BEHV 102 Week 5 Flashcards
Backward Chaining
LAST behavior in sequence is targeted first
Backward Chaining w/ Leaps Ahead
Like backward chaining except not every step is trained
Behavior Chain
Sequence of responses, each associated with particular stimulus condition
Behavior Chain Interruption Strategy (BCIS)
Chain interrupted occasionally so that another behavior can be emitted
Behavior Chain w/ Limited Hold
Time interval that behavior chain must be completed for reinforcement
Linking sequences of stimuli to form new behavior
Clicker Training
Shaping behavior using a conditioned auditory stimulus
Differential Reinforcement
Reinforcing only responses that meet a criterion, all other behaviors are on extinction
Forward Chaining
FIRST behavior in sequence is targeted first
Interrupted Chain Procedure
Arranging environment so chain can only continue to pre-determined point
Response Differentiation
Reinforced behaviors occur with greater frequency; Unreinforced less frequency
Differential reinforcement of successive approximations toward a terminal response
Task Analysis
Breaking complex skills into smaller teachable units
Successive Approximations
Steps in shaping
Total-Task Chaining
Each step in sequence targeted each trial
Weakens a chain; A behavior in a chain produces reinforcement in the presence of the prior SD