Bible 9 finals semester 1 Flashcards
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers Deuteronomy
Pentateuch (Law)
Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther
Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs (Solomon)
Poetry/Wisdom Literature
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel
Major prophets
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Minor prophets
What is the Spirit of the Lord doing in Genesis
Hovered over the face of the deep
What did God do on day 1
He ordered light from darkness
What day was the expanse made
Day 2
When did God place lights in the expanse to separate day from night
Day 4
What was without form and void
When were the sea creatures and winged birds made
Day 5
When was dry land, vegetation, and the seas made
Day 3
What was created in the beginning
Heavens and the earth
When did God create man in his own image
Day 6
Who did God commission to fill the earth and have dominion
What is the Hebrew word used in the first line of the Bible that can be translated as God, gods, or spiritual beings
The state of chaos and nothingness to the ancient people
Tohu va vohu
The chaos waters where life cannot exist
The Hebrew word for wind/spirit/breath
Hebrew word for image or idol, it represents the king
God created man in his own…
Major theological themes learned from Genesis 1
God is the one who has power over sin
To be made in the image of God means…
We are made in the likeness of God
What were the 2 trees in the midst of the garden
Tree of life, tree of the knowledge of good and evil
What was God’s commands to the humans in Genesis 2
Humans can eat from any tree except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil
What did God say was not good in Genesis 2
It’s not good for man to be alone
Who did Adam blame for his sin
Eve and God
Who did Eve blame for being deceived
The serpent
The woman saw that the tree was
Good for food, delight to the eyes, desired to make one wise
What was the serpent’s reason for saying that the woman would not die if she ate from the tree which God had forbidden
She’ll be like God knowing good and evil, her eyes will open with delight
When the man heard the sound of the Lord in the garden, why was he afraid
He was naked
The consequences for the serpent are
It will be cursed above all livestock and it will be on it’s belly and eat dust forever
What 2 things did Adam do that caused the Lord to curse the ground
Listen to his wife and disobey God
Who asked, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?”
The Serpent
What did the Lord say would be between the serpent and the woman
He will put enmity between them
What did God say the offspring of the woman was going to do to the serpent
Crush it’s head
What did God make and cover the humans with
Garments of skin
How did God keep the humans from accessing the tree of life
He placed the Cherubim and a flaming sword
How long did the Lord say Adam would have to eat bread by the sweat of his face
Until he returns to the ground
Who was Eve’s firstborn son
Why did Cain become angry
God didn’t accept his sacrifice because it wasn’t blood
What does God tell Cain
“Why are you angry, and why has your face fallen?”
What did Cain do to his brother
He killed him
How did God say He knew what Cain had done
He asked him what he’s done and said he can hear the voice of Abel’s blood crying from the ground
Who are Noah’s sons
Japheth, Shem, Ham
Why did the Lord want to blot out humanity
Man became very sinful and God had to punish humanity
According to Gen 6, what type of man was Noah
Righteous and blameless
How did the Lord blot out mankind
Sending a flood
Which humans boarded the ark
Noah, his wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives
What did Noah do to show his thanks to God
Sacrificed clean animals on the altar
What was the sign of the Lord’s promise to never destroy humankind again
Abram’s name was changed by God to
God promised Abraham that his descendants would be as numerous as the
What lie did Abraham tell the king of Egypt that led to God sending plagues on Egypt
He lied about Sarai being his sister
God made this agreement with Abraham, where 2 parties come together to share responsibilities and privileges
What are God’s promises to Abraham
Make you a great nation
I will bless you
Make your name great
Make you a blessing
Bless those who bless you
Curse those who dishonor you
In you all families of the earth will be blessed
God says to Abraham, “I am your ______; your ________ will be very great
Shield, reward
Abraham showed great faith in Yahweh in 2 main ways
He completely trusted God and obeyed Him no matter what
How did Abraham and Sarah try to solve the issue of her inability to have children
By having Hagar become pregnant from Abraham
What name did God tell Abraham and Sarah to name their son he promised
Why did Sarah laugh when she found out she was going to have a child
She was barren
How did God test Abraham’s faith
He told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac
What stopped Abraham from killing Isaac
An angel of the Lord called out to him and a ram was provided
How would Abraham’s servant know which woman would be Isaac’s wife
If she was related to Abraham and told him to drink and she’ll water his camels, she’s the one
When Rebekah gave birth to Esau, he was…
Full of red hair
Jacob came out of the womb…
Holding Esau’s heel
Jacob’s name means…
Heel grabber or deceiver
Esau was a successful…
Jacob bought Esau’s birthright from him with
Who helped Jacob disguise as Esau in order to get the birthright blessing
How was Jacob able to deceive Isaac into giving him the birthright blessing
He went to his Isaac pretending to be Esau
What did Jacob see in his dream
A ladder on earth and at the top was heaven and the angels of God were ascending and descending
What did Jacob name the place where he had the dream about God. Means ‘house of God”
What was Isaac’s wife’s name
What happened to Ishmael after Isaac was weaned
He was banished
What did the Lord tell Abram would happen to the nation that his offspring would serve for 400 years
He will bring judgement on the nations
How many brothers did Isaac have (not including half brothers)
How long did Jacob serve Laban before he married one of his daughters
7 years
Which of Jacob’s wives did he love most
Why did Jacob marry Leah before Rachel
Laban tricked him
Why was Rachel envious of Leah
Leah was able to bore Abraham’s children while she couldn’t
Who did Jacob wrestle until morning
A man from God
What waws Jacob’s name changed to
Who was the mother of Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulon
Who was the mother of Dan and Naphtali
Who was the mother of Joseph and Benjamin
Who was the mother of Gad and Asher
Who was Joseph’s father
How many brothers did Joseph have
Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him
Their father favored him
What was the recurring theme in Joseph’s dreams
His family would bow down to him
Which of Joseph’s brothers convinced the others not to kill him
Instead of killing Joseph, his brothers….
Sold him to slavery
Who bought Joseph from the Ishmaelite merchants
What made Joseph a successful man
Using his gift and becoming favorable to Potiphar
What office did Joseph hold in Potiphar’s household
The overseer and was in charge of everything of all Potiphar had
Who tried to sleep with Joseph
Potiphar’s wife
Why did Joseph get thrown into prison
Potiphar’s wife told Potiphar he tried to sleep with her
What did Joseph become well known for in prison
Interpreting dreams
The ________ was restored to his office and the _________ was hanged
Butler, baker
What was the meaning of Pharaoh’s dreams
7 years of preparation would precede 7 years of famine
Which of Joseph’s brother wasn’t allowed by Jacob to travel to Egypt with the rest of his brothers
When Joseph’s brothers first came to Egypt, he did what to them
Accused they were spies and threw them in prison
Which brother offered himself as a replacement for Benjamin to be taken captive in Egypt in order to spare their father
When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers how did he treat them
He was overjoyed
What are the names of Joseph’s sons
Ephraim, Masseh
Why did the king of Egypt put the children of Israel into bondage
He was afraid they would keep growing in number and go against them
Which line of Israel’s family bore Moses
Who adopted Moses
Pharaoh’s daughter
To where did Moses flee from being punished for killing an Egyptian
Who was Moses’ wife
What did God tell Moses to do before approaching the burning bush
Take off his sandals
What was Moses’ concern about his ability to lead the children of Israel
His ability to speak
Why did Moses kill the Egyptian
He was beating up a Hebrew
Who was to be Moses’ spokesperson
What did Aaron turn his rod into
A snake
Each of these creatures plagued Egypt
Frogs, lice, flies, locusts
What did the children of Israel do to protect their firstborn sons from being killed in the Lord’s last plague on Egypt
Sacrifice a lamb and paint their doorframe with the blood
What food items are included in the Passover feast
Unleavened bread, bitter herbs, lamb
What are the qualification for the Passover lamb
Male, 1 year old, without blemish
T/F: Children of Israel had to suffer all of the same plagues as the Egyptians did
The Lord showed the children of Israel which way to travel in the wilderness by using
Pillar of cloud by day, pillar of fire by night
T/F: Ancient Hebrews understood the natural world to be a completely and constantly open system in which Yahweh was free to intervene according to His divine purposes
What was in the Most Holy Place
Ark of the Covenant
What are the ways Pharaoh tried to stifle the growth/power of the nation of Israel
Pharaoh enslaves the Israelites, commands midwives to kill Hebrew boys at birth, commands Egyptians to throw Hebrew boys into the Nile River
Why was God good to the midwives
They feared God and wouldn’t kill the sons
Where did Moses see the burning bush
Mount Horeb
What is another name for Mount Horeb
Mount Sinai
At what age did Moses leave Egypt
What age did Moses return to Egypt to free the children of Israel
What are the excuses that Moses used in an attempt to get out of obeying God
I’m not good enough, I don’t have all the answers, people won’t believe me, I’m a terrible public speaker, I’m not qualified
What is not one of the miracles that Moses and Aaron were able to perform
Supplying quail for meat
What bird did God provide for meat in the wilderness
When there was no water to drink, how did Moses provide it
Striking a rock
On which mountain were the Israelites given the 10 commandments
Mount Sinai
What was on top of the Ark of the Covenant
2 Cherubim
What did the Israelites do whilst Moses was receiving the 10 commandments from God
Made a golden calf and worshipped it
What compelled the Israelites to form and worship the golden calf
They didn’t know what happened to Moses
On what were the 10 commandments written
2 stone tablets
Who was Moses’ succesor
How many years did the Israelites wander in the wilderness
40 years
What book serves as an instruction manual for the priests
Which book’s name in Hebrew tradition is bamidbar, which means in the wilderness
This book means second law or repeated law
How many spies said that the land was good and they should take it, and how many said no
12, 10 said no