B7- Non-communicable diseases Flashcards
What are non-communicable diseases
cannot be passed fro one individual to another ,
List the factors for non-communicable disases
-aspects of life such as smoking , lack of exercise
-substances presenrt in the environemnt like ionising radiation , uv light from sun or second-hand tobacco smoke .
what is ionising radiation an example of
what are carcinogens
carcinogens are agens that cause cancer or significanlty increase the risk of developing cancer .
what are casual mechanisms
casual mechnisms explain how one factor can influence another through a biological process .
what does it mean if a casual mechanism cna be demonstrated
there is a link between the non-communicable diseases .
example of casual mechanism
lung disease with life-style factor smoking
what is a correlation
relatioship between twwo non-communicable diseases .
what does a correlation NOT do
prove one thing is a cause of another .
how can a non-communicable disease impact someone financially
if a wage-earner gets ill and cannot work , no income
how does the local comuntiy get affected if somone gets ill
local communities bear the cost of supporting people who are ill , whether formally through taxes or taking care of affected families .
how disease cost nations huge sums of moeny
expnses andd treating ill people
loss of monney earned when large number of the population are ill .
how does diseases effect the global economy
when disease affect wroking-age population .
what disease affects more people , non-communicable of communicable
non-communicble so have the greatest effect at both humans and economc levels .
what tells cells to divide nd when to stop dividing
genes in the nucleus cell
what happens when the genes in the nucleues change
it can lead to uncontolled mitosis and growth producing a tumour .
when does a tumour form
a tumour forms when cells in the body divide and grow at an excessive rate.
what are the two types of tumours
benign and malignant
what are benign tumours
are growths of abnormal cells which are found in one area .
where are benign tumours contained
within a membrane - in a layer of covering cells
what is specific about Benign tumours (compared to malignant)
Belign tumours do not invade other parts of they body . They stay in one place .
What are Malignant tumours
malignant cells invade neighbouring tissues and move into the bloodstream .
what are malignant tumours classed as why ?
Malignant tumours are classed as cncer , once in the bloodstream , the malignant cells spread to different parts of the body and they form new tumours .
What are the new tumours malignant tumours form called
secondary tumours
list the risk factors for cancer
substances in the environent
give three examples of cancers linked to genetics
certin types of breast cancer , prostate cancer and large intestine cancer .
give three examples of cancers linked to lifestyle
smoking-lung cancer
UV light-skin cancer
Alchohol-mouth and throat cancer .
what is radon , how is it linked to cancer
radon is a radioactive gas which increases the risk of developing lung cancer .
How does radon CAUSE cancer
radon releases ionising radiation which damages the DNA in our cells .
This can cuse our cells to undergo uncontrolled cell division , leading to cancer.
how much cancer is caused by virus and give examples
15% of human cancers are caused by virus inections , e.g cervical cancer almost always as the result of infection of HPV .
what are the two ways used to treat cancer
How does Radiotherapy work
When cancer cells are destroed by targeed doses of radiation . This stops mitosis in the cancer cells but can also damage healthy cells . Methods of delivering different typed of radiation in very targeted eays are improving cure rates .
How does chemotherapy work
where chemicals are used to either stop the cancer cell dividing or make them @self destruct@ . There are many different types of chemotherapy and scientiists are working to make them as specific to cancer cells as possible .
why is nicotine bad (explain)
nicotine is an addicitve drug , it raises the heart beat and narrows the arteries and so , causes high blood pressure . This leads to heart disease .
why is tar bad (explain)
Tar , which coats the linin gof lungs , making htem less able to take in oxygen . It also congtints carcinogens which cause cancer .
why is carbon monoxide bad
carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas , which joins up with red blood cells makes them incapable of transporting oxygen around the body.
why is smoking during pregnancy bad (explained)
Oxygen shortage is a big problem in pregant women who smoke . During pregnancy , a woman is carrying oxygen for her developing getus ,
if the mother’s blood is carrying carbon monoxide , the fetus may not get enoguh oxygen to grow properly
This can lead to premature bitrhs , low birthweight abbies and still babies .
what type of tumour causes cancer
how can you reduce a risk factor for cancer ?
One of the risks is Ionising radiaiton , UV light from the sun , you could wear sunscreen to block the usnlight from penetrating your skin .
what is nicotine
an addictive substance found n tobacco
what is carbon monoxide
poisonous gas found in tobacco
what is tar
sticky black chemical that you get as a result of smoking
what does nicotine do to you
nicotine is addicitve , causes the heart to beat faster but a harmless drug , ot produces a sense of calm and well - being .
what does carbon monoxie to the body , why are smokers breathless during exercise ?
it takes up oxygen carrying cpacity , why smokers are breathless during exercise
how much of the blood will be carrying carboon monoxide after smoking
why is smoking during pregnancy bad , what gas causes this .
Oxygen shortage is a porblem :
Rhe pregant women is carrying ocygen for the fetus an herself , if she is carrying CARBON MONOXIDE , the fetus won;t be getting enough oxygen to grow .
what can smoking during pregnancy lead to
premature births
low birth weight bies
still births
how does smoking effect the cillia , what does this do / increase the risk of
cillia in the trachea and bronchi are anaesthetisied by chemicals in tobacco smoke .
- They stop working allowing dirt and pathogens down into the lungs increasing the risk of infections .
- Mucus build up causes coughing .
What does tar do to the bbody
tar accumulates in the blood turning them from pink to black . Tar can make smokers likely to develop BRONCHITIS .
What is COPD
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease .
how does tar cause copd
Build up of tar in the delicate lung tissue can lead to the brreakdown of the structure of the alveoli causing Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease .
how is tar linked to lung cancer
tar is also a carcinogen , it acgt on the tissues of the lungs greatly increasing the risk of lung cancer developing .
How does smoking effet the heart
smoking narrows the blood vessels
what does nicotine do to the heart
nicotine makes the heart rate increase and other chemicals damage the lining of the arteres , increasing the risk of CORONARY Heart disease DISEASE and clot formation .
what could chemicals in cigarretes do to the heart
it can increase blood pressure .
what causes stroke and heart disease
combination of things said about the heart .
what is insulin
a hormone that reduces blood sugar concentration
what happens in type 1 diabetes
type 1 diabetes happens when a person can’t produce nsulin - caused by white blood cells attacking the pancreas .
what happens in type 2 diabetes
type 2 diabetes happens when a person’s body dosen;t respond to insulin , caused by high-sugar diet and lack of exercise .
give the defention of a malnourished person
soemone who eats an unbalanced diet , it refers ot both who consume too much or too little food
how is obesity a risk factor for type two diabetes
as excess fat causes the body to become resistant to insuline , although insulin molecules bind ot the recpetor , there is no respone . This means the person can’t control their blood gluclose levels , so there is an in increase in blood glucose .
what causes cardiovascualr disease
build up of fatty deposits building up in the blood vessels therefore blocking the flow of blood .
what is a risk factor
soething that increases likelihood of soething (in this case disease) weihgt - more fatty tiissue you have , the more resistant your body becomes ot insulin .
explain how a build up of fatty deposits in the coronary arteires can lead to a heart attack .
High levels of cholestrol cause faty deposits to build up in the coronary artieries . A blood clot can form on a fatty deposit . The blood clot can block a coronary artery . Some heart muscles do not get the oxyegn and nutrients htey need - cusing chest pain , and if left untreated , cells die leding ot a heart attack .
what can happen if the blockage is in the blood vessels in the brain
it can lead to a stroke .
what kind of drug can reduce blood cholestrol to reduce fatty deposits
name the treatment that keeps arteries open to keep blood flowing despite the fatty deposits in the coronary artieries
angioplasty .
what is an advantage of a mechanical vlave
its long lasting
what is a disadvanatge of a mechanical valve
life long medicine to prevent blood clots around it
what is an advanatge of biological valves
the patient dosen’t need any medication
what is a disadvanattge of biological valves
only lasts -12-15years .
what fctors increase the likelihood of coronary heart dusease
- a high fat diet
- smoking and lack of excercise
what is a heart transplant
replacing a damaged heart with a healthy one .
give two issues with heart transplants
- waiting for the donor hear , that is a tissue amtch can take a while , as a reuslt , many people die before the actual transplant .
- risk of blood clotting .
Give disavanage with an artificial pacemaker.
-regular medical checkups whole life
benefit with n artifical paceaker
very sensitive ; even responsds to exercise , pumps faster .
explain why drinking large amounts of lcohol during preganancy can cause organ damage and faciall deformities in the fetus
if a pregnant women drinks , alchol passes thorugh the placenta into the developing baby . The developing bby cannot cope with the alcohol so the debelopmen of the baby can be badly effected resulting in facial deformities .
give two examples of interactions between disease factors
- the reaction of the mmune sstem ot pathoegsn and other foreign bodies can trigger allergic rections and can lead to skin rashes .
- sever ephiyscial ill health can lead to depression and other type of mental illness .
what are two problems iwth alcohol
it is posionous and addictive
what type of drug is alcohol
it is a depressant (slows reaction time )
what are the two main organs affected by excessive alchol consumptiom
brain and liver
what happens when u drink to much alcohol
redcued inhibtion and poor judgement .
what is cirrhosis
a liver disease
what two things can heavy alcohol consumption do to the liver
they may develop cirrhosis of the liver , a disease that destroys liver tisue . The active liver cells are replaced with scar tissue that cannot carry out vital functions .
Alchool is a carcinogen , so heavy drinkers are at increased rissks of developing liver cancr - spreads rapidly and is difficult to treat .
what can large quntities of alchol do to the brain
long-term heavy alchol use also causes damage to the brian . In some alcholics , the brain becomes soft and pulpy that the strucutres are lost and it cn no longer function properl . This too can cause death .
what happens when a pregnant woman drinks alchol what can this lead to .
If a pregnant woman drinks alcohol it passes across the placenta into the developing bab . Miscarriage , stillbirths and premature births and low birthweight are all risks linked to drinking during pregnncy . AS THE DEVELOPING BABY CANNOT COPE WITH THE ALCHOL , SO THE BRAIN AND BODY OF THE UNBORN BABY IS AFFECTED ESEPECIALLY IN THE EARL Y STAGES of preganncy causing FAS - faical deformeties , liver heat problems .
how is ionising radiation dangerous
the radiation penetrates the cells and damages the chromosomes , cusing mutations in the DNA . The more you are exposed to ionisng radiation , the more likely it is that mutations iwll occur and that cancer will develop .
examples of ionisng radiaiton
uv light form the sun
radioactive material from the sun - increases the risk of cancers -melanoma .
Radioactive maeterials foudn in the soil , wayer aor (radon gas)
-medical and dental x-rays
-accidnets in the nueclear power generation .