Before first exam Flashcards
Microbiology is divided into what groups?
Why acquire knowledge in infectious disease of animals?
Diagnose -> Treat -> Prevent
T:F Virus are living microorganisms
Key characteristic of Prokaryotes
Lack of nucleolus
Prokaryote examples
What are cells that have nucleolus called
Examples of Eukaryotes
Virus and prions are examples of what kind of organism?
Prions are what?
Proteinaceous infectious partial. A wrongly folded protein.
Examples of disease caused by Prion
Benefits of microbes
Bread, cheese, yogurt, alcohol, wine, beer, antibodies, vaccinations, vitamins, enzymes
Harm form microbes
Diseases, Food spoilage
Functions of microbes that are essential components of a ecosystem.
Cycling of important nutrients
Nitrogen fixers
Energy Production (Natural Gas)
What two people developed the microscope?
Robert Hooke (Micro fungus) Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek (Bacteria and Protozoa)
What were the 4 questions that were the development of microbiology?
1) Where does the microbe originate?
2) What causes spoiling?
3) What causes disease?
4) How do we treat and prevent spoiling and disease?
What are Louis Pasteur most significant achievements?
Disproved theory of spontaneous generation
Proposed germ theory of disease
Rabies vaccination through usage of aviruent strains
What is Abiogenesis
Abiogenesis is the theory that
address the actual origins of life on Earth.
Who is the father of antiseptic surgery
Joseph Lister
Who used cow-pox as a vacc for small-pox?
Edward Jenner
Who is the father of cell biology and came up with the cell theory?
Rudolf Virchow - He also noted the link between diseases of humans and animals and coined the term “zoonosis”
Who discovered “The Magic Bullet” Penicillin.
Alexander Fleming
6 major elements in macromolecules
Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Sulfur Phosphorous
All living things have what 3 things in common?
Have a plasma membrane
Use ATP for energy
Genetic information in DNA
What is taxonomy?
Science of classification of living objects
Common reference source
Universal language
Dynamic area of science
“Systematists” are the ppl who work in taxonomy
Who presented the binomial nomenclature?
Carl Linneaus
What is a species?
Sexually reproducing organisms. A population that can breed and produce fertile offspring
Who came up with the current classification system?
Carl R Woese
The current classification system is based on?
Structure of ribosomes used for protein synthesis. 16 rRNA
Chain of classifications are
Life Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species
How do we learn about relationship btwn living objects
Fossil Records
Comparative homologies
Comparative sequencing of genetic material
Difference btwn archea and bacteria
Archea -lack peptidoglycan, a pathogenic one yet to be identified, extreme halophiles (saline), exteme thermophiles, methanoges