Bio 123: PP7 Material Flashcards
What are the groups of the Kingdom Protista?
1) Excavata
3) Rhizaria
4) Archaeplastida
5) Amoebozoans
What falls under the the Excavata group?
What falls under the Chromalveolata group?
The first major branch is: Alveolates
The second major branch is: Stramenophiles
What are the characteristics of the Excavata group?
They are the most ancients protists.
It includes the diplomonads, parabasalids, and the euglenozoans.
What are the the similarities between diplomonads and parabasalids?
- They are heterotrophs
-They have and move through the use of flagella - They have a pellicle
-They are unicellular
-Most are parasitic
A hard shell that protects their body
-Are more ancient in time than parabasalids
-have a modified mitochondria known as mitosomes (meaning it can only complete anaerobic metabolism)
-Have multiple flagella to help with movement.
-Are heterotrophs
-Have a pellicle
-Most are parasitic
-Have 2 equal sized nuclei
What is an example of a diplomonad?
G. lamblia - (Causes gerardia in animals)
What is the purpose of the mitochondria?
It is the powerhouse of the cell and its main purpose is to produce ATP
What are the characteristics of parabasalids?
-Are heterotrophs
-They have and move through the use of flagella
- They have a pellicle
-They are unicellular
-Most are parasitic
-Have a reduced mitochondria known at hydrogenosomes
-Have anaerobic metabolism
*Not all sexual diseases are viral or bacterial
What is an example of a parabasalid?
Trichomonas vaginalis- STD in animals
What are the characteristics of Euglenozoans?
-They are unicellular
- First organisms where we begin to see the development of sensory organs
-Are all aquatic (found in freshwater lakes and ponds)
-Have a contractile vacuole
-Have an eyespot
-Half are heterotrophs and half are autotrophs
-Are much more advanced than earlier excavata (diplomonads and parabasalids)
Contractile vacuole
regulates water in and out of the cell
Eye spot
Detects changes in light and helps them find their food
What is the cell structure of euglenozoans?
They have:
-golgi body
-contractive vacuole
- 1 long, thin, flagellum
What is the purpose of chloroplast?
Allows cell to photosynthesize
What is the purpose of the mitocondria?
To produce more ATP (energy to carry out basic cell functions)
What is the purpose of ribosomes?
To manufacture protein and send different things throughout the body.
What is the first branch of Chromalveolata?
Alveolates: All have tiny membrane bound sacs (alveoli) under their outmost membranes to help stabilize the cell surface.
What are the characteristics of ciliates?
- Are found in freshwater, saltwater, or soil
-Have cilia to to help with motility
-Prey on bacteria and algae
-Need moisture
-Have an anal pore to get rid of metabolic waste
-Have an oral groove
-Has 2 nuclei