BEHV 103 Week 3 Flashcards
A-B Design
- Baseline;
- Intervention;
- No Experimental Control
Affirmation of the Consequent
3-Step form of reasoning that begins with a true antecedent-consequent statement
1. If A is true, then B is true
2. B is found to be true
3. Therefore, A is true
Ascending Baseline
Data path shows an increasing trend
No intervention in place
Baseline Logic
Experimental reasoning for single-subject experimental designs;
1. Prediction
2. Verification
3. Replication
Confounding Variable
Uncontrolled variable impacted results
Dependent Variable
Behavior measure in an experiment
Descending Baseline
Data path shows a decreasing trend
Experimental Control
- A demonstrated functional relationship in an experiment
- Extent that experimenter maintains control in an experiment
Experimental Design
Type and sequence of conditions that meaningful comparisons can be made
External Validity
Degree that study findings have generality
Extraneous Variable
All other variables to hold constant
Independent Variable (IV)
Intervention; What’s manipulated
Internal Validity
Demonstration of a functional relationship
Parametric Analysis
Experiment to discover the differential effects of a range of values of the independent variable
Practice Effects
Improvements in responding due to repeatedly performing the behavior
A statement of anticipated outcome of a future measurement
Research Question
Statement of what the researcher intends to learn from an experiment
Repeated findings
Single-Case Designs
Variety of research designs that use baseline logic
Stable Baseline
Data path shows no upward of downward trend
Steady State Responding
Pattern of responding with little variation
Steady State Strategy
Working to obtain stability before moving to the next condition
Variable Baseline
Data points that do not consistently fall within a narrow range and do not suggest a trend
Demonstrating the prior level of responding would be unchanged without introduction of the independent variable