Biochemistry Part 10: Organic Compounds Part 4: Proteins Part 3: Enzymes Flashcards
What are Enzymes?
Enzymes are large proteins.
What is the function Enzymes are responsible for?
Enzymes speed up reactions lowering the Energy of Activation (Ea).
What is the Energy of Activation?
It is the energy needed to start a reaction.
The chemical an Enzyme works on is…
A substrate.
Enzymes are like puzzles, only substrate A will bind into Enzyme…..
How do substrates and enzymes work?
As the substrate enters the active site, It induces the enzyme to change its shape slight so the substrate can fit perfectly.
Why can’t some people digest Lactose?
Because they lack an Enzyme called Lactase.
Why was the Lock and Key model abandoned?
Because it implied that the enzyme doesn’t change.
What happens if an Enzyme is used.
It is reused not degraded.
How are Enzymes named?
They are named after their substrate and end with ‘‘ase’’. Example: Sucrase.
What assists the Enzymes in its functions?
The Cofactors: Minerals, and Coenzymes: Vitamins.
What affects the efficiency of an enzyme?
The efficiency of an enzyme is affected by the Temperature and the PH.
When the enzymes denature, …………..
They lose their shape and stop functioning.
Some enzymes work best in acidic PH environments and some work best Alkaline environment. Give examples.
Gastric Enzymes become active at low PH levels when mixed with stomach acid. Intestinal Amylase works best in Alkaline environment.
What are Prions?
They are infectious proteins that cause several brain diseases including Mad Cow disease.
How do prions cause disease?
It is a misfolded version of a protein normally found in mammals. They cause disease as soon as they touch or get into a normal brain, causing all the other proteins to fold.