Biochemistry 4th LE 2015 (with laboratory) Flashcards
The ratio of micronutrient in relation to the amount of macronutrient. A. Nutrient Density B. Tolerable upper intake level C. Adequate intake D. Optimum Nutrition
The least amount of carbohydrate intake per day to prevent ketosis A. 100 gms B. 200 gms C. 300 gms D. 400 gms
The % of unsaturated fatty acids from the TCR: A. 10% B. 15% C.20% D. 30%
Which of the following food nutrients gives a CO2/O2 ratio of 1? A. Protein B. Fats C. Carbohydrates D. Alcohol
A child’s nutritional status is best assessed by Waterlow’s Classification because of the following reasons EXCEPT:
A. It detects wasting in acute malnutrition.
C. It detects degrees of protein-calorie malnutrition.
B. It detects stunting in chronic malnutrition.
D. It detects onset of kwashiorkor
In recent survey by FNRI Filipinos were found to be deficient in the following nutrients EXCEPT: A. Iron B. Vitamin A C. Iodine D. Thiamine
A reduction of 2kg in body weight id equivalent to a reduction of how many calories: A. 10000 cal B. 12700 cal C. 13500 cal D. 15000 cal
One of the following nutrients is deficient in a vegetarian diet: A. Calcium B. Magnesium C. Amino Acid histidine D. Polyunsaturated fats
A 4-year old baby girl was admitted to the hospital because of anasarca and diarrhea. On PE, she has sparse hair, skin pigmentation and hepatomegaly. Serum protein was decrease. This patient is suffering from what nutritional disorder? A. Marasmus B. Kwashiorkor C. Thiamine deficiency D. Pyridoxine
The calories spent for the digestion and absorption of food is added to the computation of TCR as: A. Physical activity B. Basal Metabolic Rate C. Specific Dynamic Action D. Heat of combustion
A staple diet consisting of corn is deficient of the following essential amino acids: A. Phenyalanine B. Histidine C. Tryptophan D. Methionine
Compared to human milk, the limiting or deficient amino acid in cow’s milk is: A. Lysine B. Methionine C. Leucine D. Threonine
Which of the following activities gives the highest energy expenditure? A. Bicycling B. Swimming C. Running D. Jogging
One of the following staements is not true:
A. Animal protien is more digestible than plant proteins.
B. Egg contains all the essential amino acid.
C. Rice does not contain protein
D. Amino acis of fish is 100%
Which statement describes the intestinal absorption of water soluble vitamins?
A. Animal sources are absorbed in their co-enzyme form
B. Plant sources undergo alkaline cleavage to facilitate absorption
C. Absorption requires mediated-facilitated diffusion
D. Intestinal mucosal transport occurs in the duodenum
Which vitamin structure pair is required?
A. Isoaloxazine ring oxidation: reduction
B. Nicotinamide: transamination
C. Methylpyridine:decarboxylation
D. Thiazole ring : acyl group transfer
Thiamin pyrophosphate is essential in conversion to ketoacid to? A. Acetyl Coa B. Acyl Coa C. Coenzyme A D. Lipoamide
Coenzyme in the 2-carbon shuttle during the oxidation of glucose? A. CoA B. Lipoic Acid C. NADH D. TPP
Which enzyme product pair is inverted in the synthesis of riboflavin-derived coenzyme? A. FAD pyrophosphonylase B. FADH2 dehydrogenase C. FMN pyrophosphatase D. FADH reductase
Precursor of the coenzyme that is reactive with alpha amino groups?
A. Biotin
B. Cyanocobalamin
C. Pyridoxine – proteins because of transamination
D. Riboflavin
The coenzyme that participates in the transfer of carboxyl group to acetyl CoA:
Lipids (Carboxylation reaction, involving biotin)
What effect of calcitriol requires a hormone-like mechanism?
Intestinal calcium and phosphorus absorption
Vitamin A derivative that stimulate gene expression of proteins for cell growth? A. Retinoyl Phosphate B. Retinoic acid C .Retinaldehyde D. Retinol
Which statement describes the role of vitamin K in the activation of clotting factors?
A. Reductase catalyzes the inactivation of the inactive form
B. Carbonilase requires the coenzyme 2,3
C. Ca-transfers a carboxyl group to activate the clotting factors
D. Carboxylation is coupled with the oxidation of hydroquinone
Which enzyme:mineral pair is correct? A. Copper:gluthaione reductase B. Selenium: Ferroxidase C. Magnesium:PDH D. Zinc: Superoxide Dismutase
Protein responsible for the conversion of FE-3 to FE-2? A. Cerrulodamin B. DMT-1 C. Ferropontin D. Hepcidin
Mineral: Function pair is correct? A. Calcium: membrane transport B. Chromium: structure C. Flouride: prosthetic group D. Sodium: hormone function
The decreased permeability down the cephalocaudal axis of the GIT is due to an increased amount of which enzyme? A. Adherens junctions B. Aquaporins C. Protein strands in tight junction D. Receptors for 2nd messenger
Functional polarity of the GI epithelial cell is characterized by which of the following?
A. EnaC are present in the apical membrane of the distal colon enterocytes
B. Na-K-ATPase is present in the apical membrane of all GI epithelial cells – most answered this but, it is not found in the apical membrane
C. Receptors for bacteria are located in the basolateral membrane of the GI enterocytes
D. The TJ of the distal colon is leaky compared to that of the small intestines
Which statement is correct about the Na-K-ATPase ?
A. It is an eletroneutral system at the basolateral membrane of GI epithelia
B. It possess binding sites for sodium, potassium, sodium, ATP
C. It maintains a positive intracellular potential difference of GI epithelia
D. It mediates the potassium influx and efflux in all GI epithelial cells
Which statement is correct about the hydrogen-potassium-ATPase?
A. A symporter that mediates an electrogenic process
B. Predominant role is for regulation of hydrogen and potassium levels
C. Located at the basolateral membrane of the distal colon
D. Stimulates SCFA absorption in the colon enterocytes
Correct NHE isoforms: function pair? A. NHE1 : HCL production B. NHE2: electrogenic sodium absorption C. NHE3: electroneutral sodium absorption D. NHE4: regulation of cellular pH
TRUE about sodium absorption in the GIT?
A. Aldosterone stimulates both epithelial sodium channel and NHE
B. Electroneutral sodium absorption is the major route in the small intestines
C. Electroneutral sodium absorption is the major route in distal colon
D. The accepted model for sodium influx is via Na+/CL- cotransporters
Which is the major transporter for GIT HCO3 secretion? A. CFTR B. Cl/HCO3 exchanger C. DRA D. NA+/HCO3 cotransporter
Increased cAMP results to stimulation of which process?
A. Cl- digestion via Cl-/HCo3 exchanger
B. Duodenal HCO3 absorption
C. Electroneutral NaCl absorption
D. Na+/glucose absorption in S.I.
Absorption of short chain fatty acids in the colon results to Na+ and fluid absorption due to up regulation of which transporters? A. NHE1 B. NHE3 C. NHE4 D. All are correct
Which of the following does NOT result to a secretory type of diarrhea? A. Aldosterone B. Calcium C. cGMP D. Diacylglycerol
A.M. 15 years old, female developed 5 bouts of loose, non-foul, non-bloody, watery diarrhea after intake of ice cream and chocolate cake for snacks. A.M. has no dehydration.
What is the mechanism of diarrhea of A.M.?
A. Inhibition of SGLT1
B. Inhibition of NKCC1
C. Stimulation of ENaC
D. Stimulation of water efflux
A.M. 15 years old, female developed 5 bouts of loose, non-foul, non-bloody, watery diarrhea after intake of ice cream and chocolate cake for snacks. A.M. has no dehydration.
Which measure will stop diarrhea of A.M.
A. Antibiotics B. IVF administration
C. Nothing per orem. D. ORS
M.M. 23 years old male complained of frequent, large volume diarrhea amounting to 10-12 bouts/day. His diagnosis is cholera.
What is the major mechanism for the derangement of fluid and electrolyte transport of M.M.?
A. Dec. electroneutral NaCl absorption in the distal colon
B. Dec. SCFA-stimulated Na+ absorption in the distal colon
C. Inc. Cl- secretion due to inc cyclic AMP in the entire GIT
D. Inc. fluid efflux due to inc. T.J. permeability in the jejunum.
M.M. 23 years old male complained of frequent, large volume diarrhea amounting to 10-12 bouts/day. His diagnosis is cholera. What measures will LEAST benefit M.M.? A. Antibiotics B. IVF administration C. Nothing per orem D. OR therapy
Which of the following is correct about intercellular regulation of fluid and electrolyte in the GIT?
A. Inc. luminal complality-> up regulation of NHE
B. Inc. SCFAs -> stimulation of colonic absorption of fluid.
C. Inc. inflammatory cells in lamina propria -> dec Cl- secretion
D. Inc. distention of the GIT -> dec fluid and mucus secretion
B or A
Which key enzyme in liver is activated by protein kinase A?
A. Acetyl Coa carboxylase
B. Glycogen synthase
C. HMG CoA synthase (ketone body synthesis)
D. HMG Coa reductase
Which of the following contributes to higher rate of nutrient utilization in breast milk? A. Higher lactoferrin content B. Higher whey content C. Lower β-lactoglobulin D. Lower lactose
Low level of the following breast milk components is of physiologic advantage to the infant’s growing kidney? A. Lactose B. Proteins C. Saturated fatty acids D. Vit. K
This is the significance of whey proteins in breast milk? A. Faster digestion B. Enhanced CNS myelinization C. Lower incidence of dental caries D. Lower incidence of abdominal colics
The role of carnitine enhancement in milk formulas is to?
A. Increased energy yields from fat
B. Promote higher rate of iron absorption
C. Prevent essential fatty acid deficiency
D. Increased level of Vit. D
The immunoglobulin that offers resistance against gastrointestinal and respiratory infections among breast fed infants is? A. IgA B. IgE C. IgG D. IgM
Which of the following is TRUE of absorption and excretion of H₂O and electrolytes in the normal GIT?
A. Majority of H₂O is absorbed in the small intestines
B. Absorption rate is lesser than secretion rate
C. NA⁺, K⁺ and Cl⁻ are excreted, H⁺ and HCO₃⁻ are absorbed
D. About 800 ml of H₂O is presents in the stool
Which of the following are routine treatment strategies in diarrhea with or without some dehydration?
A. Adsorbents B. Antimotility drugs
C. Antibiotics D. ORS
Metabolic acidosis in diarrheal dehydration is due to the following? A. Increased HCO₃⁻ losses in the stool B. Increased renal HCO₃⁻ reabsorption C. Increased renal H⁺ secretion D. Increased renal NH₄⁺ losses
Which of the following processes explain H₂O and electrolyte losses during bacterial toxin-induced diarrhea?
A. Increased luminal Cl⁻ secretions in the crypt cells
B. Increased NaCl absorption in the villus cells
C. Increased absorption of H₂O in the intestines
D. Increased absorption of K⁺ in enterocytes
Which of the following is the effect of increased glucose concentration in oral rehydration solutions? A. Decreased osmolarity B. Hyponatremia C. Increased H₂O reabsorption D. Osmotic diarrhea
WATER has the following chemical features?
A. A hydrogen ion with an electronegative charge
B. An Oxygen with 2X the electrostatic force of H⁺
C. The Van der Waals force is the predominant bond
D. The greater tendency to become H₂O
Which of the following BODY TYPE: Total percentage water is correct? A. Average male: 75 B. Adult male: 50 C. Obese female: 68 D. Thin infant: 80
Compute in liters the INTRAVASCULAR volume of an average female with a weight of 60 kg. A. 30 B. 20 C. 10 D. 5
Which mechanism about WATER CONTROL is TRUE?
A. Decreased blood pressure: decreased GFR
B. Increased osmolarity: decreased ADH
C. Increased ECF Sodium: decreased urine output
D. Increased thirst: decreased rennin secretion
In HYPOTONIC DEHYDRATION one of the following statements is TRUE:
A. The ECF Compartment expanded right after the dehydration
B. The osmolarity of the ECF is higher than the ICF
C. The ICF compartment increased in tonicity
D. The ECF compartment is decreased in volume
In the regulation of ECF Sodium, one of the following statements is correct: A. Cortisol decreases reabsorption B. Estrogen decreases reabsorption C. Growth Hormone decreases reabsorption D. Glucagon decreases reabsorption
What transporter is defective in Gittelman’s Syndrome? A. Na K 2 Cl channel B. K Channel C. Na-Cl channel D. Na K ATPase channel
Diabetes Insipidus is characterized by which findings in the urine: A. Low-specific gravity B. High protein C. Low K+ D. High Na+
The use of a LOOP DIURETIC will lead to: A. Decrease aldosterone reabsorption B. Decrease K+ excretion C. Increase Na+ reabsorption D. Increase tubular fluid secretion
Which of the following statements is TRUE about the renal handling of Sodium
A. Maximally absorbed in the proximal tubule
B. Regulated by intracellular Na+ concentration
C. Controlled by the secretion of K+ at the intercalated cell
D. Affected by intracellular calcium concentration
What electrolyte is falsely elevated in a hemolyzed blood sample? A. Chloride B. Magnesium C. Sodium D. Potassium
What is the most common manifestation of hypokalemia? A. Chest pain B. Muscle weakness C. Polyuria D. Seizure
A decrease in total body water will lead to an increase of: A. ADH B. GFR C. Potassium D. Urine output
Which of the following statements is true about the renal handling of Potassium:
A. It is partially filtered in the glomerulus
B. It is maximally reabsorbed in the proximal tubule
C. It is equally secreted at the loop of henle
D. The excretion of K+ is done by the principal cells
P.P., 35 year old business manager, was found to have the following physical examination & laboratory findings:
BP = 130/80 HR = 87 bpm Height = 5’2” Weight = 115 lbs
This is P.P’s body mass index classification:
A. Normal
B. Overweight
C. Obese
P.P., 35 year old business manager, was found to have the following physical examination & laboratory findings:
BP = 130/80 HR = 87 bpm Height = 5’2” Weight = 115 lbs
This is P.P’s blood pressure category:
A. Normal
B. Prehypertensive
C. Hypertensive Stage I
D. Hypertensive Stage II
P.P., 35 year old business manager, was found to have the following physical examination & laboratory findings:
BP = 130/80 HR = 87 bpm Height = 5’2” Weight = 115 lbs
The following lifestyle measures would be advisable:
A. Monitor blood pressure regularly
B. Maintain normal weight
C. Regular aerobic physical activity
D. All of the above
P.P., 35 year old business manager, was found to have the following physical examination & laboratory findings:
BP = 130/80 HR = 87 bpm Height = 5’2” Weight = 115 lbs
P.P. wants to adopt the DASH eating plan. An important feature of this diet is:
A. It is high in saturated fats
B. It is high in fruits & fiber
C. There is no restriction on salt intake
D. No dairy products are allowed
P.P., 35 year old business manager, was found to have the following physical examination & laboratory findings:
BP = 130/80 HR = 87 bpm Height = 5’2” Weight = 115 lbs
If P.P. wants to drink alcohol, he should restrict himself to ≤ how many drinks/day?
A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct Insensible water loss include 1. Stool 2. Respiration 3. Sweat 4. Urine
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct Effective serum osmolarity is affected by 1. Size of the solute particles 2. Blood glucose levels 3. Permeability of the membrane 4. Amount of K in the ecf
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct The regulation of urinary K secretion is dependent on 1. Luminal flow rate 2. Aldosterone 3. Extracellular K 4. Extracellular pH
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct what is the hormonal status of a patient with congestive heart failure 1. Increased renin 2. Decreased angiotensin 3. Increased aldosterone 4. Decreased angiotensinogen
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct Use if the following medications will cause transient shift of K 1. B2 agonist 2. Theophyline 3. Insulin 4. Metoprolol
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct Water depletion is common in 1. Burns 2. Diabetes inspidus 3. Diabetes mellitus 4. Diarrhea
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct Vitamin requirements in the synthesis of niacin include 1. Pyridoxine 2. Folic acid 3. Riboflavin 4. Nicotinamide
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct Vitamin precursors for the coenzyme involved in the oxidation of fatty acids for ATP generation 1. Niacin 2. Biotin 3. Riboflavin 4. Pantothenic acid
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct Which vitamin function pair is/are true 1. Biotin cell cycle regulation 2. Lipoic acid PPAR stimulation 3. Niacin cell signaling 4. Pyridoxine neurotransmitter synthesis
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct Which steroid ring carbons are hyrdroxylated to form the active form of Vitamin D. 1. 1 2. 7 3. 25 4. 24
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct Which are biologic functions of tocopherol? 1. Prevent oxidation of LDL 2. Stabilize ubiquinone 3. Reactive nitrogen species scavenger 4. Enhance heme synthesis
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct Minerals that serve as prosthetic groups in enzyme activity? 1. Cobalt 2. Molybdenum 3. Selenium 4. Zinc
A if 1,2,3 are correct
B if 1,3 are correct
C if 2,4 are correct
D if 4 is correct
E if all are correct
Which is correct about membrane protein transporters?
1. Channels and carriers are non-specific transporters.
2. Transporters are transport membrane proteins
3. Transport via channels and carriers is facilitated diffusion
4. Transport across channels is slower than across carriers
A if 1,2,3 are correct
B if 1,3 are correct
C if 2,4 are correct
D if 4 is correct
E if all are correct
Which statement is correct regarding NKCC1?
1. It is located at the apical membrane.
2. It is an electroneutral cotransporter.
3. It contributes to Na+ and K+ secretion
4. It is a major route for Cl- uptake.
A if 1,2,3 are correct
B if 1,3 are correct
C if 2,4 are correct
D if 4 is correct
E if all are correct
Which is TRUE about Na+ absorption via SGLT1?
1. About 5 L of H20 is absorbed during the process
2. It is an electrogenic transport process.
3. Glucose is absorbed by secondary active transport.
4. This process is inhibited by inc. cAMP
A if 1,2,3 are correct
B if 1,3 are correct
C if 2,4 are correct
D if 4 is correct
E if all are correct
What is the mechanism why inc Na+/nutrient cotransport increases fluid absorption?
1. Transcellular route using aquaporins in the small intestines.
2. Transcellular route via opening of the TJ in small intestine
3. Inc. permeability of TJ in the distal colon.
4. Stimulation of the trancellular route via aquaporins in distal colon
MODIFIED MULTIPLE CHOICE: A if 1,2,3 are correct B if 1,3 are correct C if 2,4 are correct D if 4 is correct E if all are correct Which is the correct mutation of the transporter-genetic problem pair? 1. CFTR:Meconium ileus in newborn 2. ENaC: Na+-sensitive hypertension 3. DRA: Chloride-rich acidic stools 4. NHE: Na+ rich acidic diarrhea
True or false
Osmotic Diarrhea is brought about by increased luminal hyperosmolarity
True or false
If K.C had diarrhea secondary to E. Coli Infection, The mechanism will be due to decreased Camp
True or false
Reformulated ORS stimulates SGLT1
True or false
Homemade ORS is composed of 1 liter clear potable water, 1 pinch of salt, and 8 teaspoons of sugar.
True or false
Formation of solid stools involves coordination of small and large intestine absorption