B5- Investigating Reaction Time Flashcards
What is reaction time?
The time it takes to respond to a stimulus, often less than a second.
What factors can affect reaction time?
Age, gender, or drugs.
How can caffeine affect reaction time?
Caffeine is a drug that can speed up a person’s reaction time.
What is the first step in measuring reaction time with a ruler?
Sit with the arm resting on the edge of a table.
How should the ruler be held during the reaction time test?
Vertically between the thumb and forefinger, with the zero end level with the thumb and finger.
What should the person being tested do when the ruler is dropped?
Try to catch the ruler as quickly as possible.
How is reaction time measured in the ruler test?
By the number on the ruler where it’s caught, read from the top of the thumb.
What does a higher number on the ruler indicate?
A slower reaction time.
What should be done after the initial reaction time test?
The person should drink a caffeinated beverage and wait ten minutes before repeating the test.
What is important to control for a fair test of reaction time?
Use the same person, same hand, drop the ruler from the same height, and ensure no caffeine was consumed before the test.
What are potential side effects of too much caffeine?
Unpleasant side effects that may occur if consumed in excess.
How can reaction time be measured using a computer?
By clicking the mouse or pressing a key as soon as a stimulus appears on the screen.
What advantage does a computer have over the ruler test in measuring reaction time?
It removes the possibility of human error and can measure in milliseconds.
Fill in the blank: The further down the ruler it’s caught, the _______ their reaction time.
True or False: The computer reaction time test allows the person to predict when to respond.
What is the purpose of repeating the ruler test several times?
To calculate the mean distance the ruler fell.
What should the person being tested avoid after the experiment?
Drinking any more caffeine for the rest of the day.