Biochemistry Part 2: Bonds Flashcards
When do Bonds form?
Bonds form when two nuclei attract the same electrons.
What happens to the energy when bonds are formed?
Energy is released.
How does a bond break?
Energy must be absorbed in in order to break the bonds.
Why do atoms form bonds?
To gain stability and complete the outer shell.
What are the two types of Atomic Bonds?
Ionic Bond and Covalent Bond
Define the two types of atomic bonds.
Ionic Bonds occur when electrons are transferred. Covalent bonds occur when electrons are shared.
What are two types of atoms in an Ionic Bond?
Anions and Cations
Define the two types of atoms in an ionic bond.
Anions are atoms that gain electrons. Anions are negative charged. Cations are atoms that lose electrons. Cations are positive charged.
When does a single covalent bond occur?
A single covalent bond occurs when two atoms share one pair of electrons.
When does a double covalent bond occur?
A double bond occurs when two atoms share two pairs ofelectrons.
When does a triple covalent bond occur?
A triple covalent bond occurs when two atoms share three pairs of electrons.
What are the two types of covalent bonds?
Two types of covalent bonds are polar and nonpolar bonds.
What are the differences between the two types of bonds in covalent bonds.
It depends if the electrons are shared equally or not.
Polar bonds: Are shared unequally. Bonds between any two atoms that are unalike. Example: (c-o). Stronger bonds than nonpolar bonds.
Nonpolar bonds: Are shared equally. Bonds are formed between any two atoms that are alike. Example: (c-c)ز
What are intermolecular attractions?
They are attractions between molecules.
Which bond is stronger? Nonpolar or Polar Bonds.
Polar bonds are stronger than nonpolar ones.
Why is Hydrogen Bonding so important?
They are responsible for the special characteristics in water and they keep the two strands in the DNA together.
Is the bonding in water Polar or Nonpolar?
It is Polar because it is unbalanced and hydrogen is a type of hydrogen bonding.
What kind of attractions exist between nonpolar bonds?
Only the weakest attractions (Van der Waal). Example: Carbon Dioxide. It is linear and balanced.