Bio exam 4 ch 11 Flashcards
Asexual reproduction
-Prokaryotes: Binary Fission
-Eukaryotes: Mitosis
-Offspring are clones
Sexual reproduction
-Eukaryotes: Meiosis
-Offspring are genetically different
-Gametes produced
-Gametes from 2 parents are combined through fertilization to produce zygote
Sexual life cycle
- Diploid germ cell goes through meiosis, makes haploid gametes
- Fusion of haploid gametes makes diploid zygote
- Diploid zygote goes through multiple rounds of mitosis, makes diploid multicellular offspring
Germ cell
-Reproductive cell
-Gives rise to gametes
-In ovary or testi
Diploid Domniant
Haploid Dominant
fungi, algae
Equal diploid and haploid dominant
Plants, some algae
-Cytoplasm is divided
-Animals: pinching of cytoplasm
-Plants: Cell wall forms
Meiosis 1 results
-2 haploid cells
S phase
-DNA replicates
-2 chromosomes
-4 sister chromatids
Prophase 1
-DNA condenses
-Cross over
Prometaphase 1
-Attached to spindle
-Nuclear envelope disappears
Metaphase 1
-Homologous chromosomes randomly line up as pairs
Anaphase 1
-Homologs separate
-Sisters still together
Telephase 1
-Nuclear envelope forms between each nuclei
-Cytoplasm divides
-Results in 2 haploid cells
Genetic diversity
-Crossing over
-independent assortment during metaphase 1
Meiosis II
-Sister chromatids are separated
-Same phases
-4 genetically different haploid gametes
Mitosis vs Meiosis
-Asexual vs sexual
-Single nuclear division vs 2 nuclear divisions
-Doesnt change ploidy (1n to 1n) vs Does change ploidy (2n to 1n)
-No independent assortment vs independent assortment