B7- The Water Cycle Flashcards
What is the process of water recycling on Earth?
The water here on planet Earth is constantly recycled.
How much water has there ever been on Earth?
There has only ever been a fixed amount of water on the Earth.
What is transpiration?
Water as vapor released from plants into the atmosphere.
What happens to warm water as it rises into the atmosphere?
It cools and condenses to form clouds.
What forms of precipitation can water take when it falls onto land?
Rain, snow, or sleet.
What role does soil play in the water cycle?
Some water is absorbed by the soil and taken up by plant roots.
Why do plants need water?
For processes like photosynthesis.
How do animals obtain fresh water?
By drinking from streams and rivers.
What happens to water in animals’ bodies after it is used?
Animals return water to the soil and atmosphere through excretion.
What occurs to water that does not get absorbed by the soil?
It runs off into streams and rivers.
What is the final destination of water after it drains back into the sea?
It evaporates and starts the cycle again.
Fill in the blank: The process of water changing from vapor to liquid is called _______.
Fill in the blank: The process of water changing from liquid to vapor is called _______.
Fill in the blank: The process where plants release water vapor is called _______.
True or False: Water is only available in liquid form on Earth.