B4- Exercise Flashcards
What happens to respiration when you exercise?
Respiration increases to provide energy for muscle contraction
Muscles require energy from respiration to contract, leading to increased oxygen demand.
How does the body respond to increased oxygen demand during exercise?
Breathing rate and volume increase, heart rate increases
This response helps deliver more oxygenated blood to muscles and removes carbon dioxide quickly.
What occurs if exercise intensity exceeds the oxygen supply?
Muscles begin to respire anaerobically
Anaerobic respiration is less efficient in energy transfer from glucose.
What is a consequence of anaerobic respiration in muscles?
Lactic acid builds up, causing pain
Lactic acid forms from the incomplete oxidation of glucose during anaerobic respiration.
What is oxygen debt?
The need to ‘repay’ oxygen not delivered to muscles during intense exercise
This occurs after anaerobic respiration when exercise stops.
What happens to breathing and pulse rate after stopping intense exercise?
They remain high due to lactic acid and carbon dioxide levels
The body requires additional oxygen to convert lactic acid back to glucose.
What does the body do with lactic acid after exercise?
It transports lactic acid to the liver for conversion back to glucose
This process helps manage the effects of lactic acid buildup.
How can you investigate the effect of exercise on the body?
By measuring breathing rate and heart rate
For example, take pulse rate after different activity levels: sitting, walking, jogging, and running.
What trend is observed in pulse rate with increased exercise intensity?
Pulse rate increases with the intensity of exercise
This reflects the body’s need for more oxygen and the removal of carbon dioxide.
What is a method to reduce random errors in measuring exercise effects?
Conduct the experiment as a group and average the results
This approach minimizes variability and improves data accuracy.