Attachement: Influence Of Early Attchement On Later Relationships Flashcards
What did Bowlby propose in 1969
A child having their first relationship with their primary attachment figure forms a mental representation of this relationship.
What is the internal working model
The mental representation we all carry with us of our attachment to primary caregiver.
Important in affecting our future relationships because
Carry our perceptions of what relationships are like
If a child whose first experience is of a loving relationship with reliable caregiver what can we expect
They will tend to assume that this is how relationships are supposed to be
Seek out functional relationships
If a child’s has had bad experiences of their first attachment what can we expect
They will bring these bad experiences to bear on later relationships
Struggle to form relationships
May not behave appropriately
Happy secure childhood =
Positive internal working model
In terms of childhood what can attachment type be associated with
Associated with the quality of peer relationship
What did kerns 1994 suggest
Securely attached infants - from best quality childhood friendships
Insecurely attached - friendship difficulties
What did smith and Myron Wilson (1998) suggest about bullying
Assessed attachment type bullying involvement
In 196 children aged 7-11 from London
Secure - unlikely to be involved
Insecure avoidant - likely to be victims
Insecure resistant - likely to be bullies
What did MCCarthy (1999) do ?
Studied 40 adult women
Assessed when they were infants
Establish early attachment
Compared to present relationships
What did McCarthy find ?
Securely attached infants - functional adult and romantic relationships
Insecure resistant - problems maintaining relationships
Insecure avoidant - struggled with intimacy in romantic relationships
What was the procedure used by Hazan and shaver 1987
Analysed 630 replies to a love quiz
3 sections
First assessed respondents current or most important relationship
Second part assessed general love experiences by asking respondents such as number of partners
Third assessed attachment type
What were the findings of hazan and shaver 1987 study
56% - secure
25% - insecure
19% - insecure resistant
Secure - most likely to have good long lasting romantic experiences
Avoidant - reveal jealousy and fear of intimacy
Patterns of attachment behaviour reflected in romantic relation ships
In terms of parenthood what can the internal working model affect
The childs ability to parent their own child
Why does the internal working model affect childs ability to parent
People tend to base their parenting style on their internal working model
Passed on through generations
What did bailey et al do ?
Considered attachment of 99 mothers to their babies and to their own mothers.
Mother - baby attachment assed using the SS
Mother - own mother attachment using adult attachment interview
Majority of women had the same attachment type both to their babies and own mothers
Having a positive internal working will do what in terms of parenting
Acts as template for future relationships
children will then Form positive and secure attachments with other children similar to the attachments they formed with parents
What is a limitation of early attachment and late relationship studies (validity)
Most studies have issues with validity
Do not Make use of the SS but asses i attachment by
Interviews or questions years later
To assess quality of relationship
Self report techniques like questionnaires and interviews
Validity limited
Depend on respondents being honest and having realistic view on own relationship
The notion of looking back in adulthood at early attachment
Present in many studies
Decreases validity of findings
What is another limitation of studies
Evidence of continuity is mixed
The evidence of continuity of attachment is mixed
Eg McCarthy appear to support continuity and so provide evidence to support internal working models
On other hand Zimmerman 2000 assed infant attachment type
Adolescent attachment to parents
Very little similarity between quality of attachments in both instances
If internal working model important in development
Not what we would expect
What is another limitation of Studies (association not causation )
Several studies indicate associations
Not the same as causation
Infant attachment type is associated with quality of later relationship.
Alternative explanations for continuity between infant and later relationships
3rd environmental factor - parenting style or temperament could have an effect
Goes against bowlbys theory that only internal working model has an effect on later relationships
What is another limitations of internal working models
Theoretical problem with research related to internal working models
Internal working models unconscious
Would not to expect get evidence about them directly by
Interviews or questionnaires
Only relying on conscious understanding when
Participants self report on their relationships
Only getting indirect evidence about internal working model, will not be sure how it actually works