autacoid, depressant, Gl tract Flashcards
Receptors subtypes of histamine
- 受體subtypes:皆為G-protein
All G-protein mediated
H1:位於皮膚、血管內皮、平滑肌、CNS ※ H1藥物專指抗組織胺
- 增加細胞內Ca2+ via phosphoinositol hydrolysis
- 產生血管、支氣管收縮
H2:位於胃黏膜(gastric mucosa)、CNS、心肌(myocyte)
- Adenyl cyclase-cAMP cascade → 產生胃酸
H3:位於神經 (主要為前突觸presynaptic)
- May be due to reduced Ca2+ influx
- 減少neurotransmitters釋放
H4:位於血球上 (mast cells, basophils)
- Phospholipase C → 發炎反應
Storage of 5HT
- GI enterochromaffin cells:含有> 90%
- 血小板:帶著serotonin到處跑,佈滿全身,含量第二多 (carrier-mediated transport system)
- High amount of 5-HT are found in raphe nuclei (located in pons/medulla)
- Projecting diffusely throughout the brain (cortex, hypothalamus, LS, hippocampus)
Area postrema
5-HT3 receptors for the vomitting effect
antagonist of 5-HT3 could prevent vomitting
Autoreceptor for 5-HT
- *5-HT1A、5-HT1D可以做為autoreceptors,改變神經活性(負回饋降低活性)
Which subtypes of receptors of 5HT are ion channel based?
* only subtype 1A and 3 could act on ion channels; rest are all GP-Coupled!
How does 5HT causes vasodilation and vasoconstriction respectively? which receptor subtypes responsible for the actions?
- 若有完整血管內皮:smooth muscle being protected by endothelium; causing endothelium-mediated vasodilation by release of EDRF (NO)
- 若血管內皮受損:血小板凝集→釋放serotonin→serotonin和暴露出的血管smooth muscle作用→平滑肌收縮,止血(5-HT2)
- 若心血管疾病(僅次於癌症的第二大死因)、高血脂、高血糖、高血壓對細胞內皮造成傷害,血管內皮保護功能下降→產生不該有的血管收縮(在冠狀動脈就叫心絞痛)、Thrombus血栓(腦中風、心肌梗塞causes!!!!)
factor released by the platelet, to cause vasoconstriction
vs prostacyclin (antagonist)
factor released by the platelet, to cause vasodilation
vs thromboxane (antagonist)
Which receptor causes reflex bradycardia during injury??
- 5-HT3活化神經末梢carotid bodies
- 生理學角度:5-HT過高,代表有血管受傷、讓血流流速下降好讓血液凝集
Which receptor of 5HT responsible for platelet aggregation?
platelet bring along a lot of 5HT (第二多5HT的地方,僅次於腸道)
effect of 5HT on stomach (+receptors information)
if carinoid tumor found in Gl tract, what may happen regarding 5HT??
- 5-HT2:smooth muscle收縮,刺激消化道神經節 (enteric ganglia cells)
- 5-HT4:Ach增加,促進消化道蠕動(prokinetic)
- Carcinoid tumor使serotonin大量產生,造成嚴重腹瀉
- 整體而言,對消化道增加運動性,增強功能
Prokinetic agent
Prokinetic agent means increasing the motility of Gl system
two ways: 1. inhibiting dopamine neuron, which inhibits Ach release
- increasing serotonin, because 5HT-4 promotes the release of Ach
- Metoclopramide(雙重機轉):活化5-HT4、抑制D2R
- Cisapride:活化5-HT4
- Domperidone:抑制D2R
- 多重作用:D2 antagonist (also a tranquilizer! ) 及_5-HT4 agonist(主要)_
- 高劑量時為5-HT3 agonist (止吐)
- 可以穿透BBB (note domperidone cant!)
- antiemetic:block D2 receptor,達到中樞止吐作用
- Appetite stimulator (via on Gl emptying)
- 產生extrapyramidal side effects(EPS),和phenothiazines機制相似
- 副作用:EPS、腹痛、馬會中樞興奮、prolactin量增加(對乳癌、乳腺癌不利,因為會刺激乳腺細胞生長)
- Prokinetic agents:使myenteric motor neuron增加Ach釋放
- Cisapride:活化5-HT4
- 不影響dopamine及DA receptor的功能
- 為5-HT4 receptor agonist:使Ach釋放增加,促進腸胃道蠕動
- 也會block 5-HT3 receptor:有輕微止吐的效果
- 用於gastric/intestinal stasis腸胃滯留、reflux esophagitis逆流性食道炎、constipation便秘、megacolon巨結腸症的貓狗
- 副作用:腹瀉、腹痛
- 在少部分人身上會有嚴重的心律不整(原理不清楚)因此2000年開始就不用在人身上,以新藥mosapride取代。
- Prokinetic agents:使myenteric motor neuron增加Ach釋放(disinhibition:負負得正的概念)
- Domperidone:抑制D2R
- ***note dopamine is inhibitory to Gl system
- 因為不會穿過BBB所以沒有EPS(錐體外路徑)
注意: metoclopramide有EPS
What is the mechanism of causing chemically induced vomitting and nausea?
- 5-HT3活化消化道、area postrema(嘔吐感應區, 右圖)→嘔吐
- Ex.癌症化療引起嘔吐
- CTZ (chemoreceptor trigger zone)有刺激性
- mucosa受損(化療會攻擊快速分裂的細胞)→細胞死亡釋出5-HT→5-HT3活化嘔吐中樞
- 屬於non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic drug
- 機制:5-HT1A receptor partial agonist
- 副作用:很少;有少部分的貓攻擊性會增加
- 用途:治療犬攻擊性、犬貓刻板行為、焦慮
- 不影響GABA受體
- 對重度焦慮、恐慌病患 (panic disorder) 無效
- 不會與其他鎮靜藥物交叉耐受 (cross-tolerance)
- 沒有抗癲癇和肌肉放鬆效果
5-HT1B/1D Agonist
- 活化Autoreceptor:神經細胞活性下降,抑制促進發炎的neuropeptide釋放 (autoreceptor provides negative feedback!)
- 腦部intracranial血管收縮
- (acute anti-migraine agent),對人重要 (過去使用ergot alkaloids/ergotamine麥角生物鹼,有全身性副作用)
- Clinical use: acute anti-migraine, and migraine induced nausea and vomiting
- 副作用小,2006年後為成藥over-the-counter migraine pill(不須醫師處方)
- Mechanism:Block H1、5-HT2
- 對H2沒有影響(腸胃道分泌)
- 第一代antihistamine:有__atropine-like significant副作用、引起鎮靜
- Clinical Use:
- Block 5-HT2:改善小兒和貓的食慾 (note serotonin is closely related to 感受認知情緒等等比較抽象的感覺)
- Block H1: feline pruritus, hives (allergy)
- Mechanism: Block 5-HT1C、5-HT2、α1
- Clinical use: anti-hypertensive durg
- 5-HT2 blocking: 抑制血小板凝集→ antihypersensitive (but the effect is minor compared to alpha blocking)
- α1 blocking:effectively防止血管收縮 →降血壓(antihypertensive)、預防血栓
- Mechanism:Block 5-HT2
- 優點:沒有alpha blocking 所以more specific!!
- 缺點:影響血小板功能
- 機制:Block 5-HT3
- No effect on DA, H, adrenergic or cholinergic Rs
- Clinical use: Prophylaxis & treatment of nausea and 嘔吐caused by 癌症化療、手術
- Pros:
- 非常有效的antiemetics、
- Specifically blocking 5-HT3副作用輕微 (not sedative, no influence on blood pressure, no dysphoria, extrapyramidal reactions, all are side effect of Phenothiazine)
- 取代__phenothiazine or antihistamines
Cons: potential side effects include liver enzyme lifting and headache
- 機制:Block 5-HT3
Clinical use:
- 預防癌症化療、radio therapy、手術引起的vomiting/nausea
- Administered before麻醉誘導
- Managing symptoms induced by carcinoid syndrome (良性腫瘤)
- Block 5-HT3
Clinical use:
- 預防癌症化療、radio therapy、手術引起的vomiting/nausea
- Administered before麻醉誘導
- Managing symptoms induced by carcinoid syndrome (良性腫瘤)
優點:專一性更高 (compared to tropisetron)
- Block 5-HT3
Clinical use:
- 預防癌症化療、radio therapy、手術引起的vomiting/nausea
- Administered before麻醉誘導
- Managing symptoms induced by carcinoid syndrome (良性腫瘤)
- 優點:專一性更高 (compared to tropisetron)
- Ergotamine + caffeine:傳統用來治療偏頭痛 (migrane),已被sumatriptan取代
- 副作用:使血管收縮 (影響周邊血流循環hypertension!)
- 自然界的serotonin agonist –Ergot alkaloids麥角生物鹼
- 在穀類上生長的黴菌所產生
自然界的serotonin agonist –Ergot alkaloids麥角生物鹼
- Ergonovine (/ergometrine)+ oxytocin:促進子宮平滑肌收縮 (uterotonic effect),抑制產後出血 (postpartum bleeding)
- 牛毛草fescue grass被黴菌(acremonium coenophialum)寄生所產生
- Potent 5-HT2 agonist,對血管有強收縮作用
- 牛攝入後中毒→ergotism麥角生物鹼中毒
- 急性:牛變神經質、全身痙攣convulsion
- 慢性長期:壞疽gangrene due to 血液循環不良
- 牛泌乳(agalactia無乳)、繁殖量下降
used for testing gastric acid secretion capability
more short acting than histamine, hence replacing it
isomer of histamine
now used to test for secretion capbility of the gastric acid secretion
historical: histamine
- drug that 安定mast cell,減少histamine的釋放
what are the receptor responsible for causing nausea and vomiting
- motion sickness as only cause: CNS H1 receptor. Antihistamine of 1t generation should be used as drug
- chemotherapy / surgery as causes: 5-HT3 in area postremea, activating cheoreceptor trigger zone. 5HT3 antagonist should be used
cromolyn sodium
- 平時預防allergic rhinitis
- Route of administration鼻噴(nasal spray)
- Effect:穩定mast cell,防止活化
Pros: almost no side effect