities shall be rotated once each ____ years.
Vol 6:
No person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle whether attended or unattended within ____ feet of the driveway entrance to any fire station.
Vol 6:
No person shall stop, park, or leave standing any vehicle within ____ feet of a fire hydrant except when local authorities indicate a different distance by signs or markings, and except when such vehicle is attended by a licensed driver who is seated in the front seat and who can immediately move such vehiclein case of necessity.
Fire Prevention files are strictly confidential. Refer any questions by citizens concerning your Fire Prevention files to who?
Arson Investigation Unit
According to book 1 (basic inspection guide):
If a fire alarm system is found inoperative during an inspection, the following shall be done:
Issue a Fire/Life Safety Violation (F-340C) to the owner or responsible person, ordering that:
A) The fire alarm system shall be serviced and restored to full operation immediately.
B) If the system cannot be serviced and restored to full operation immediately, a Fire Watch shall be established until the system is restored to full operation.
C) The Department shall be notified when the system is restored to full operation.
Vol 6:
What 3 things are emphasized during a night inspection of an occupancy?
-Required hallway lighting
-Unobstructed exits
-Operational fire alarm systems
Rooftop garden or landscaped roof areas shall not exceed 15,625 square feet in size for any single area with a maximum dimension of ____ feet in length or width.
Roof solar panels/modules installed on residential buildings shall be located no higher than ____ feet below the ridge in order to allow for fire department smoke ventilation operations.
3 ft
A clear, brush free area of ___ feet shall be required for ground mounted solar photovoltaic arrays
10 ft
Fire code:
The emergency power system (not standby power) shall provide power for a duration of not less than ____ minutes and shall consist of storage batteries, unit equipment or an on-site generator.
When mailing a F-340, it shall first be forwarded to ______ for mailing to the occupancy in question.
Department headquarters
Per book 1:
Exit signs inside of apartments shall have block letters at least ___ inches in height with a stroke of not less than ____ of an inch
Per book 1:
What is the minimum size for an occupancy to display it’s address?
Minimum 4 inches high by 2 inches wide
Can also use 1/10 formula
Per book 1:
Every building ____ or more stories in height shall provide an approved stairway identification sign at each floor landing in every stair shaft.
The portion of a stairwell sign stating “no roof access” or “roof access” shall be at least ____ inch(s) in height with a ____ inch(s) stroke
1” high
1/4” stroke
Fire Code- An aisle passageway in a place of occupancy shall be at least ___ feet wide to allow access to exits, fire protection equipment, or separation for a storage area.
What is the required hydrant type and spacing for low density residential areas?
2-1/2 by 4” double fire hydrant
Spaced 600 ft
What is the required hydrant type and spacing for high density residential and neighborhood commercial areas?
2-1/2 by 4” double fire hydrant
Spaced 300-450 ft
What is the required hydrant type and spacing for industrial and commercial areas?
2-1/2 by 4” double hydrant or 4 by 4” hydrant
Spaced 300 ft
What is the required hydrant type and spacing for HIGH density industrial and commercial areas?
4 by 4” hydrant
Spaced 300 ft
A _____ foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of fire hydrants
3 ft
Bk 1: Basic Inspection Guide, Apartments, Hotels, Condominiums and Apartment/Hotels
Every person owning or managing a building three or more stories in height shall provide and maintain an approved stairway identification sign at each floor level landing in every stair shaft.
The sign shall indicate:
-floor level
-the lower and upper terminations of the stairway
-whether or not there is roof access
-the identification of the stairway
Bk 1: Basic Inspection Guide, Apartments, Hotels, Condominiums and Apartment/Hotels
- Flammable liquids shall not be stored, handled, or used in basements of any residential occupancies.
- Class II or Class III liquids in quantities not exceeding those in Subsection C may be stored in basements with approval and Special Permit from the Chief, provided the basement is protected by an automatic fire extinguishing system.
Bk 1: Basic Inspection Guide, Apartments, Hotels, Condominiums and Apartment/Hotels
The storing or keeping of any combustible merchandise, materials, or equipment in any sub -floor area, attic, boiler room, mechanical room, heating equipment room, water heater closet or electrical panel room in a manner which would create or constitute a fire hazard is PROHIBITED.
Bk 1: Place of Assemblage - Restaurant, Night Clubs, Dance Halls - EXIT DOORS
When installed, exit doors shall be capable of opening so that the clear width of the exit not less than ______ inches.
32 inches
Bk 1: Auto Fueling Stations
“GAS PUMP SHUT -OFF. “ This switch must not be closer than ______ feet nor farther than ______ feet from any dispenser
Fire Code
Buildings, structures and premises for which an owner cannot be identified or located by dispatch of a certificate of mailing to the last known or registered address, which persistently or repeatedly become unprotected or unsecured, which have been occupied by unauthorized persons or for illegal purposes, or which present a danger of structural collapse or fire spread to adjacent properties shall be considered to be ABANDONED, declared unsafe and abated by demolition or rehabilitation in accordance with the California Property Maintenance Code and the California Building Code.
Report such building to?
Fire Prevention Bureau
Fire Code
Fire Hydrant Spacing, What is the distance between hydrants for High Density residential and neighborhood commercial?
Fire Code
Buildings 55 feet or more in height.
An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout buildings that have one or more stories with an occupant load of 30 or more located _____ ft or more above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, measured to the finished floor.
55 ft
Fire Code
what is the maximum distance of travel to extinguisher for light (low), ordinary (moderate) and extra (high) hazard occupancy. IN FEET?
75 for ALL
Fire Code
Occupant load per story 1 - 500 = 2
Occupant load per story 501 - 1,000 = 3
Occupant load per story more than 1,000 = 4
In every building other than single family dwellings, there shall be maintained at all times one unobstructed aisle or passageway which leads to each required exit and shall have a free clearance equal to the minimum required or at least _______.
44 inches
Fire alarm systems shall be tested ________ and in accordance with approved written test procedures in a manner satisfactory to the Chief.
Emergency lighting systems must be maintained in an operable condition at all times. The owner or his representative shall test and operate the system _______.
2020 Fire Code
Every FIRST story dwelling unit, FIRST story guest room, and all FIRST story portions of any commercial occupancy or industrial building must be within ______ ft of an approved fire hydrant.
300 ft
2020 fire code
Buildings equipped with a standpipe system installed in accordance with the Fire Code shall have a fire hydrant within ______ ft of the fire department connections.
100 ft
2020 Fire Code
“Built-up” type single 2-1/2 inch outlet hydrants shall be used in areas having static pressure of _____ or more.
210 psi
2020 Fire Code
All fire hydrants within the City of LA shall conform to the _______ for wet barrel hydrants.
American Water Works Association
2020 Fire Code
Hydrant spacing between hydrants on roads and fire lanes for LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL developments is?
600 ft
2020 Fire Code
For INDUSTRIAL and COMMERCIAL developments, the distance between hydrants on roads and fire lanes is?
300 ft
2020 Fire Code
When the maximum response distance of engine or truck companies is exceeded for a specific land use, the installation of _______ is required.
Sprinkler Systems
2020 Fire Code
Fire apparatus access roads shall extend to within _____ feet of all portions of the exterior walls of the first story of a building.
150 ft
2022 Fire Code
Entrance to dwelling unit or guest rooms shall not be more than ______ feet in distance of horizontal travel from the edge of a roadway or an improved street or approved fire lane.
150 ft
2020 Fire Code
Fire lanes shall have a minimum clear roadway width of _____ feet when NO PARKING is allowed on either side.
20 ft
2020 Fire Code
Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of ______ feet shall be provided with a turnaround.
150 ft
2020 Fire Code
When required access is provided by an improved street, fire lane or combination of both that results in a dead-end in excess of ______ feet in length from the nearest cross street, at least one ADDITIONAL ingress-egress roadway shall be provided.
700 ft
2020 Fire Code Hydrant Spacing Chart
2020 Fire Code Required Fire Flow Chart
Bk 1 — Night/Places of Assemblage
Every required EXIT door way shall be what MINIMUM size?
3 feet WIDE
6’8” TALL
(When installed, exit doors shall be capable of opening so that the clear width of the exit not less than 32 inches.)
Fire Code 2020
No parking shall be permitted within those portions of the roadway that are within _____ feet of and on the same side of the roadway as a private fire hydrant.
30 ft