B4-080 CBCL Approach to a Lung Nodule Flashcards
well differentiated neuroendocrine tumors
carcinoid tumor
tobacco related neuroendocrine tumors
large cell and small cells
- mitoses < 2 per 2 mm
- no necrosis
typical carcinoid
- mitoses 2-10 per 2 mm
- or necrosis
atypical carcinoid
- mitoses > 10 per 2 mm
- cytologic features of SCLC
small cell carcinoma
- mitoses >10 per 2 mm
- cytologic features of NSCLC
large cell NET
chemotherapy is first line for […] and second line for […]
first: large and small cell
second: typical/atypical carcinoid
usually found in lung or GI tract
- well differentiated
- 2% of lung neoplasms
- metastatic potential 5-20%
typical carcinoid
- intermediate grade
- <1% of lung neoplasms
- metastatic potential 30-40%
atypical carcinoid
- high grade variant of large cell lung cancer
- 3% of lung neoplasms
large cell NET
- high grade
- 15-20% of lung cancers
functional NETs may present with
- carcinoid syndrome
- cushing syndrome
- acromegaly, hypercalcemia, hypoglycemia
carcinoid syndrome
3 symptoms
wheezing, cutaneous flushing, diarrhea
clinical presentation for large cell NET
4 symptoms
chest pain
- present with cough, hemoptyisis, dyspnea, chest pain, wheezing, hoarseness
- SVC syndrome
- may have paraneoplastic syndromes
small cell lung cancer
typical carcinoid
atypical carcinoid
Large cell NET
small cell
used to differentiate carcinoids vs. large/small cell
cannot distinguish typical vs atypical
more Ki67 indicates
high grade NET
small or large cell
least aggressive type of cancer with uniform, round to oval tumor cells
workup for carcinoid tumor includes
- 24 hr urine for 5 HIAA
- chromogranin A level
- sometimes somatostatin receptor