Bacteria Staining Flashcards
Bugs that don’t gram stain well
Rickettsia, Legionella, Chlamydia - intracellular; Treponema - too thin to be visualized; Mycobacteria - high lipid content in cell wall - need acid-fast stain; Mycoplasma - no cell wall (contains sterols)
Chlamydia, Borrelia, Rickettsiae, Trypanosomes, Plasmodium; (Certain Bugs Really Try my Patience)
PAS (periodic acid-Schiff)
Stains glycogen; Diagnosis of Whipple’s disease (Tropheryma whipplei)
Ziehl-Neelson (carbol fuschin)
Acid-fast - IDs mycolic acid in cell wall; Nocardia, Mycobacterium
India ink
Cryptococcus neoformans
Silver Stain
Legionella, H. Pylori, PCP/PJP, Fungi (i.e. pneumocystis)
Chocolate agar with factors V (NAD+) and X (hematin)
H. influenzae
Thayer-Martin (VPN) media - Vancomycin, Polymyxin, Nystatin
Neisseria (men. and gon.); V inhibits gram pos, P inhibits gram neg (except neisseria), N inhibits fungi
Bordet-Gengou (potato agar)
B. pertussis
Tellurite plate, Loffler’s media
C. diphtheria
Black colonies on cystine-tellurite agar
Lowenstein-Jensen agar
M. tuberculosis
Eaton’s agar
M. pneumoniae
MacConkey’s agar
Lactose-fermenting enterics are positive; Agar made up of Bile salts and Crystal violet (which inhibit gram positives) and also Lactose and Neutral red. So 4 things overall
Eosin-methylene blue (EMB) agar
E. coli
Charcoal yeast extract agar buffered with cysteine and iron
Legionella (coal makes iron, needed for legions)