Biology || Health And Disease B5 Flashcards
Chemical Barriers?
Stomach - produces hydraulic acid that kills pathogens that are swallowed,
Eyes - produce a chemical called lysozyme (in tears) which kills bacteria on surface of eye.
How White Blood Cells Kill Pathogens?
Pathogens have antigens,
When your B- lymphocytes come across a pathogen with a antigen on it, they start to produce antibodies,
These antibodies bind with the antigens on the pathogen,
They group the pathogens together,
The phagocytes come and engulf the pathogens,
Lymphocyte Memory cells are left behind.
Physical Barriers?
Skin - blood clots,
Hairs and Mucus - trap particles,
Cells in Trachea and Bronchi - produce mucus which traps pathogens (cilia).
WHO Definition Of Health?
“A state of physical, mental and social well being and not nearly the absence of disease or infirmity.”
Non-Communicable Diseases?
Can’t be transmitted between individuals.
Communicable Diseases?
Can be spread between individuals.
Pathogens Examples?
What Causes Communicable Diseases?
Genetic material wrapped in protein coat,
Need a host cell to reproduce,
Specific virus’ will infect specific cells,
Reproduce using hosts body cells.
Disease Definition?
Condition where part of an organism doesn’t function properly.
Sexually transmitted disease,
Spread through sexual contact,
E.g. HIV or Chlamydia.
“Human Immunodeficiency Virus”,
It’s a sexually transmitted virus,
Infected and kills white blood cells,
Can lead to AIDS,
Can spread through blood, semen and vaginal fluids,
Avoid HIV by using condoms and now sharing needles,
Medication is used to prevent spreading.
Communicable Disease Examples?
Chalara Ash Dieback.
Bacterium called Vibrio Cholerae,
Causes diarrhoea,
Spreads by contaminated water sources,
Avoid by drinking clean water.
Bacterium called Mycobacterium Tuberculosis,
Causes coughing and lung damage,
Travels and spreads by the air when infected people cough,
Infected should avoid crowded places, practise good hygiene, sleep alone and keep home well ventilated.
Protist causes this,
Causes damage to red blood cells and in severe cases, to the liver,
Mosquitos act as animal vectors and pass the protist to humans but don’t get the disease themselves,
Mosquito nets and insect repellent prevents mosquitoes carrying the pathogen from biting people.
Chalara Ash Dieback?
Caused by a fungus that infects ash trees,
Causes leaf loss and bark lesions (wounds) in trees,
Carried through the air by the wind and spreads when ash trees are moved,
Removing infected ash trees and re-planing them will prevent this and also restricting the movement of ash trees.
Immune system fails,
Person becomes very vulnerable to common pathogens and can die from a simple cold.
Sexually transmitted bacterial infection,
Bacterium works similarly to HIV because it needs a host cell to reproduce,
Can result in infertility in men and women,
Wear condoms, go to screening and avoid sexual contact to avoid.
Specific Immune Response?
Response to a specific pathogen.
Injecting dead or inactive pathogens into the body,
These pathogens will not affect the body but they are antigenic,
This causes antibodies to be released,
Memory Lymphocytes are left behind and if a live pathogen infects the body, secondary immune response will attack.
Carrie antigens,
Pathogens are antigenic.
Test bacterial infections but do not treat virus’,
Work by inhibiting the bacteria cell whilst avoiding the host cell,
Does this by building around the cell wall of the bacterium (animal cells / human cells don’t have cell walls) which stops the bacterium from diving and eventually kills it,
Different antibiotic kill different bacteria.
Secondary Immune Response?
Allows body to respond quicker,
Gets rid of the pathogen before symptoms begin.
Clinical Testing Process?
If drug passes animal testing, it is tested on human volunteers in a Clinical Trial,
Drug is tested on healthy people first so we can see any harms,
Drug then tested on ill people which helps find the optimum dose,
Patients are then put into groups, some are given a placebo and some are given the real drug. These tests are usually blind or double-blind,
Finally, the drug must be approved by medical agency’s.
Blind Trial?
The patient does not know what drug they are taking,
The drug might be placebo.
Double-Blind Trial?
Nor the patient or the doctor knows if the drug is real or placebo.
Optimum Dose?
Dose of drug that has the best affect with the least side affects.
A substance that looks like a drug but does not do anything.
Pre-Clinical Testing?
Drugs are tested on human cells and tissue in a lab,
This limits discovery of the drug because we can only see the effect on a few cells, not a full organism,
The drug is then tested on animals to see if it is toxic and to find the right dosage. This is also done to see if the drug actually works.
Risk Factor?
Something that increases the risk of having a certain disease,
Risk factors can be unavoidable such as gender or age,
Risk factors can also be lifestyle choices.
Penicillin Discovery?
Alexander Fleming was cleaning out petri-dishes of bacteria,
He noticed one of the dishes had mould growing on it and no bacteria around it,
The mould was releasing penicillin and killing the bacteria.
Smoking As A Risk Factor?
Nicotine increases heart rate which increase blood pressure,
High blood pressure damages artery walls,
This contributes to the build up of fatty deposits in arteries,
Deposits restrict blood flow and increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes,
Smoking causes blood clots which can also lead to heart attacks and strokes.
Weight (kg)
Height (m2),
Above 25 is overweight,
Not always accurate because of muscle mass.
Non Communicable Disease Risk Factors?
Lack of exercise,
Diet of high saturated fat.
Waist To Hip Ratio?
Waist Circumference
Hip Circumference
Must both be measured in the same units,
Higher the waist to hip ratio, the more fat carried around middle,
Above 1 is high for men,
Above 0.86 is high for women.
Effects Of Non-Communicable Disease?
Affect the NHS,
Might not be enough beds, money and staff to treat,
Reduction in the amount of people working because they might be in hospital,
Holds back development of a country.
Cardiovascular Disease?
Any disease affecting the heart or blood vessels.
Deficiency in vitamin C.
Not getting enough exercise and eating a diet of high saturated fat.
Non-Communicable Diseases?
Cardiovascular Disease,
Liver disease.
Liver Disease?
Drinking too much alcohol can lead to this,
Cirrhosis (scaring of the liver) happens because alcohol is broken down by enzymes in the liver and some of the products of this reaction are toxic,
Drinking too much can cause permanent liver damage.
Drugs For Cardiovascular Disease?
How Does Cardiovascular Disease Happen?
Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart,
Cholesterol is a fatty substance needed in the body to make cell membranes, etc,
Too much cholesterol can cause fatty deposits in arteries,
This restricts blood flow,
Deposits form where arteries have been damaged (this happens due to high blood pressure),
This also triggers blood clots.
Strokes Happen?
Blood clot in brain.
Heart Attacks Happen?
Blood clot in artery supplying oxygen to the heart.
Surgical Procedures To Stop CVD?
Stems put into the arteries to keep them open,
However, over time, the artery can narrow again and the stem can cause irritation which leads to scar tissue building on artery,
Healthy tissue can also be used and taken from elsewhere on the body, this tissue is used in Coronary Bypass Surgery,
Heath Transplants can also take place.
Reducing Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease?
Healthy diet,
Low saturated fat,
Loose weight,
Stop smoking.
Heart Transplants?
Whole heart can be replaced by a donor heart,
Drugs need to be used to get the heart to pump,
The body will reject the heart if the drugs are not taken,
These drugs have side affects which make you more venerable to infections,
Risk of bleeding, clots and infection.
Coronary Bypass Surgery?
Healthy vessel taken from elsewhere and used to bypass the blocked section.
Reduce cholesterol in the bloodstream,
This slows down the rate at which the fatty deposits form,
This reduces risk of heart attacks and stroke,
However, they can sometimes cause negative side effects such as aching muscles and in serious cases, liver damage.
E.g. Warfarin,
Make blood clots less likely to form,
Can cause excessive bleeding if a person is in an accident.
Reduce blood pressure,
Prevents damage to blood vessels and reduced risk of fatty deposits forming,
Side effects are headaches and fainting.