Bacterial toxins Flashcards
Diptheria toxin
Cornyebacterium diptheriae; AB exotoxin that ribosylates and inactivates elongation factor (EF-2)
Exotoxin A
Pseudomonas aeruginosa; Inactivates elongation factor (EF-2)
<p>Shiga toxin</p>
<p>Shiga spp.; Inactivate 60S ribosome by removing adenine from rRNA --> HUS</p>
Shiga-like toxin
EHEC - 0157:H7; Inactivate 60S ribosome by removing adenine from rRNA –> HUS
<p>Heat-labile toxin</p>
<p>ETEC; Inc cAMP by permanently activating Gs --> Cl- secretion in gut and H20 efflux</p>
Heat-stable toxin
ETEC; Inc cGMP –> dec resorption of NaCl and H20 in gut
<p>Edema factor</p>
<p>Bacillus anthracis; Mimics the adenylate cycalse enzyme --> inc cAMP</p>
Cholera toxin
Vibrio cholerae; Inc cAMP by permanently activating Gs –> Cl- secretion in gut and H20 efflux
<p>Pertussis toxin</p>
<p>Bordetella pertussis; Inc cAMP by disabling Gi impairing phagocytosis to permit survival of microbe</p>
Clostridium tetani; Cleave SNARE protein required for neurotransmitter rel –> toxin prevents rel of inhibitory (GABA and glycine) neurotransmitters in spinal cord (mm rigidity and lock-jaw)
<p>Botulinum toxin</p>
<p>Clostridium botulinum; Cleave SNARE protein required for neurotransmitter rel --> prevents rel of stimulatory (Ach) signals @ NMJ (flaccid paralysis)</p>
Alpha toxin
Clostridium perfinigens; Phospholipase that degrades tissue and cell membranes (splits phospholipids) –> degradation of phospholipid C –> myonecrosis (gas gangrene) and hemolysis
Streptolysin O
Steptococcus pyogenes (Group A strep); Protein that degrades cell membrane; Host Abs against toxin seen with ASO titer
<p>TSST-1 (Toxic shock syndrome toxin)</p>
<p>S. aureus; MHC II binds tightly to TCR causing it to rel IFN-gamma, which inc rel of IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-alpha --> shock --> end-organ failure</p>
Exotoxin A
Strep pyogenes (Group A strep); MHC II binds tightly to TCR causing it to rel IFN-gamma, which inc rel of IL-1, IL-6, and TNF-alpha –> shock –> end-organ failure; Causes scarlet fever