B6 -Preventing and treating disease (Vaccination and herd immunity in B5) Flashcards
What are antibiotics
Antibiotics are substances that either kill bacteria or inhibit their cell processes which stops thm from gorwing or reporducing (don’t affect the host cell )
why weren’t antibitoics ffect against bacteria , hwat is this called ?
As antibiotics were oversued , the bacteria had evovled so was no longer killed by the antibiotic this is known as ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE
Why do doctors use speicific antibodies for specific bacteria
as different types of bacteria have different types of structures and thye do not all respond in the same way to each antibiotic .
.why won;t doctors precrbe antibiotics that are caused by a virus
as antibiotics cannot kill viruses , as they are in host cell antibiotics does not effetc hsot cell e.g sorethorat
whata are painkillers
treat the symptoms of a disease by relieving pain
example of an antibiotic
t/f painkillers kill pathogens
false painkillers do not kill pathogens .
why is it difficult to devleop drugs that kill viruses without damaging body’s tissue
as viruses live and reproduce inside human cells .
In the past , where were medicines extrcted fro
plants and microrganisms
what plant is used to extract the drug digitalis
Where was the painkiler aspirin extracted from
willow trees
give an example of a drug extacted from microrganisms
penicillin from the mound penicillium
who discovered penicillin
Alexander Fleming
How do we get our medicines today
most drugs are synthesised by cheimsts working for pharmaceutical ocmapnies
what s often the starting point for medicines otday
chemicals extracted from a plant .
what are the four things a good medicine should be
successfully taken in and removed from your body
why should a medidcne be effective
it ust prevent or cure a disease or at least make you feel better
why should a medicine be safe
the drug must not be toxic (poisonous) or have any unacceptable side efefcts for the patient .
why should a medicine be stable
you must be able to use the medicine under noral conditons nd store it for some time .