Bk 100- Highrise Flashcards
What are the responsibilies of the fire attack team?
-enter the building
-determine a safe means of ascent
-locate the emergency
-check two floors below the fire floor for the suitability for Staging
-becomes a Division Supervisor and remains in charge of the floor until relieved
The _________ is a functional position with the responsibility for supervising one or more Rapid Intervention Company(s) assigned to standby for or perform the rescue of firefighters
Rapid Intervention Group Supervisor
___________ is a functional position with the responsibility for supervising companies involved in the search and rescue, and the evacuation of building occupants to the ground level.
Search Group Supervisor
__________ is a functional position with the responsibility of the control and safety of building occupants from the ground level to an assembly level outside of the building
Evacuation Group Supervisor
This officer, through consultation with the Incident Commander (or Operations Section Chief, if implemented), and the Search Group Supervisor will implement evacuation plans and control building occupants
The _______ Supervisor reports to the Incident Commander/Operations Chief and is responsible for fire suppression and rescue activities within a geographic area, usually a specific floor.
A _______ Supervisor reports to the Incident Commander/Operations Chief and is responsible for the performance of a specific function, and is not limited to a geographic area
Anytime personnel reserves fall below the specified level, additional resources are requested by the Staging Area Manager through __________.
-the Incident Commander/Operations Chief to Logistics/Base
(Necessary supplies and equipment are requested directly from Logistics/Base)
Idealy, how many radio channels should the Staging Manager have? For what reasons?
One channel is assigned as a Logistical channel to order equipment and supplies and the second channel is a Tactical or Command channel to the Incident Commander/Operations for additional resources.
Staging is normally located _____ floors below the fire.
In staging, who maintains supplies of equipment and a reserve force at a level specified by the Incident Commander?
-Staging Manager
A medical treatment/rehabilitation area shall normally be established where?
- During their response, Airborne Engine Companies report to who?
- After they are “deployed” on a roof, who do they report to?
- Helicopter Coordinator (Helco), or the Air Operations Branch Director.
- The IC.
Who is responsible for providing transportation for personnel, equipment, and supplies; providing refilling of SCBA cylinders and maintenance of SCBAs; provide fueling, service and maintenance of vehicles and portable power equipment and tools; and implementing the ground level traffic/movement plan at the incident including marking safe access routes and zones and coordinates the transport of equipment via the stairwells?
Ground Support Group (formally stairwell support)
Who does the Ground Support Supervisor report to?
Support Branch Director (if established) or the Logistics Section Chief.
If an auxiliary water supply is required, who will coordinate and supervise this function?
Ground Support Supervisor
Base shall be established a minimum of ______ feet away from the incident structure.
Who designates a marshaling area for equipment being delivered to Lobby Control or Ground Support Group.
Base Area Manager
The difference between a successful emergency operation which is brought to an early conclusion and one that becomes a protracted effort depends greatly on actions taken by who?
The first arriving companies
The normal first alarm assignment for a reported fire in a high rise structure is?
-five fire companies (two truck companies and three engine companies, with a squad in certain areas)
-an airborne engine company component (task force),
-a BLS ambulance
-an ALS ambulance
-an EMS captain
-a battalion chief.
All personnel operating at a high rise incident should have a heightened level of situational awareness due to the ___________ and __________ that are contained within these structures.
Pre-incident PLANNING and fire prevention INSPECTIONS are the key to understanding and locating this equipment.
ancillary equipment and building systems
For highrise fires, what is the primary responsibility of the first-in company?
To locate and identify the emergency and determine its scope.
In a high rise incident, a minimum of a ______ member initial fire attack team shall ascend to the reported floor.
The Fire Attack Team should check conditions two floors below the reported fire floor as to ascertain if it is suitable for ________
What is the responsibility of the second-in company of a highrise incident?
Establish lobby and BECOME the IC
Once lobby is established and if the highrise incident warrants, what can be implemented to operate, support, or augment building system controls, life safety, environmental controls, communications, and elevator systems?
Systems Control Unit
Who is responsible for supplying water to the building standpipe system?
The first arriving 200 Series Engineer, except when the first arriving and second arriving companies are single engine companies. In this case, the Engineer of the second arriving company has the responsibility for water supply
Staging should be established utilizing a company from the _____ alarm assignment consistent with strategic considerations and priorities.
Base may be established by?
-Any available Engineers from the FIRST ALARM assignment; or
(Once Base has been established, it will be augmented at the direction of the Incident Commander.)
The basic requirements of the Incident Command System have been met with the establishment of?
Fire Attack, Lobby Control, Staging and Base
In high rise fire incidents, a Rapid Intervention Company/Companies shall be located?
In or in-proximity to Staging
Company effectiveness and personnel safety will be greatly enhanced by adherence to what fundamental rule?
keeping their personnel together and under their control.
When should the first in company officer of a highrise incident “pass” command to another on-scene officer or transitioned to a higher-ranking officer?
Once the first-in company officer commits to a tactical objective (i.e., fire attack) and other resources arrive on scene
What items are fire attack responsible for obtaining from the lock box in the fire control room?
One copy of the building inventory and one set of keys.
Remaining contents of lock box are to be used by the Lobby Control Officer.
High rise incident
What are the actions of Fire Attack UPON ARRIVAL?
-Give size up and order additional resources
-Proceed to Lobby taking ALL company personnel.
-take appropriate equipment and the HIGH RISE OPERATIONAL PACKET
Highrise Incident as fire attack:
If a stairwell is utilized, how often does the officer report conditions in the building to the IC?
Why is this done?
Periodically (also states every 4-5 floors in different chapter)
This is done for information purposes and to assure adequate communications are maintained.
Highrise Incident
What equipment shall Fire Attack take aloft?
(Not using elevators)
-Breathing Apparatus
-Portable Radios
-Rotary Saw or Forcible Entry Tools
-Thermal Imaging (Infrared) Camera
-High Rise Hose Packs
When feasible, the following additional equipment should be taken:
-Portable Spotlight
-Extra Air Bottles
-Portable Extinguisher (mandatory if elevators are used)
The Fire Attack Officer shall evaluate the two floors below the reported fire floor for its use as a ______ area and communicate this information to the Incident Commander. In addition, this officer should determine the floor plan of the building
If elevators are utilized as a means of ascent, they shall not be taken to a location closer than _____ floors below the reported fire floor or _____ floors below the lowest indicated alarm floor location
Once on the fire floor, the Fire Attack Team shall then locate the emergency, check for vertical extension and give a size-up. If it is a fire, what should the size-up include?
-What is burning?
-Are occupants endangered?
-What is the potential for vertical extension; interior and exterior?
-What is the potential for horizontal extension?
-What is the best route for resources going to Staging? What is the best route for resources going from Staging to the fire floor and above?
If they cannot extinguish the fire, the Fire Attack Team must endeavor to protect the ________ openings and contain the fire until assistance arrives.
If unable to effect a direct and sustainable attack, what should fire attack consider to do?
-exposure protection and assisting with search and/or evacuation.
As resources are dispatched from Staging, the Staging Area Manager will order additional resources through the Incident Commander/Operations Chief.
Equipment and supplies will be ordered through the _____ Officer to Base, preferably on a separate tactical radio channel.
Where should Rapid Intervention Companys standby?
Staging or the floor below the fire (discrepancy with other statements in bk 100)
Unless absolutely necessary, the stairwell door to the fire floor should not be opened into the EVACUATION STAIRWELL when building occupants are present. The only exception is when?
It necessitates a civilian and/or firefighter rescue
It is the responsibility of the Search Group Supervisor to ensure that primary and secondary searches are properly conducted, paying particular attention to _________
It is the responsibility of the Search Group Supervisor to determine appropriate areas of safe refuge, if appropriate. Continually monitor safe refuge areas for _________.
Carbon monoxide
The evacuation of the building is based on what?
Risk to occupants
The Evacuation Group Supervisor manages all building occupants from the ______ floor to the assembly area outside of the involved building.
Ground floor
Once occupants have been evacuated, Police Department assistance should be requested to assist in directing evacuees to a safe location, at a minimum _______ feet from the affected structure.
Normally, helicopters should remain at least _____ feet from the involved building while in flight.
The helispot should be at least _______ from the incident.
500 ft
1/2 mile
Normally, how many companies should be kept at Base for each company held in staging?
2 companies at base for every 1 in staging
Who should be utilized to assist in the movement of priority equipment to Lobby?
Ground Support Unit personnel or companies enroute to Staging
When an auxillary water supply needs to be established via the stairwell….
______ shall provide a supply line to the entrance of the stairwell and _________ will coordinate the water supply up the stairwell.
Base shall provide a supply line to the entrance to the stairwell.
Ground Support Unit will coordinate the water supply up the stairwell.
Who verifies that a water supply is established into the standpipe system?
Lobby Control
Who is responsible for transportation of equipment via a stairwell, on a priority basis, from ground level to the Staging floor?
Ground Support Unit
In order for Ground Support to determine the number of personnel necessary to carry equipment to staging, consider one member per _____ floors and one officer per ______ members.
2 floors
4-5 members
A current high rise building is defined as a building which is over ______ ft in height, measured from ground level access to the floor level of the highest floor intended for occupant use.
(Changed definition in 1974)
75 ft
The Department’s Fire and Safety Education Unit administers a program whereby occupants of all high rise buildings in the City are trained in emergency pre-fire planning and evacuation procedures.
This includes an assignment of a responsible person as Fire Safety Director with each floor having a floor warden. There shall be a minimum of one fire drill ______, which may be conducted on individual floors.
_______ and _______ remain the two highest priorities during high rise operations
Fire attack and evacuation
High rise buildings in the City are designed with ______ -hour fire resistance between floors and around vertical openings
2 hour
In the event of a high rise fire, the danger to building occupants could develop from what three sources?
-Direct exposure to fire
-Exposure to smoke and products of combustion (gravest threat)
The best way to protect high rise occupants from smoke and fire is to control the fire rapidly, which is best achieved through?
properly operating fire protection systems
As a search company enters a floor, a large, single, diagonal chalk line and the company designation shall be made on the entry door. When the room has been searched, a second diagonal line is placed on the door making a large “X”.
The door is then left closed for what purpose?
Minimize smoke and fire spread
In most fire situations we can provide for occupant safety and Fire Department access by clearing and relocating occupants of how many floors?
relocate occupants from the fire floor and at least two floors above and two floors below the fire to a safe location, PREFERABLY below the fire.
If Evacuation is underway prior to Fire Department arrival, our success in controlling the fire and protecting the occupants will depend on our ability to control the ________.
Who should be given responsibility for occupants that were evacuated out of the building?
Los Angeles Police Department personnel
Highrise (ch 5 Fire Extinguishment)
Department policy requires the Fire Attack Team to take what equipment with them?
-breathing apparatus
-portable radio
-forcible entry tools
-high-rise hose packs & pigtail
-thermal imaging camera
-fire extinguisher if an elevator is used
Some stairwell exit doors are held closed by a magnetic device requiring _____ pounds of pressure to overcome.
Firefighters in personal protective equipment, breathing apparatus, high-rise hose packs, and forcible entry equipment require approximately how many minutes per floor to ascend stairs?
1 minute
The officer in charge of the Fire Attack Team should give an assessment of conditions found in the stairwell every _____ floors and, if elevators are used, during the precautionary stops every ______ floors.
4 to 5
Depending on the era, standpipe outlet pressure in a high-rise building can be controlled by what three devices?
-pressure regulating devices (controls PRESSURE)
-pressure restricting devices (restricts FLOW)
-orifice plates (restricts VOLUME)
The pressure regulating devices control pressure.
The volume of a given outlet can increase to supply more than one line, as long as the g.p.m. does not exceed the set limit which is normally ______ g.p.m
Pressure restricting devices work by restricting the FLOW by how far the valve can be opened, thereby reducing the _____ and the _____.
Flow and PSI
The orifice plate controls pressure by restricting _______ and is limited to supplying _____ g.p.m.
Highrise standpipes:
During firefighting operations when using standpipes where orifice plates have been REMOVED, it may be necessary to ____________.
leave a member by the valve to manually regulate or shut off the water flow.
The basic tactical objectives are the same whether you are fighting a fire in a high-rise office building or a high-rise residential building.
The Fire Attack Team should direct their efforts toward protecting?
-hallways and corridors
-stairs and elevators
-other vertical openings
In high-rise buildings, the area above the ceiling usually serves as the return air _____ for the HVAC systems. This area presents a hidden space, above the level of the sprinkler system effectiveness, where fire can spread undetected.
Stair shaft pressurization fans must provide not less than _____ cubic feet per minute while maintaining a positive pressure of not over _____ lbs. on interior doors
-50 cubic ft
-25 lbs
Stair shafts that only service odd or even floors of a building are known as ______ stairways
the pressure generated by a fire can be up to ____ times atmospheric pressure and will force smoke through openings and may contaminate other floors or stairshafts within the highrise building.
3 times
Products of combustion cool as they rise and then form layers once the temperature is equal to the surrounding air. This process is known as?
This process is common in vertical stair shafts
__________ is a condition caused by smoke and fire gases that cannot vertically escape a building. Smoke and fire gases will rise to the highest level possible and then begin to bank down and fill all available spaces.
What era of exterior windows have tempered glass on at least two sides of the building?
Where are they located?
-1960 to 1974
-At corners, and at 50-foot intervals or less.
NOTE: Openable windows or mechanical smoke removal systems may be substituted for tempered glass.
What era of exterior windows have tempered glass on ALL SIDES of the building?
Where are they located?
-Post 1974
-At corners, and at 50-foot intervals or less.
NOTE: Openable windows or mechanical smoke removal systems may be substituted for tempered glass.
Highrise exterior windows:
Tempered glass windows are identified by _____ inch luminous or reflective decals in a LOWER CORNER which indicate they are “For Fire Department Use.”
3 inch
In High-Rise Buildings built after 1996, the Requirement of Smoke Control Systems (Uniform Building Code) in high rise buildings has eliminated the requirement of __________.
the installation of tempered glass.
Unless the HVAC system is contributing to the spread of fire or smoke throughout the building, it should be left in the _____ position.
on (operating) position.
For ventilation purposes, stairshafts can be placed into what two categories?
Which of these stairshafts must be augmented by mechanical means?
- Stairshafts that open to the interior only of a building and provide roof access.
Must be augmented by mechanical means - Stairshafts that open to the exterior of a building and provide roof access
Information on stairshafts that open to the INTERIOR ONLY of a building and provide roof access:
–These types of stairshafts MUST be AUGMENTED by mechanical means other than utilizing natural air flow only
-HVAC systems cause a NATURAL UPWARD draft to occur through elevator shafts, stairwells, and other vertical openings as warm air rises.
-The movement of air, either upward or downward, is enhanced and subjected to temperature differences between inside and outside temperatures.
-However, the natural air flow within building stairshafts is _______ in buildings UP TO 25 stories. Buildings OVER 25 stories will naturally flow ______ amounts of air in an UPWARD direction.
-(virtually) static
What highrise building system causes a natural upward draft to occur through elevator shafts, stairwells, and other vertical openings as warm air rises
HVAC systems
Stairshafts that open to the exterior of a building can have natural vertical air currents of _____ to _____ mph
3 to 6 mph
(If utilizing a stairshaft as an avenue to remove contaminants, personnel must ensure that occupants are not in the stairwell or the stairwell is not being utilized for evacuation purposes.)
Water turbine blowers produce significantly less noise and will provide more than _____ the cubic feet of air per minute that a like-sized gasoline powered blower.
High-rise buildings constructed after 1974 are required to employ an emergency smoke control system that is comprised of what components?
- Pressurized Stairshaft
- Mechanical Smoke Removal System
- Tempered Glass or Openable Windows
Who shall be responsible for ensuring that stairshafts are pressurized?
Lobby control
Primary emphasis of stairwell pressurization shall be placed on which stairshaft?
The stairshaft utilized by the Fire Attack Team or stairshaft used to access Staging
Regardless of the size, portable blowers should be placed ___ to ___ feet back from the doorway and angled back at least ___ degrees.
4 to 6ft
5 degrees
For pressurizing highrise stairshafts:
Placing blowers in a ______ formation is more effective than placing them is series
Pressurizing Highrise Stairshafts:
Additional pressurized air may be necessary due to the LEAKAGE in stairshafts over _____ floors high
The main focus in highrise salvage operations is the control of water and keeping it out of?
elevator shafts, machinery rooms, and electrical rooms.
Highrise Salvage:
It is often advantageous to channel water into a ______. This is the best method for large quantities of water
The type of water system found in a building depends upon what three criteria?
-Building codes in effect when it was constructed
What are the 4 types of standpipe systems?
- Class 1 (Dry) Standpipes
- Class 2 (Wet) Standpipes
- Class 3 Combination
- Class 3 Combined
Firefighting water systems in pre-1960 buildings consisted of Dry Standpipes, Interior Wet Standpipes, and sprinklered ________ (If used for storage).
Which buildings would you find Class I (Dry) Standpipes?
All era of high-rise buildings 4 or more stories in height and not exceeding 150’
74 to present
Are vertical risers cross connected in Class I (Dry) standpipes?
Dry standpipe risers must flow ______ GPM per riser.
500 GPM
(2) 2-1/2” for 4-5 stories
(4) 2-1/2” for 6 or more stories
When Dry Standpipes are installed, outlets are provided at every floor level and roof landing of required enclosed stairways, fire escapes and smoke towers, except the ______ floor
Class II Wet Standpipe Systems are required in buildings _____ or more stories in height and are directly connected to a water supply and equipped with 1-1/2” outlets, with hose and nozzle. (For use by building occupants)
3 or more
4 or more after 1983
Buildings built between 1960-1974 that exceeded 150’ in height (High-Rise) are required to have ________ Standpipe Systems
(Class III)
Combination Standpipe Risers are 6” and must flow 1000 g.p.m. per riser. A flow of _____ g.p.m. is required at each 2-1/2” outlet.
Combination Standpipe Outlets (60-74)
On buildings exceeding 150’ the 2-1/2 inch (LAFD use) and 1-1/2 inch outlets (occupant use) have globe valves with _____ plates
The occupant use outlet is 2-1/2” with 1-1/2” reducer. 100 ft of 1-1/2” hose with straight tip.(outdated?)
The obvious disadvantage of the orifice plate method of regulating outlet pressure is that it has no effect on _____.
Static Pressure
If the flow of water is shut off at the nozzle, the full static pressure of the standpipe will fill the hose, possibly rupturing the hose, especially if it is kinked.
Orifice plates restrict the _____ by restricting the size of the opening, thereby reducing the pressure when flowing
Orifice plates are calibrated to supply ____ g.p.m. at ____ p.s.i. through 100’ of 2-1/2” hose with a 1” tip.
200gpm at 45psi
(Per TB 62: 200 gpm at a minimum of 50 psi residual pressure.)
Class III Combination System (60-74)
At the ____ floor level and above, some 2-1/2” outlets were equipped with 100’ of 2-1/2” unlined, linen hose and a 1” straight stream tip hung in a cabinet for LAFD use.
(The cabinet had to be locked and have a glass panel and marked “Fire Department Use Only.” There are no provisions for testing this hose and therefore it is not reliable for Fire Department use.)
Buildings built after 1974, exceeding 150’ in height, will have a _______ Standpipe System.
Class III Combined sprinkler-standpipe system
Connected to a water supply and is equipped with 2-1/2” outlets (with 1-1/2” reducer) for use by the Fire Department
In 1974, the major change in the Building Code required buildings over 75’ to be __________.
fully sprinklered.
Class III Combined Sprinkler Standpipe System Risers are required to flow ______ g.p.m. per riser and have four FDC inlets (250 g.p.m. per inlet).
If three or more risers are present, six FDC inlets are required.
1000 gpm
Class III Combined Sprinkler Standpipes (post 74)
The Combined standpipes in buildings built between the years of ____ to ____ are NOT looped, and the sprinklers are supplied by only one riser.
This was due to the City adopting the Uniform Building Code in 1983.
The Code was changed in 1988 to require two points of connection
In buildings built after 1974 exceeding _____ ft, a Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) System is utilized to reduce standpipe pressure to working pressure.
75 ft
The purpose of the Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) system is to maintain a safe flow of pressure to _____ and _____
firefighting handlines and sprinklers
Post 1974
Pressure REGULATING Devices are required to be used on any standpipe outlet where the static pressure exceeds ____ p.s.i.
The upper floors with pressures below _____ p.s.i. at the outlet may use _______ to restrict the flow.
150 psi (both answers)
Orifice plates
Post 1974 Water Systems
By policy, the Fire Department has the Pressure REGULATING Device set at ____ p.s.i. at _____ g.p.m
100 psi at 300gpm
The Pressure REGULATING Device adjusts ________ automatically, providing a constant nozzle pressure and providing a safety feature on wyed lines not found with the orifice plate system.
In buildings that are sprinklered (over 75’ in height), the class II Wet Standpipe System outlets with hose are not required, provided that the 2-1/2” outlets have what?
2-1/2” to 1-1/2” reducers with cap and chain
Post 74
Buildings over 75’ that do not exceed 150’ in height are fully sprinklered and utilize the _____ Standpipe Systems to supply the sprinklers.
Dry (aka damp system)
water supply may only be adequate for the sprinkler system demand and MAY NOT provide an effective hose stream for the 2-1/2” outlets.
Buildings 75’ to 150’, 1974 to present
2-1/2” outlets may have ______ or ______ to regulate flow and pressure
orifice plates or Pressure Restricting Valves
Buildings 75’ to 150’, 1974 to Present
Pressure RESTRICTING Devices are found when static pressures are between _____ and ____ p.s.i.
Pressure RESTRICTING Devices work by restricting the ____, hence reducing the p.s.i.
135 and 150 p.s.i.
(During firefighting operations these valves may be adjusted by removing the restricting mechanism. After removal, it will be necessary to leave a member by the valve to manually regulate flow and pressure)
Beginning in what year?
New high-rise buildings in Los Angeles were required to have an on-site water supply (tank) to supplement the main water supply system
- (Buildings over 75’)
Buildings that do not exceed 75’, built after 1974, have what water system requirements?
same requirements as those not exceeding 150’ built from 1960 to 1974
(Dry Standpipes in the stairshafts, Wet Standpipes off the domestic system, and sprinklered basements.)
Prior to 1974, generally there was only one fire pump and it was ELECTRICAL. Since 1974, buildings over _____ are required to have three fire pumps.
One is electric and two are ______.
-275 ft
-One is electric and two are diesel.
Diesel Engine Fire pumps
1960 to 1974 - There shall be a minimum ____ hour supply of fuel
Post 1974 There shall be a minimum ____ hour supply
4 hour (60-74)
8 hour (post 74)
Diesel Engine Fire Pump Drive Controllers
The controller will start the engine when there is a drop in the water line pressure. This is done by a ______ switch, which is independently adjusted to a high (stop) and low (start) setting.
mercoid pressure switch
(The policy in Los Angeles for the STOP pressure is set 10 p.s.i. below system pressure and the START pressure is set 50 p.s.i. below the system pressure)
_____ switches are placed on valves in the firefighting water systems of buildings to prevent unauthorized closing. These switches will activate within ____ turns towards the closed position.
Tamper switches
2 turns
The commercial high-rise retrofit program refers to structures over _____ ft in height constructed prior to July ______.
75 ft
What are the requirements for the high-rise commercial retrofit?
For buildings 75’ or higher Pre-1974
-A looped “Combined” system (Fully Sprinklered and Firefighting water system to at least 1 stairwell)
-Electric fire pump supplied by city main with possible on-site water supply. (Able to supply sprinkler and firefighting line.)
Pre-1960 Water System Picture
Water System 1960-1974 Pic
Elevator Ops:
Title 24 of the California Administrative Code provides requirements for the operation of elevators under fire and emergency conditions.
The Code requires a building to have:
- Designated Level - recall floor
- Smoke Detectors - at or near elevator vestibule (except lobby)
- Elevator Emergency Service
Elevator Ops Phase I Recall:
Automatic elevators having a total travel of more than ____ feet may be recalled to the lobby by sensing devices (smoke detectors) or by a three-position key operated “Emergency Service” switch in the lobby.
After October 6, 1975, the total travel requirement of the elevator was reduced to _____ feet.
50 ft
25 ft
Elevator Ops Phase II Override:
All automatic elevators having a travel of ____ feet or more above the lowest grade level may be recalled to the lobby by smoke detectors or by a three-position key operated “Emergency Service” switch in the lobby.
70 ft
Elevator Ops:
Elevator ascent during investigations or firefighting operations shall only be used when the reported location is above the _____ floor.
6th floor
Elevator Ops:
Elevators shall not be taken directly to, or above the fire floor.
If used as a means of ascent, elevators should not be taken closer than?
-Two floors below the reported fire floor
-Two floors below the lowest indicated alarm floor location.
Elevator Ops:
Elevators shall never be taken below grade unless?
It is deemed safe for use by Fire Department personnel through making a visual assessment of conditions that might affect elevator use.
Elevator Ops:
Under no circumstances should an elevator not equipped with Emergency Firefighter Service or a freight elevator be utilized UNLESS?
It is determined safe by fire department personnel on the desired floor(s) of operation and their use approved by the Incident Commander.
Elevator Ops:
Elevators that travel through a “blind shaft” (3 consecutive floors with no floor access) should be avoided whenever possible.
If the building is equipped with split bank elevators, do not use an elevator that services the fire floor if a lower bank of elevators reaches _____________.
WITHIN 5 floors of the fire floor.
Elevator Ops:
Before utilizing an elevator, directing a flashlight or thermal-imaging camera up between the elevator car and the shaft wall can determine the presence of _____ in the elevator shaft.
Smoke, fire or water
If the presence of smoke, fire, or water is detected, the use of the elevator for ascent shall be discontinued.
Elevator Ops:
If members must abandon elevator use during ascent, who shall be notified of the situation?
-Lobby Control Officer if assigned
Elevator Ops:
All members, including the member assigned as the elevator operator, UTILIZING the ELEVATOR as a means of ascent shall be equipped with?
-full personal protective equipment
-breathing apparatus
-portable radio
-sound power phone
-forcible entry tool
-appropriate equipment for fire suppression operations or assigned task.
(Verbiage doesn’t mention this until later: A dry chem extinguisher shall remain in elevator with operator)
Elevator Ops:
Prior to going aloft, all members shall have donned their ______.
Facepiece and be prepared to connect regulator.
Elevator Ops:
When an engine company is the first resource onscene, who assumes the role of elevator operator?
Engine Co. must wait until certified personnel from additional resources arrive. (Fire or Rescue)
Elevator Ops:
The elevator operator will report to the Lobby Control Officer and shall be equipped with:
-full personal protective equipment
-breathing apparatus
-portable radio
-sound powered phone
-forcible entry tool
-portable dry chemical fire extinguisher
Elevator Ops:
Members using an elevator for ascent should determine the location of the STAIRWELLS in relationship to the elevator.
This should be accomplished when?
-At the FIRST and SUBSEQUENT precautionary stops by observing the buildings emergency exit plan located at each elevator lobby landing.
(This is done above the lobby level due to stairs leading to the exterior of building may be connected by a hallway thus providing misleading info of stairwell location.)
Elevator Ops:
No more than ____ personnel shall be permitted in any one elevator at a time during Phase II operations.
This will prevent exceeding the weight capacity and allow for maneuverability should the need for forcible exit.
Elevator Ops:
Personnel utilizing the elevator for ascent shall make precautionary stops every 5 floors in order to test and confirm that the elevator is properly operating in the Phase II mode.
These precautionary stops will ensure that:
• The elevator stops at the desired floor(s)
• The elevator doors remain closed when the elevator stops
• The elevator doors open only when the door open button is activated
• The elevator doors close when the door open button is released
• The elevator is performing in Phase II operations as designed
Elevator Ops Phase I Recall:
Once the lobby “emergency service” switch is turned to “on”, what elevator features are deactivated?
•Photo-electric beams
•Non-mechanical door retraction safety devices
•Auto-open door feature
Elevator Ops “Emergency Service” Switch:
If equipped, the ______ position is used during an incident to place the elevators in operation on a temporary basis when the entire building has been deemed safe for normal use, but there is still enough residual smoke to actuate the detector or the detectors are malfunctioning.
-bypass (key not removable)
Elevator Ops:
Elevators installed after October 15, 1985 must have a separate ______ button for use by emergency personnel to cancel selected floors inside the elevator.
-Call cancel
Elevator Ops:
While the elevator is operating in the “Independent Service” mode, the photoelectric hold open device is rendered inoperative, but the ______ feature will continue to function. These elevators ARE NOT subject to recall. For these reasons, do not use this feature for fire related emergencies.
automatic door open
Elevator Ops, Life-Saving Emergency Measures:
The use of the “Emergency Stop” switch should be used when?
-As a last resort. The activation may cause the elevator to come to a hard stop
A “High-rise Building” is defined as a building which is over 75‘ in height measured from ground level access to _______________.
The FLOOR LEVEL of the highest floor intended for occupant use.
(NOT to the actual height of the building. Most eight-story buildings are high-rise by definition, although some six- and seven-story buildings will fall into the high-rise category.)
Chapter 13 Building Design and Protection System
High-rise buildings are divided into two groups: “______ High-Rise” and “______ High-Rise.”
Existing (Pre-74) and New (Post 74)
Chapter 13 Building Design and Protection System
“Existing High-Rise” Buildings are ones which were constructed prior to July ______.
(Existing high-rise buildings may be divided into two sub-groups: those constructed prior to 1960 and those constructed between 1960 and 1974.)
Chapter 13 Building Design and Protection System
All high-rise buildings, then and today, are of Type ____ Construction, that is, noncombustible construction throughout. (2 Hour min rating)
The pre-1960 high-rises were generally constructed with a reinforced concrete exterior as opposed to the steel beam construction seen commonly today.
Type 1
Chapter 13 Building Design and Protection System
Post 1974: Instead of reinforced concrete, high rises were generally built with Steel Beams Coated With a Fire Retardant Material commonly known as ______.
Chapter 13 Building Design and Protection System
Buildings built 1960-1974 exceeding 150’ in height were required to install Combination (Class III) standpipe systems.
With a Class III standpipe system, the most common method of controlling working pressure at the various floor levels is with the installation of ________.
ORIFICE PLATES (restricts size of the outlet and thereby control the volume.)
This effectively lowers nozzle pressure when water is flowing; however, if the firefighting line is shut down, the increased static pressure at the nozzle may make it impossible to reopen.
Chapter 13 Building Design and Protection System
Every NEW high-rise building must have Emergency and Standby Power Systems (back-up generator). These systems operate the FIRE LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS within a new high-rise building if normal power is lost.
This power must be available for at least _____ hours at full demand.
8 hrs
Chapter 13 Building Design and Protection System
Implementation of the state mandated High-Rise Retrofit Program began in late 1976. The Basic Provisions of the Retrofit Program for existing (pre-1974) high-rise buildings include:
- Enclose stairwells
- Two means of egress. (One of which is enclosed, other could be fire escape)
- Provide a Fire Control Room
- “Evacuation Maps” of their building on each floor level at various approved locations.
- A Public Building Communication System and Fire sound power phone system was required in buildings over 150’
- Smoke detectors to recall elevators
Emergency power (back-up generator) was NOT REQUIRED by the state mandated Retrofit Program.
Chapter 13 Building Design and Protection System
Existing high-rise fire escapes were required to have wired glass or equivalent protection for the windows on all landings and within _____ft on either side of the landing.
Thus, IF windows are closed, there would be some protection for persons passing a fire floor.
Chapter 13 Building Design and Protection System
-In sealed buildings, breakable tempered glass windows are required on the perimeter of the building every 50 linear feet with a _____ square foot opening.
-These are supposed to be identified by a ____ inch minimum luminous or reflective Decals in a LOWER CORNER which indicates they are “tempered glass,”
-20 sq ft
Chapter 13 Building Design and Protection System -Halon Extinguishing Systems:
-Used to protect computers and other high value equipment.
-Use SCBA during investigations
-Use exhaust system if accidental discharge (switch just outside room)
-Once discharged it will take up ____% or more of the volume of the room
-Halon will decompose into toxic gases, principally _______, if permitted to heat to approximately 900 degrees Fahrenheit
Chapter 15 Lessons Learned:
Pressure Restricting Devices are devices that work just like an orifice plate, they regulate GPM.
They are usually found on floors of buildings where the system pressure exceeds _____ p.s.i., but not over ____ p.s.i.
100 to 150 PSI
Chapter 15 Lessons Learned:
Combined Standpipe Systems can have Pressure Regulating Devices for when the pressure at the outlet exceeds 150 p.s.i.
They may have orifice plates when the system pressure falls below 150 p.s.i.
Pressure Regulating Devices regulate pressure and currently limits the GPM to ______.
Chapter 15 Lessons Learned:
Keep a firefighter at the valve whenever you remove the orifice plate for safety, and open the outlet slowly _____ turns. (You can adjust the outlet as needed).
1-1/2 turns
Chapter 15 Lessons Learned:
When you have hooked up to a Pressure Restricting Device and the flow at the nozzle is insufficient, break the ____ or ____ which is preventing you from opening the valve fully.
Open the valve enough to get an effective fire fighting stream, and keep a firefighter at the valve for safety.
tang or pin
Chapter 12 Air Ops
Helicopters serve many useful purposes during high-rise firefighting operations.
They can be deployed for:
-Deployment of Personnel and Equipment
Chapter 12 Air Ops
The following minimum helicopter response times from the Van Nuys Airport may serve as guidelines in requesting helicopter assistance:
Downtown Area: ____ minutes
San Fernando Valley: ____ minutes
West Los Angeles Area: ____ minutes
Harbor Area: ____ minutes
DOWNTOWN Area: 10-12 minutes
San Fernando Valley: 5-7 minutes
WEST Los Angeles Area: 10 minutes
Harbor Area: 20 minutes
Chapter 12 Air Ops
ANY fire suppression company or rescue ambulance crew may be assigned to operate from, or be transported by, Department helicopters.
Personnel can be airlifted to the roof or to a medical care area. Typical uses of personnel include:
- Search
- Rescue
- Roof Evacuation
- Check for Fire Extension
- Medical Group
- Roof Division (open penthouse door, stair shaft, ventilation, etc.)
- Fire Attack
Chapter 12 Air Ops
A hoist may be used when the people to be rescued are trapped on a balcony or on a roof without a landing area.
Hoist rescues are limited to _____ft or approximately 20 stories below the roof.
Chapter 12 Air Ops
When waiting to load and/or board a Department helicopter, LAFD personnel shall form a single line at least _____ft from the aircraft, toward the front side, in full view of the pilot at all times.
When disembarking, walk in stooped over position 50ft away…not in line with intended flight departure path
Lobby Control responsibilities:
-controlling elevators
-controlling vertical access routes
-activating building communication system
-Contol air handling system
-pressurization of stairwells
-coordinate logistical support between Base and Staging
Combination Standpipe Outlets:
If the residual pressure at the 2-1/2” outlet exceeds _____ p.s.i., an approved device must be provided to reduce the nozzle pressure to 45 p.s.i.
The system utilized in these buildings is ORIFICE PLATES on the outlets.
When Dry Standpipes are installed, outlets are provided at every floor level and roof landing of required enclosed stairways, fire escapes and smoke towers, except the first floor.
Outlets are located based on the requirement that every point within the structure must be reachable by a ___ ft stream of water from a nozzle attached to 100’ of hose.
30 foot
As a result of the First Interstate Bank Building Fire in May 1988, a Retrofit Sprinkler Ordinance was passed in August of 1988 requiring installation of fire sprinklers in __________.
ALL existing high-rise OFFICE buildings.
Characteristics COMMON to ALL High-Rise Buildings:
- Fire Department Lock Box
- Some degree of Compartmentation
- Minimum two approved means of egress on each floor
- Standpipes for LAFD use
- Automatic Elevators with emergency service
- Some Type of Smoke Control
- Floor Level Numbering Signs
- Occupant evacuation program
When shall the Incident Commander designate a Rapid Intervention component to stand by?
As incidents expand beyond the first alarm assignment
The Incident Command Channel is normally not utilized until?
A second alarm assignment has arrived on scene.
What channels will the Staging manager monitor?
-the Command Channel for deployment of resources with the IC/Operations
-the Logistics Channel to order equipment.
What assignments shall utilize the Logistics Tac Channel?
-Logistics Chief
-Ground Support
What assignments shall utilize the Incident Command Channel?
-General Staff
-Command Staff
-Division/Group Supervisors
The Medical Unit (not referring to Medical Group) reports to the Logistics Section Chief or the Service Branch Director (if established).
The Medical Unit is primarily responsible for:
-development of the Medial Emergency Plan
-providing medial aid and transportation for injured and ill INCIDENT PERSONNEL
-providing REHABILITATION services for incident personnel, and for the preparation of reports and records.
(MAY assist the Incident Commander or Operations in supplying medical care and transportation to civilian casualties, but this is normally limited to situations where civilian casualties are few or not anticipated)
The _______ Unit Leader within the PLANNING Section is responsible for the preparation of the Demobilization Plan which includes CAUSE DETERMINATION and OVERHAUL. The Unit Leader may be assigned the responsibility for re-entry of occupants to retrieve necessary personal items, i.e., medicine, clothing, and family pets, etc.
Demobilization Unit Leader
The _______ Unit creates and maintains a display of CURRENT situation status and maintains a record of COMMAND PERSONNEL.
Situation Status Unit
The _______ Unit creates and maintains a current ROSTER of the companies assigned to the incident of their status.
Resource Status Unit
(As the Incident Commander is responsible for overall personnel accountability for an incident, this unit shall initiate an accountability and inventory worksheet (F-666) at the very beginning of company deployment and shall maintain that system through completion of the incident.)
The Safety Officer reports to the Incident Commander and is responsible for the recon and assessment of hazardous or unsafe situations such as fire behavior changes to assure personnel safety.
The Safety Officer will correct unsafe acts through the REGULAR LINE OF AUTHORITY, except that EMERGENCY AUTHORITY may be exercised to __________.
Stop or prevent unsafe acts when immediate action is required.
(The IC shall be immediately notified by the Safety Officer if any changes impact ACCOUNTABILITY or TACTICAL OPERATIONS.)
Until a Safety Officer is assigned, the _______ has the responsibility for monitoring incident safety.
Incident Commander
Depending on conditions on the fire floor, there is the possibility of smoke entering the stairwell through the door held open by the fire attack hose line.
Fire attack may have to be delayed until __________.
control of the stairwell has been established ABOVE the fire floor in order to ensure exiting OCCUPANTS will not be exposed to the products of combustion.
Extreme caution must be exercised when performing HORIZONTAL ventilation in a high-rise fire due to the effects from wind.
If horizontal ventilation is being contemplated:
-Charged HOSE LINES must be positioned PROTECTING horizontal openings including means of egress, stairwells, and hallways.
-CONSIDER venting the LEEWARD side of the building when the need exists. However, be prepared for changing wind directions
When the initial fire attack team reaches the fire floor and deploys a hose line, how many members go into the IDLH to attack the fire?
TWO members shall be used as fire attack
TWO members standby in the stairwell.
(The company officer could remain in the stairwell with another standby member OR the company officer could be part of the two member fire attack team.)
The objective of the fire suppression efforts will be to ___________.
locate, confine, and extinguish the fire.
In choosing a fire attack stairwell, select a stairwell that has GROUND to ROOF ACCESS whenever possible
However, choosing a fire attack stairwell should be a tactical decision based on the following:
-location of the fire in relationship to the stairs
-has stairway pressurization features
-if being used by occupants for evacuation
-safest access to the fire
When the relocation of occupants is necessary outside of the building, an ASSEMBLY AREA should be established.
__________ should be given the assembly area responsibility.
Los Angeles Police Department
Gaining control of an evacuation and providing direction to building occupants will be greatly simplified in those buildings which are equipped with a PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM.
The designated Fire Department member will communicate with the building occupants on a ______ basis.
It must be determined whether a complete, partial, or no evacuation is necessary. This information needs to be communicated to building occupants by using the building’s public address system or other means. This task is usually initially assigned to LOBBY CONTROL.
Who must also be notified of evacuation status and objectives?
The BEST way to protect high rise occupants from smoke and fire is __________.
A quick, aggressive ATTACK combined with proper VENTILATION
The ________ will determine WHICH stairwell is the most suitable for fire attack and concentrate resources to control that stairwell.
Incident Commander
Who is responsible for the priority MOVEMENT and COORDINATION of personnel and equipment between BASE and STAGING?
Lobby Control