BEHV 102 Week 1 Flashcards
ABC Recording/Anecdotal Observation
Direct, continuous recording of temporally sequenced descriptive A, B, Cs
Behavior Checklist
Itemized list with descriptions of specific skills
Behavioral Assessment
Identify and define target behaviors
Behavioral Cusp
Accesses new reinforcers, contingencies, and environments
Ecological Assessment
Assessment of complex interrelationships of environment and behavior
Function-Based Definitions
Describe effect on the environment
Behavior maximizes reinforcers and minimizes punishers
Belief that all people should be part of mainstream society
Pivotal Behavior
Produces modifications in adaptive untrained behaviors
Effect of assessment on behavior assessed
Relevance of Behavior Rule
Target only behaviors that will be reinforced
Social Validity
Behaviors and intervention acceptable; Significant changes in behavior produced
Target Behavior
Response class for intervention
Topography-Based Definitions
Describe shape or form of the behavior