B14- Variation and evolution Flashcards
Differences that exist within a species and between different species
Genetic variation
Characteristics inherited through parents’ genes
Eye colour, sex, blood type
Environmental variation
Characteristics influenced by the environment
Scars, tattoos, piercings
3 examples of characteristics that are inherited, environmental and both?
Inherited- eye colour, sex, blood type
Environmental- tattoos, scars, accent
Both- height, hair colour, weight
How is variation caused by mutations?
Are mutations planned?
Mutations in gamete formation can affect the phenotype of offspring
-Mutations are random, usually have little effect on an organism. Very rarely it makes the organism better suited to its environment.
Theory of evolution
How long ago?
Charles Darwin
All species of living things have evolved from simple life forms from 3 billions years ago
Natural selection process? (3 steps)
-Variation exists within a population, causing different phenotypes
-Organisms that happen to be most suited to the environment are more likely to survive and breed successfully
-Their alleles are passed on the future offspring
How to tell if a new species has been formed?
When the species can no longer breed to produce fertile offspring
Selective breeding
When humans breed plants and animals for desired characteristics