Bible 9 finals semester 2 Flashcards
Define the word redeem
Having been saved or delivered from sin
To purchase back/buy back
What was the job of the judges
Governed the people and led the army
Great grandmother of king David
Israel’s 1st judge
This tribe of Israel received cities instead of land
The Levites
Who was Boaz’s mom
She was a female judge who led Israel
This celebration reminded Israel of the Exodus…
4 part cycle found in the book of judges
Sin/disobedience, slavery/oppression, sorrow/repentance, salvation/deliverance
Left handed judge who killed king Eglon
He became Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer
What was the sad, but common theme during the time of Judges
The people did what was right in their own eyes
What does a Nazarite like Samson do to symbolize his devotion to God
Never cut his hair
In the 1 Samuel, what type of leader do the Israelites demand that Samuel appoint?
A king
The book of judges spans from…
Death of Joshua until the first king of Israel, Saul
In judges 2, what does God say He will never do
Break his covenant with his people
What was the major sin committed in the book of Judges
Saul met Samuel while he was looking for his father’s lost…
Saul didn’t wait for Samuel and Gilgal. He offered the __________ himself
Why did David write Psalm 51
To repent from adultry with Bathsheba
The son who tried to overthrow his father
David’s good friend who helped him escape
The king who asked for wisdom to lead God’s people and discern right from wrong
The giant whom David killed
God called him a man after My own heart
Elkanah and Hannah had a son named
Who was the first king of Israel
Who was the 2nd king of Israel
Who was the 3rd king of Israel
Who was the first king of Judah in the divided kingdom
In 1 Samuel, when Saul is relieving himself in a cave, David comes up behind him and cuts
His robe
Shortly before Saul’s death, who warns him that he will die fighting the Philistines
Ghost of Samuel
When David’s time to die drew near, what did he command Solomon
Be strong, show himself a man, keep the charge of God, walk in his ways, keep statues, commands, and rules
What did Solomon ask for that pleased the Lord
Wisdom to govern God’s people and to discern good and evil
What great evil did all of Israel’s kings and most of Judah’s kings commit
Who was it that confronted David about his sin with Bathsheba
Nathan the prophet
3 kings of Judah bought revival, leading their people to turn from idols and to workship God
Josiah, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah
Why did Israel demand to have a king
To be like surrounding nations
Know these facts about the Davidic covenant
God will make David’s name great
He will make peace for Israel
His son would be a great king
David’s house, kingdom, and throne would be established forever
His son would build the temple
Why was the Kingdom split into 2
Solomon began to rebel against God
Who assumes the throne immediately after Solomon’s death
God sent these people to confront the kings about their idolatry and disobedience to God
Who had a showdown with the priests of Baal
What did Elisha ask for
Double portion of Elijah’s spirit
Which animal did God use to supply Elijah’s food while hiding in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordna
What empire took the Northern Kingdom captive in 722 BC
What empire took the Southern Kingdom captive in 586 BC
Who was the Babylonian king who defeated the Judeans
What did the Babylonians do to the temple of Solomon when they conquered Jerusalem
They burned it
3 main characters introduced in 1 Samuel
Samuel, Saul, David
Capital of the northern kingdom
Capital of the southern kingdom
Prophet who foretold that 10 tribes would be given to Jeroboam
Led a group in rebuilding the walls around Jerusalem
Esther’s cousin
Became Queen of Persia and saved her people, the Jews, from death
Persian King who sent Zerubbabel to Jerusalem
The Northern Kingdom
The Southern Kingdom
Nehemiah and Esther live there
Persian king who Nehemiah served
Babylonian king who took captives form Judah
Persian king who married Esther
King Ahasuerus
Father of Rehoboam
King who brought revival by having the Book of the law read
He tried to destroy the Jews during Esther’s time
Nation that took Israel into exile
Exiles taken from Judah to this city by Nebuchadnezzar
Was made king after Rehoboam refused to listen to the people
Queen who lost her throne and was replaced by Esther
Performed many miracles, like healing Naaman of leprosy
The book of Job is unique because…
Set in Uz, no clear historical setting, characters are non-Israelites
What type of poetry is the book of Job
According to the Bible what kind of guy was Job
Blameless, righteous, honors God
What role does satan play in the book of Job
What does Job do once he’s fed up with his friends
He takes up his case directly to God
What was Job’s first response to his suffering
Worship and praise God
How many Psalms
Psalms are a collection of
Prayer, songs, poems
Major themes found in Psalms
Ways of communicating with God, godly wisdom, waiting for God’s kingdom and Messiah, calls people to worship Yahweh in light of His person and works
What is a passionate expression of grief or sorrow
What does the blessed person meditate on
The word in Hebrew for wisdom is
Wisdom is defined as
Skilled, applied knowledge
What does the fear of the Lord mean
Healthy sense of reverence for God
What category of literature is the book of Proverbs
Proverbs is generally associated with what author
My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent… Do not ___________________ with them; hold back your foot from _____________, for their feet run to evil
walk in the way, their paths
The author repeatedly uses language that speaks of…
Life as a journey
Psalm of praise
Call to praise, basis for praise, repeated call to praise
Lament psalm
First person address to God
Asking to be heard
Description of trouble
Explaining why God should answer
Statement of trust
Promise or sacrifice
Proverbs is unique among other Bible books because
Primarily involves a series of wise sayings on broad range of topics. These sayings can be readily understood when read alone
According to the book of Proverbs those who choose wisdom and follow God will be blessed in these ways
Long life, prosperity, joy, goodness of God
Qoheleth is a Hebrew word that means the one who gather people, it is translated as
Hebrew word hevel is used 38 times as metaphor it means
The author uses hevel to describe life as
Temporary/fleeting, an enigma/paradox, there one moment gone the next
What does “chasing after the wind” mean
Life is unpredictable
What is the whole duty of humankind
To fear God and obey His commands
Author of Ecclesiastes would say that this is something that people put so much energy and emotions on, but that doesn’t last and is meaningless
Wealth, pleasures, status, career
Who is called the weeping prophet
Who predicted that Jesus would be born of a virgin
Who wrote lamentations
Which prophet’s major contributions to the Bible is his prophecy concerning the coming Messiah
Who was thrown into a blazing furnace for refusing to bow down to a statue
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Isaiah warned the people of Judah that God was going to punish them because
They worshipped idols
Who fulfilled Isaiah’s prediction about the Messiah
When Jeremiah preached, the kings and priests did what
Beat him and tried to kill him
Ezekiel preached in which place
Humans who speak on God’s behalf
A message claiming to be of divine nature or origin
These are reasons God sent messages through prophets
Worshipping the gods of the other nation, not trusting God, corrupt justice systems, oppressing the poor
Daniel interpreted the king’s dream of a statue that was made of what
Gold, silver, bronze, iron, and clay
How did Daniel defy the king’s decree
He refused to stop praying to God
What represents the stone that crushed the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream
God’s kingdom
The prophet who had a vision of preaching to the dry bones
His book contains many messianic prophecies
Represented by bronze in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream
Medo-Persian empire
Witnessed the fall of Jerusalem and wept over it
Prophet who acted out his prophecies
King of Babylonian Empire
Anointed One means
Brought to Babylon in exile because he was smart and handsome
Represented by gold in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream
Babylonian empire
Represented by silver in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream
Medo-Persian empire
What is God’s response to why there is suffering in the world? How are we to respond to this
God’s world is amazing and very good, but it’s not perfect or always safe. It has order and beauty, but also is wild and dangerous. We are to put our trust and loyalty in God and believe that He is in control of all things
List 2 things that Isaiah prophesied about the Messiah
Jesus would be born from a virgin and prophesied that a great king would reign on David’s throne, he will be killed as a criminal
Explain what a Kinsman Redeemer is and who it was in the book of Ruth
The Law required a widow to let a relative of her husband buy back the land so the land would stay within the Israelites. The closest relative had this right and was known as the Kinsman Redeemer. Boaz was this because he redeemed the land for Naomi as her relative and took Ruth as his wife because he loved her
Explain how the Kinsman Redeemer principle in the book of Ruth was exemplified by Christ
Christ bought us out of sin. We were born in bondage to sin but Christ redeemed us with His blood. Born a human, Jesus is related by blood to all men and he became our Kinsman