B1- Cell Structure and organisation Flashcards
Why are microscopes useful ?
-They provide magnification to observe cell strctures , see things human eye cant see.
-Enabless study of small and organsims diseases - so increases our understadning of cells and subceullar structures..
What do microscopes allow us to do ?
-Microscopes allow us to magnify .
What is the meaning of resolution?
The ability to distinguish between two sepearte points (clarity).
How do light microscopes work ?
Their advanatages
Light microscopes use a beam of light to form an object . Mangify several thousand times .
-ADV - releatively cheap
-Can be used anywhere
-Can be used to magnify live specimens .
Disadvanatges of light microscopes (1) .
Light microscopes have limited magnification (can’t view structure inside nucleus easily) as magnification is not powerful enough .
Disadvanagtage of light miroscopes (2)
Ligh microscopes have a limited resolution (images blurred even if you wer eto increase the magnification , can’t see fie detail).
Scientists realised if they wanted to view structures in detail , need an electron microscope .
How does an electron microscope work ?
What are its advanatges ?
-Elecron microscopes use a beam of electrons to form images . Magnify objects up to around two million times
-They have a much greater magnification and resolution than light microscopes .
Disadvanatage of electron microscopes .
-Have to be large and are expensive .
-Have to kept in special temepatrue , pressure and humdiity controlled rooms .
How do you calculae magnification ?
Magnfiication =size of image /size of real object .
i over m*o
Magnficiation equation triangle .
size of image / magnification*size of real obejct .
do quesiton on sheet .
Animals are eukaryotes , explain .
-Their Genetic maerial (DNA) is enclosed in a nucleus .
What are the structures in An animal cell ?
-Cell membrane
-Nucleus .
What is the function of the nucleus ?
-Encloses the genetic material which controlls cells activity
Inside the cell is the cytoplasm , what is its function ?
-The cytoplasm is a water solution where chemical reactions take place (first stage of respiration )
The whole cell is enclosed in a cell membrane , what is its function ?
-The cell membrane controls the molecules that can enter and leave the cell .
What is the Mitochondria ?
-Where aerobic respiration takes place .
What are Ribosomes ?
-Very small so is mitochondira but ribosomes can be only seen with an electron microcosope.
-Site of protein synthesis .
Draw an animal cell .
What are the strcutures in a plant cell ?
-Cell wall
What structures do plants and animals both have in common
-cell memrbane
Three structures only plants have ?
-Cell wall
-What are chloroplasts ?
Green structures that contain chlorophyll - are the sites of photosynthesis .
-What are cell walls ?
-Mde from cellulose , stengthens the cell .
-What are vacuoles ?
-Vacuoles are filled with a fluid called cell sap . Vacuole hellps to give the plant its shape .
Draw a plant cell .
Meaning of a eukaryotic cell .
Eukarytoic cells contin their genetic materual (DNA) enclosed in a nucleus .
Example of eukaryotic cells .
Plants and animals.
Meaning of a prokaryotic cell
In prokaryoitc cells , the genetic material (DNA) is not enclosed in a nucleus .
-Prokarytoic cells are much smaller than eukaryotic cells .
Example of a prokaryotic cells and its characteristics .
-Don’t have a nucleus so genetic material consists of a single loop of DNA .
-Or small rings of DNA known as Plasmids .
What functions do prokaryotic cells have .
Example bacteria
Genetic material loops
cell membrane
slime capsule - bacteria have this to move and disguise in the white blood cells .
cell wall
plasmids-extra dna code for antibitoic resistance .
flagella- a long protein trand helps to move about cell .
Most animal cells are specialised , what does this mean ?
They have adaptations which help yhrm yo carry out a particular function .
When cells become specialised , what do scienitsts call them ?
differentation .
Three specialsied cells you need to know about .
-Sperm cells
-Nerve Cells
-Muscle cells
What is the job of a sperm cell ?
-The job of a sperm cell is to join with an ovum (egg cell) , We call this process fertilisation .
-During fertiisation , the genetic information of the voum and sperm combine ,
sperm cells contain their geentic information in the nucleus , sperm contint only half the genetic info of adult cells .
Give one adaptaiton of a sperm cell .
Sperm cells have a long tail , which allows them to swim to the ovum . They are also streamlined , making this easier .
Give another adaptation of a sperm cell .
Sperm cells are packed full of mitochodri a , these provide the energy needed for swimming .
Give the last adaptation of a sperm cell .
Sperm cells containe enzymes which allow them to digest their way thorugh the outer layer of the ovaries .
What is the job of a nerve cell ?
The job of a nerve cell is to send electrical impulses around the body .
Give one adaptation of the nerve cell .
The nerve cell has a long axon , the axon carries electrical impulses from one part of the body to another .
Give another adaptation of the nerve cell .
The axon is covered in mgelin . Mgelin insualtes the axon and speeds up the transmission of the nerve impulse .
Give anotherr adaptation of the nerve cell .
The end of the axon has synapses . Synapses are junction which allow the impluse to pass from one nerve to another .
Give the final adaptation of a nerve cell .
The cell body of the enrve cell containts dendrites , these increase the surface area so that the nerve cells can connect more easily .
Draw a nerve cell with all adaptations.
question asked is how is nerve , muscle and sperm cell specialised .
What can a muscle cell do ?
Muscle cells can contract (get shoretr) .
How do muscle cells contract
To do this muscle cells contain protein fibres , which can change their length .
Give one adaptation of a muscle cell.
When a msucle cell contracts , these protein fibres shorten , decreasing the length of the cell .
Give another adaptation of a muscle cell .
Muscle cells are packed with mitochondria , to provide energy for muscle contraction .
-Muscle cells work together to form muscle tissue .
Give one adaptation of root hair cells .
Root hair cells have hairs , these increase the surface area of the root , so it can absorb water and dissolved minerals more effectively .