Bartonella spp. - Muller Flashcards
The transmission of bartonella to cats occurs via
inoculation of flea feces
What are the main animal spp that transmit zoonotic bartonella?
Cats, dogs, rodents
The transmission of bartonella henselae to humans occurs via
flea feces inoculation via cat scratch - flea feces in the nail of cat
How would you culture Bartonella spp?
BAPGM liquid media + chocolate or blood agar in 5% CO2
*** doesnt grow well on culture tho
What are characteristics of Bartonella spp?
- Small curved bacilli or coccobacilli, pleomorphic
- Gram neg
- Non hemolytic
- long lasting intraerythrocytic bacteraemia (lives inside RBC without issue usually)
What climate increases prevalence of bartonella spp?
Warm and humid enviro
What are human specific bartonella spp?
b. quintana
b. bacilliformis
What is the etiologic agent of Carrions disease in humans?
B. bacilliformis
How is B. bacilliformis transmitted?
Sand fly to human
CS of acute B. bacilliformis?
Oroya fever
CS associated with chronic B. bacilliformis?
Bloody warts
________ is the etiologic agent of trench fever
B. quintana
How is B. quintana transmitted?
Body lice to humans
CS of B. quintana?
- endocarditis
- trench fever
- SQ nodules on skin characterized by vascular proliferation
What are the most prevalant spp of bartonella in cats? (in order from most to least prevalent)
- B. henselae
- B. clarridgeiae
- B. hoehlerae
Cats are incidental hosts for what spp of bartonella?
- B. quintana
- B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii
- B. bovis
_____________ is the primary zoonotic bacteria associated with cat scratch disease in humans
B. henselae