B2 - Genetic Engineering Flashcards
How is bacteria genetically modified to make human insulin?
A beta cell is extracted from the human pancreas that contains the insulin gene.
The gene is cut using restriction enzymes
The plasmid from the bacteria cell is removed using restriction enzymes and the insulin gene is implanted
This genetically modified is placed back into the cell and is then reproduced in a fermenter that creates an optimum living condition for the modified bacterium to multiply
What are the advantages to using genetically modified bacteria?
They reproduce quickly
Very small and easy to accommodate for
Easy to control their living conditions
What are some modifications made to animals that can be classified as being genetically modified?
Cows that yield high amounts of milk
Animals such as cows, sheep and pigs are larger in size
Chickens produce more and larger eggs
Resistance to specific diseases
What are some modifications made to plants that can be classified as being genetically modified?
Sweet tasting apples
Frost resistance
Insect/pest resistance
Higher yield
Drought resistance
Herbicide resistance
Why is rice a problem for people who eat only rice?
They lack vitamin A which can result in vitamin deficiency and night blindness
How was the rice problem ‘resolved’?
A beta carotene gene was extracted from carrots and implanted into rice plants
This way, the beta carotene could be converted into vitamin A when eaten preventing people from vitamin deficiency and blindness
Why did the golden rice project fail?
Because the production of rice was too expensive for the poor farmers to afford
What are the advantages to genetically modified crops?
They can grow in harsher conditions
They need fewer chemical sprays
Bigger yields
Cheaper food
What are the disadvantages to using genetically modified crops?
They are expensive
Could reduce biodiversity
New proteins could be placed into the genetically modified bacterium resulting in extra allergens
Accidental transfer of genes to other plants
What are the advantages of nuclear transfer?
It can be used for the prevention of extinction
Commercial plant profit from livestock
Organ transplantation
What are the disadvantages of nuclear transfer?
It reduces biodiversity
Rapid ageing as a result of the use of the old diploid body cell
This process can take a long time as many of the embryos don’t survive
What are 5 desirable genes within plants?
High yield Disease resistant Drought resistant Frost resistant Herbicide resistant