Bio197-lab9&10BONES Flashcards
Parietal bone
Forms the sides of the head
Frontal bone
Forms the forehead
Temporal bone
Surrounds the external ear opening (tympanic part)
Squamous suture
Separates the temporal (around ear) and parietal (sides of head) bones
External acoustic meatus
Canal leading from eardrum to middle ear
Styloid process
Needle-like pointed projection near the jaw and below the external acoustic meatus
Mastoid process
Rough projection below the external acoustic meatus and styloid process
Looks like a corner, parallel to jaw
Occipital bone
Back/ lower part of your head
Lamboid suture
Across back of skull
Separates parietal (sides of head) and occipital (back of head) bones
Foramen magnum
Large circular opening at the base of occipital lobe
Where spinal cord joins the brain
Occipital condyles
Round/kidney shaped projections(2) on base of skull next to the foremen magnum (opening)
Sphenoid bone
“Bat shaped,” behind eye balls in skull, is the width of skull
Ethmoid bone
NOT: Little bones in skull in the nose area (3)
Forms the roof of nasal cavity, upper nasal septum, and part of the medial orbit walls
Lower jaw bone
Mental foramen
2 little holes in the front of the jaw
Sagittal suture
Down the middle
Separates the parietal bone (sides of skull)
Occipital mastoid suture
Separates the occipital (back lower skull) and temporal bones (ear)
2 fused bones to form upper jaw, below nose, part of eye sockets
Lacrimal bone
Small bone forms part of eye socket, between ethmoid and maxilla
Right off nasal bone
Zygomatic bone
Cheek bone, side of eye sockets
Nasal bone
Forms the bridge of nose
Separates nasal cavity, forms nasal septum
Frontal sinus
Above eyebrows/ forehead
Ethmoid air cells
In-between eyes
Sphenoidal sinus
On bridge of nose, temples
BELOW ethmoid air cells
Maxillary sinus
C1, no spinous process, giant vertebra, foramen
Allows head to move up and down
C2, “dens,” fits into axis
Allows head to turn right to left
Cervical vertebrae
7 total C1-C7
Smallest, lightest, triangular, thin, get longer
Thoracic vertebrae
12 total, Mid-back, long thin processes, downward angle
Lumbar vertebrae
5 total, short thick, stubby processes
5 fused bone, triangle shaped
Triangular tip/point of sacrum
Fibrous membranes that connect infant skull bones together.
They don’t have skull sutures
Collar bone, wavy shape
Acromial end of clavicle
Enlarged, rough end
Connects to shoulder
Sternal end of clavicle
Smooth, pointed edge
Connects to sternum
Shoulder blade
Spine- on scapulae
On the back of shoulder blade, a raised line, diagonal
Acromion- scapulae
Connected to the spine, sticks out, rough rounded part
Coracoid process- scapulae
The other process that sticks out, pointed more, next to the acromion, attachment point for joints/muscles
Supraspinous fossa- scapulae
Area above the spine
Infraspinous fossa
Area below the spine
Medial border- scapulae
Inside of shoulder blade
Medial-towards the center of body
Lateral border- scapulae
Outside of shoulder
Lateral- away from the body
Subscapular fossa- scapulae
The FRONTS flat area of the shoulder blade
Glenoid cavity- scapulae
Round socket where humerus fits into
Upper arm bone
“M” shape on the bottom of the bone
Greater tubercle- humerus
The smaller outside bump
Next to the head of the humerus
Head of humerus
Large ball of top that fits into shoulder blade
Lesser tubercle- humerus
FRONT side, comes off the head, smaller raised rounded part
Deltoid tuberosity- humerus
Midpoint on FRONT, rough indentation
Radial fossa- humerus
Outside indentation, FRONT view
Next to coracoid fossa
Coracoid fossa- humerus
Middle indentation, FRONT view
The ball on the bottom, part of the “M” shape, FRONT view
Medial epicondyle- humerus
Raised rounded bump that goes towards the body, opposite side as the capitulum
Medial- towards the body
Epicondyle- bottom of bones
Trochlea- humerus
The “m” shaped part, seen from front and back views
Olecranon fossa- humerus
BACK view, the hollow indentation at the bottom
Lateral epicondyle- humerus
The bottom of the bone, bump, goes away from the body, opposite of the medial epicondyle
Lateral- away from the body
Epicondyle- bottom of bone
Lower arm bone, has flat round edge (top)
Thumb side, like radial pulse
Lower arm bone, coming off of the pinky
Top looks like ice cream scooper
Olecranon- ulna
Top/back part of “ice cream scooper” part, fits into olecranon fossa of humerus (back side)
Radial notch of the ulna
Where the top round/flat part of the radius fits into the ulna
Front view, lateral
Trochlear notch- ulna
Inside the “ice cream scooper”
Coronoid process- ulna
Front of the “u” shape in ice cream scooper
Head of the radius
The flat rounded top end
Radial styloid process
The bottom, pointed edge of the radius
Ulnar styloid process
The small pointed projection on the bottom of the ulna
Hand bones memory device
Thumb side in and repeat (for order)
Some- scaphoid Lovers- lunate Try- triquetrum Positions- pisiform That- trapezium They- trapezoid Can't- capitate Handle- hamate
The little hand bones (with phrase)
5 (fingers under skin)
Visible fingers
3 parts- distal (tip), middle, promixal (bottom)
Coxal bone
Hip bone
3 parts of hip bone
- Illium
- Pubis
- Ischium
Illium- hip
The “elephant ears” smooth top part
Pubis- hip
Front curve part of hip bone, pelvic area
Ischium- hip
Butt part, has the openings (obturator formen)
Iliac crest- hip
The rounded, top edge of illium
Sacroiliac joint- hip
Where the sacrum would fit into
Anterior superior iliac spine
The first, top bump on side of hip
FRONT view
Anterior inferior iliac spine
The second bump on the side of the hip
FRONT view
Acetabulum- hip
Joint socket where the femur fits into
Pubic symphysis
Piece of cartilage that connects the 2 sides of the hip together
Posterior superior iliac spine
BACK view, the first/top bump on side of hip
Posterior inferior iliac spine
BACK view, the second bump on the side of the hil
Obturator foramen
Big holes in the bottom of the hip
Female hips
Wider, farther away
Male hips
Tall, heart shaped, larger, closer
Thigh bone
Head- femur
Giant ball on the end
Fovea capitis- thigh
Small hole indentation in the head
Neck- thigh
Area in between head and rest of bone
Greater trochanter- thigh
The top of the outer bump coming off the neck
Lesser trochanter- thigh
The lower bump coming off the neck
Gluteal tuberosity- thigh
Site of muscle attachment at top of shaft, below lesser trochanter
Linea aspera- thigh
Center of the shaft, site of muscle attachment
Lateral epicondyle- thigh
Side, bottom of bone, going away from the body
Medial epicondyle- thigh
Side, bottom of bone, going towards the body
Lateral condyle- thigh
BACK view, back bottom of bone
Medial condyle- thigh
BACK view, back bottom of the bone, towards the body
Shin bone
Lateral condyle- tibia/shin
Outside part of the top of shin bone
Away from the body
Medial condyle- shin
Inside, top part of bone
Towards body
Tibial tuberosity- shin
Top couple bumps on shin bone
Medial malleolus- tibia
Point at the bottom of the shin bone
INNER ANKLE, how to tell front/back/side
Connects with the tibia, not weight bearing
Head- fibula
Top rounded part
Lateral malleolus- fibula
Bottom point of the bone, outer ankle?
Foot bones memory device
Tiger- talus Cubs- calcaneus Need- navicular M- medial cuneiform I- intermediate cuneiform L- lateral cuneiform C- cuboid
7 little foot bones
5 toes (under skin)
Visible toes