Bio exam 4 Ch 12 Flashcards
Why garden peas
-Easy to grow and manipulate
-Single plant has male and female gametes
-Can be self fertilized and cross fertilized
-Progeny allows for finding patterns
-Studied clearcut alternate traits
True breeding
-All offspring have characteristics with same traits
-AA aa
Monohybrid cross
-Heterozygous for a single train
-Observable physical feature
-Form of character
Law of segregation/Mendels Law
-2 alleles of a gene separate when an individual makes a gamete
-Genes are located on chromosomes
-When homologous chromosomes are separated during meiosis, 2 alleles for a gene separate
-Each haploid gamete receives 1 copy of a gene
Observable characteristic
Genetic makeup
Segment of a chromosomes that has genetic info to make a product
Form of a gene
Crossing homozygous recessive
Dihybrid cross
-YyRr x YyRr
-Genetically linked: YR or yy
-Independent: YR,YR, Yr, yr
Independent assortment
-Alleles of different genes assort independently during gamete formation.
-Doesnt happen when 2 genes are on same chromosome fairly close together
P, F1, F2 generations
P= parental
F1= First gen
F2= Second gen
Multiplication vs addition rule
-And = multiplication
-Or = addition
Pedigree analysis-Autosomal dominant
Every affected person has an affected parent
Pedigree analysis- Autosomal recessive
-Skip gens
-Parents can be unaffected
-1/4 of kids of heterozygous parents are affected
Co dominance
-2 alleles dominant over another
-Blood type ABO
-A and B over O
Incomplete dominance
-Alleles are neither dominant or recessive
-Heterozygotes have an intermediate phenotype
-Alleles of one gene masks the affect of others
-Basically recessive turns dominant
X linked recessive
-Trait more common in females
-Male can only pass mutations
-Daughters of affected males are heterozygous carriers