BEHV 101 Week 4 Flashcards
Escape Contingency
Response terminates an ongoing stimulus
Avoidance Contingency
Response prevents/postpones the presentation of a stimulus
Discriminated Avoidance
Responding in presence of a signal prevents aversive stimulus onset
Unconditioned Negative Reinforcer
Stimulus that functions as negative reinforcer with no prior learning
Conditioned Negative Reinforcer
Previously neutral stimulus that functions as negative reinforcer because of learning history
Behavioral Contrast
Behavior changes if there’s difference in location (e.g., home versus school), people (e.g., parents versus teachers), or both
Free-Operant Avoidance
Responding any time prevents stimulus onset
Schedule of Reinforcement
Rule that describes contingency of reinforcement
Continuous reinforcement schedule
Continuous Reinforcement (CRF)
Each occurrence of behavior is reinforced
Intermittent Reinforcement (INT)
Some, but not all, occurrences of behavior are reinforced
Ratio Schedules
Reinforcement for number of responses emitted
Interval Schedules
Reinforcement delivered for first response after amount of time
Fixed Ratio (FR)
Reinforcement after a fixed number of responses
Post-Reinforcement Pause
No responding for a period following reinforcement
Schedule with high rate of reinforcement and post-reinforcement pause
Pattern of Responding ➡️ Fixed Ratio (FR)
Variable Ratio (VR)
Reinforcement after a variable number of responses
Schedule of reinforcement that produces consistent quick steady rates of responding
Pattern of Responding ➡️ Variable Ratio (VR)
Fixed Interval (FI)
Reinforcement for first response following a fixed duration of time
Schedule that produces scallop effect
Pattern of Responding ➡️ Fixed Interval (FI)
Variable Interval (VI)
First response that occurs after variable amount of time elapsed produces reinforcement
Schedule that produces constant but generally low rates of responding
Pattern of Responding ➡️ Variable Interval (VI)
Limited Hold
Reinforcement available for finite amount of time following the elapse of the FI or VI interval
Schedule Thinning
Making availability of reinforcement less over time
Ratio Strain
Ratio too large so response level cannot maintain
Interresponse Time
Time between two responses
Differential Reinforcement of High Rates (DRH)
Reinforcement for responses higher than criterion
Differential Reinforcement of Low Rates (DRL)
Reinforcement for responses lower than criterion
Differential Reinforcement of Diminishing Rates (DRD)
Reinforcement for responses that decrease over time
Lag Schedule
Reinforcement for response variability
Progressive Schedules of Reinforcement
Reinforcement opportunities successively thinned independent of behavior
Progressive-Ratio Schedule of Reinforcement
Variation of FR; Increases ratio requirements incrementally within the session
Compound Schedule
Two or more basic schedules combined into one schedule
Concurrent Schedule
Two or more schedules operate simultaneously but independently, each for a different response
Matching Law
Response allocation to choices available on concurrent schedule
Multiple Schedule
Two or more schedules presented in alternating sequence; SD tied to each schedule
Chained Schedule
Similar to a multiple schedule, but basic schedules always occur in the same sequence; SD tied to each schedule
Mixed Schedule
Two or more schedules presented in alternating sequence; no SD
Tandem Schedule
Similar to a multiple schedule, but basic schedules always occur in the same sequence; no SD
Alternative Schedule
Reinforcement delivered when EITHER requirements of ratio or interval schedule is met regardless of which occurs first
Conjunctive Schedule
Reinforcement delivered when BOTH requirements of a ratio and interval schedule are met
Adjunctive Behavior
Schedule-induced behavior