Bible Exodus Flashcards
What are ways Pharaoh stifled the growth/power of Egypt?
He enslaved them, worked them harshly, oppressed them and made their lives bitter with labor, and told the midwives to kill the sons they give birth to
Why was God good to the midwives
They disobeyed Pharaoh and didn’t kill their sons because if they did, they would’ve been going against God
What language from Gen 1 is seen in Ex 1
In Gen 1, God tells Adam and Eve to be fruitful and increase in number and in Ex 1, the Israelites are fruitful and multiply
What are Moses’ parents’ names
Father Amram and mother Jochebed
How did Moses deal with the Egyptian oppression of his people
He striked an Egyptian
How much time passed in between Moses killing an Egyptian and him getting rebuked by Hebrew
1 day
What does the Bible mean by the phrase “God remembered…” list 3 promises
God remembered the covenants He made with Abraham and 3 are, I will make you a great nation, I will make your name great, I will bless you
Where did Moses see the burning bush and why was that place significant
He saw it on Mount Sinai and it’s significant because that’s where he received the 10 commandments and died
Name the 5 objections Moses used with God to try to get out of obeying him
He has no place to take the Israelites out of Egypt, he wouldn’t know what to say if the Israelites asked him what God’s name is, the Israelites won’t listen to him, he is unable to speak well, and pleaded God to send someone else
Name 3 signs/miracles that Moses and Aaron were able to perform
Turning a staff into a serpent, putting their hand inside their coat to get leprosy, and turning the Nile into blood
At what age did Moses leave and return to Egypt?
40 and 80
What was in the Most Holy place
The Ark of the Covenant
How many bases were required and what were they made of
40 bases, silver
What was the veil to be made from
Blue, purple, and scarlet yarns and fine twined linen
The tent curtains over the tabernacle were made from what
Goat’s hair
What was skillfully worked into the tabernacle
What was the length and breadth of each curtain
Length: 28 cubits, breadth: 4 cubits
What color were the loops on the curtains supposed to be
How many frames were to be made for the tabernacle
In which directions were the table and lamp stand to be placed outside of the veil
Table on the north side and lamp stand on the south
Describe how the veil was to be hung
Hang it on 4 pillars of acacia wood overlaid with gold on 4 bases of silver and hang it from the clasps
How many curtains were to be made as a tent over the tabernacle
What was the purpose of the veil
To separate the Holy place from the Most Holy
What were the 50 claps for the curtains to be made of
The 50 clasps for the tent over the tabernacle were to be made of
How many bars of acacia wood for the frames were to be overlaid with gold
What were the upright frames for the tabernacle made of
Acacia wood
How many loops in total were to be used for the curtains
100 loops
What was to be used as a covering for the tent
Tanned rams’ and goat’s skin
How many curtains were to be made for the tabernacle
What were the colors of the yarn to be used in the Tabernacle curtains
Blue, purple, and scarlet
What marked a new stage in God’s progressive self-disclosure to the Hebrew people
The revelation of the name Yahweh
What is reasonable to assume about the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) in regard to God’s name, Yahweh
They were familiar with the name Yahweh for God
What are 4 ways in which God has revealed His nature, person, and will for His people
The angle of the Lord, a flame in a bush, visions and dreams, cloud of guidance and pillar of fire
What does Ex 3:7-12 reveal about God’s character and purpose
God listens and is faithful, patient, loving, and caring for all His children
What do the 10 plagues declare
The confrontation between Moses and Pharaoh is actually a cosmic struggle between Yahweh and the false gods of Egypt
What do the final 2 plagues appear to be aimed at
The primary Egyptian deity and pharaoh
What may be understood as either the intensification of natural law or phenomena or the superseding of natural law of phenomena
The word miracle
According to the OT and NT, how were the Egyptian magicians able to perform counter-miracles against Moses and Aaron
Demonic powers
What was Pharaoh denying by rejecting God’s signs and wonders
God’s activity in human history