BEHV 107 Weeks 1-6 Flashcards
Behavior emitted that is topographically similar and temporally proximal to the model
Generalized Imitation
Continued imitation of nonreinforced responses
Video Modeling
Individual watches a video of someone behaving and imitates the activity
Observational Learning
Detecting another person’s behavior and its consequence(s) and using that information to determine whether or not to imitate the behavior
Verbal Behavior
Behavior that is reinforced through mediation another person’s behavior
An added stimulus designed to facilitate accurate responding
Errorless Prompting
Providing the prompt after the SD has been delivered but before the response occurs
Correction Based Prompting
Providing the prompt after the response has occurred but before the consequence is delivered
Discrimination Training
Learner response to a specific stimulus topography based on the presentation of a specific SD
Discrete Trial Teaching
Breaking skills down into smaller components and teaching those smaller sub-skills individually
Natural Environment Training
Instructions that are both driven by the individual’s motivation and carried out in the environments that closely resemble natural environments, while being highly structured with regard to the individual’s access to reinforcement
Criterion Referenced Assessments
Assessments that determine where performance falls within the scope of a curricula source
Verbal Repertoire
Composed of each of the different elementary operants and separate speaker and listener repertoires
Receptive Language
Listener Responding; the ability to respond to others’ verbal behavior/language
Speaker repeats the same sound or word that was said by another person
Verbal behavior form controlled by someone else’s physical model with 1:1 correspondence
Verbal operant in which the response is reinforced by a characteristic consequence and under functional control of relevant conditions of deprivation or aversive stimulation
Form of verbal behavior where the speaker sees, hears, smells, tastes something and then comments about it
Form of verbal behavior where the speaker responds to another’s verbal behavior (e.g. like in a conversation)
Procedure where a stimulus is presented and the learner is taught to match a secondary stimulus
Specific type of autoclitic discriminative behavior and inferential generalization to similar performances exhibited by other people
Verbal behavior that modifies the functions of other verbal behaviors
Elementary verbal operant evoked by a nonvocal verbal discriminative stimulus that has point-to-point correspondence and formal similarity with the corresponding
Verbal operant in which the antecedent stimulus and response product forms exhibit point-to-point correspondence, but there is no formal similarity
Anytime someone answers a question they are engaging in an