Alevel Psychology

This class was created by Brainscape user Madiha A. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (109)

Research Methods: Sampling
What does population mean,
What does target population mean,
What does sample mean
28  cards
Biopsych - Infradian Rhythms
What are infradian rhythms,
What is an example of an infrarad...,
Explain the menstrual cycle
9  cards
Research Methods - Validty And Reliability
What is interval validity,
What is external validity,
Explain the three types of extern...
18  cards
Biopsych- Techniques For Investiagting The Brain
Name the 4 ways of investigating ...,
Outline fmris as a way of investi...,
What is an eeg
14  cards
Biopsych - Localisation Of The Brain
What is localisation of function ...,
What is the brain divided into an...,
What are the four lobes of the ce...
16  cards
Bio Psych - Laterilisation
What is meant by hemispheric late...,
What is a very significant thing ...,
Where are the information from le...
16  cards
Biopsych- Plasticity And Functional Recovery
What is plasticity,
Explain maguire et als study,
Explain kuhns study
12  cards
Biopsych - Neurons And Synaptic Transmission
What is a neuron,
What are the 3 different types of...,
What is the function of sensory n...
14  cards
Biopsychology - The Nervous System And The Endocrine System
What are the two functions of the...,
What is the hns split into,
What is the central nervous made ...
21  cards
Psychopathology- depression
What are the four depressive diso...,
What are the 3 behavioural charac...,
What are emotional characteristic...
24  cards
Psychopthaology - Bhevioural Treatments
What is systematic desensitisation,
What theory does sd work through,
What is reciprocal inhibition
12  cards
Psychopathology - Phobias
What are phobias,
How does the latest version of th...,
What are the behavioural categori...
16  cards
Psychopathology: Definitions Of Abnormality
What are the 4 definitions of abn...,
What is statistical deviation,
Use intellectual disability disor...
24  cards
Research Methods - The Sign Tests
How do you determine if it is a s...,
What are the first 3 steps of the...,
What is step 4 in using sign test...
6  cards
Research Methods - Statistial Tests
When do you select a chi squared ...,
What two values do you need to in...,
For a chi squared how do you find...
15  cards
Research Methods - Parametric Diffrence Tests
Compared to other tests parametri...,
Are parametric tests able to dete...,
What three specific criteria must...
12  cards
Research Methods - Spearmans Rho And Pearsons
What are the tests for spearman s...,
When do we use spearmans s rho,
When do we use pearson s r test
8  cards
Research Methods - Factors Affecting Choice Of Statistical Test
What 3 pieces of information shou...,
How would you work out if it is a...,
What are three different types of...
13  cards
Research Methods - Statistical Testing
What is the null hypothesis,
What is the experimental hypothesis,
What are the difference between d...
17  cards
Research Methods - The Economy
How can social change impact the ...,
The cognitive interview is a tech...,
Bowlbys idea of the importance of...
6  cards
Research Methods - Peer Review
What is meant by peer review,
What are the 3 main aims of peer ...,
Describe the process and purposes...
5  cards
Research Methods - Case Studies
What are case studies,
What do case studies often involve,
How are case studies used to coll...
9  cards
Research Methods - Contentanalysis
What is content analysis,
What is coding,
What is thematic analysis
8  cards
Research Methods - Types Of Data
What is quantitive data,
What are research methods that co...,
What is strength of qualitative data
17  cards
Research Methods : Correlations
What is a correlation,
What are co variables,
Why not independent and dependent...
16  cards
Research Methods: Pilot Studies, Single Blind, Double Blind And Control
What are pilot studies,
What are characteristics of a pil...,
What is the purpose of pilot study
7  cards
Attachement: Influence Of Early Attchement On Later Relationships
What did bowlby propose in 1969,
What is the internal working model,
If a child whose first experience...
20  cards
Attachment - Institutionalisation
What is institutionalisation,
What is the procedure of rutters ...,
What were the rings of rutters study
12  cards
Attachment - Bowlbys Theory Of Maternal Deprivation
What is maternal deprivation,
When did bowlby propose theory of...,
What did bowlby say about the cri...
11  cards
Attchment - Cultural Variations
What did van ijzendoorn and kroon...,
What was the procure used in van ...,
What were the findings of van ijz...
10  cards
Attachement- The Starnge Situation
What is the strange situation,
What is the procure of the strang...,
What are the behaviours used to j...
14  cards
Attachement - Bowlbys Theory Of Attachment
What did bowlby propose,
How did imprinting and attachment...,
What is monotropy
14  cards
Attachement - Learning Theory
Use classical conditioning in the...,
How does operant conditioning exp...,
How is reinforcement a two way pr...
8  cards
Attachment - Animal Studies
What was the procure lorenz used ...,
What were the findings of lorenz ...,
What imprinting
14  cards
Attachement- Schaffers Stages Of Attachment
What did schaffer and emerson aim...,
What was the method used in schaf...,
What were the findings of schaffe...
13  cards
Attachment - Attachment Figures
What did schaffer and emerson 196...,
What age did did 75 of infants fo...,
How was attachment to father dete...
14  cards
Attachment - Introduction To Attachment
Define attachment,
What are the three attachment beh...,
Explain proximity
16  cards
Appraoches Comparison
Compare views on development of d...,
Compare arguments of nature vs nu...,
Compare arguments of reductionism...
7  cards
Approaches- Humanism
What is humanism,
What are the assumption of humanism,
Why do humanists reject the scien...
24  cards
Approaches - Humanism
0  cards
Approaches - The Biological Approach
What is the biological approach,
What are genes,
What is a biological structure
26  cards
Approaches - The Cognitive Approach
What does the cognitive approach ...,
What does the cognitive approach ...,
What are internal mental processes
27  cards
Approaches - Psychodynamic Approach
Who was the founder of the psycho...,
What did freud argue,
What is psycho analysis
43  cards
Approaches - The Emergence Of Psychology As A Science
What are the are the 4 goals psyc...,
Who was descartes,
Who was locke
16  cards
Approaches - Wundt’s approach
What is psychology,
What is introspection,
Where is psychology thought to ha...
12  cards
Memory : Retrieval Failure
What is retrieval failure,
What are cues,
What are the two different types ...
14  cards
Memory: Interference Theory
What is interference,
What are the types of interference,
What is proactive interference
10  cards
Memory: The Working Memory Model
What is the working memory model,
What is the central executive,
What is the phonological loop
14  cards
Memory - Types Of LTM
What are the 3 stores of memory,
What is episodic memory,
Why are episodic memories more co...
9  cards
Memory: Multistore Model Of Memory
Who created the multi store model...,
What are the 3 stores in the msm,
How does information enter the mu...
20  cards
Memory: Duration, Capacity And Coding
What is memory,
What is short term memory,
What is long term memory
23  cards
Approaches: Social Learning Theory
What is social learning theory,
What is imitation,
What is a role model
28  cards
Approaches: Behaviourist And Social Learning Theory
What is behaviourist,
What is classical conditioning,
What is operant conditioning
22  cards
Memory: Cognitive Interview
What is a cognitive interview,
What is the difference between a ...,
What are the four main techniques...
19  cards
Memory : Anxiety And EWT
What is anxiety,
What does johnson and scott s stu...,
What was the procedure of johnson...
14  cards
Memory : EWT and Misleading Information
What is eyewitness testimony,
What are two factors that affect ...,
What is misleading information
21  cards
Memory - Duration
What is memory,
What is your short term memory,
What is your long term memory
7  cards
Redeatch Methods - Maths Skills
Percentage increase equation,
Percentage decrease equation,
How to covert a percentage to a d...
13  cards
Research Methods : Graphs And Distributions
Rules when drawing a graph,
Describe bar charts,
Describe a histogram
24  cards
Research Methods: measures of central tendency and dispersion
Definition of descriptive statistics,
Describe measures of statistics,
Describe what it means by the mean
29  cards
Research Methods: Interviews
What is an interview,
What is a structured interview,
What is an unstructured interview
18  cards
Social Influence : Minority Influence
What is social influence,
What is commitment,
What is flexibility
16  cards
Social Influence : Obedience
What is the aim of milgram s expe...,
What is conformity,
Explain milgram s method
53  cards
Research Methods : Questionaires
What is a questionnaire a type of,
What is a self report technique,
What is a questionnaire
19  cards
Research Methods : Observations
What are observations,
What do observations not have,
What do observations not have
27  cards
Research methods: designing observation
What is an unstructured observation,
What is an structured observation,
What is target behaviour
34  cards
Research Methods - Pilot Studies
What is a pilot study,
Strengths of pilot studies,
Limitations of pilot studies
3  cards
Research methods : Types Of Experiment
What is a laboratory experiment,
What is a field experiment,
What is a natural experiment
34  cards
Research Methods : Experimental Design
What is experimental design,
Independent groups design,
Repeated measures design
17  cards
Research Methods : Controlling Variables
What are variables,
What is an independent variable,
What is the dependant variable
29  cards
Research Methods - Experimental Method
What does experimental method mean,
What is an aim,
What is a hypothesis
13  cards
Social Influence : Conformity
What is social influence,
Definition of conformity,
What are three types of conformity
46  cards
Research methods: Ethical Issues
What are ethical issues,
Definition of confidentiality,
Deception definition
23  cards
Issues and debates - gender bias
What is universality,
What is bias,
What is gender bias
19  cards
Issues and debates - culture bias
What is culture bias,
What are individualist cultures,
What are collectivist cultures
26  cards
issues and debates - ethical implications
What are ethical guidelines,
Examples of ethical guidelines,
When do ethical issues arise
24  cards
schizophrenia - Diagnosis And Classification
What do the dsm and icd diagnose ...,
What does the icd do that is diff...,
What are positive symptoms of sch...
15  cards
schizophrenia: biological explanations
Explain how schizophrenia runs in...,
Explain candidate genes in schizo...,
The risk of developing schizophre...
23  cards
schizophrenia- biological therapies
What are antipsychotics,
What are typical antipsychotics,
What is an example of a typical a...
20  cards
schizophrenia- psychological explanations
Explain the schizophrenogenic mother,
What is the impact of the schizop...,
Explain double bind theory
17  cards
schizophrenia- psychological therapies
What is cognitive behavioural the...,
How does cbt work,
What is one way in cbt is used on...
13  cards
issues and debates - freewill and determinism
What is freewill,
What is determinism,
What is hard determinism
17  cards
issues and debates - nature vs nurture
Define the nature nurture debate,
Define what is meant by nature,
Define what is meant by heredity
22  cards
Issues and debates - holism vs reductionism
What is holism,
What is reductionism,
What is biological determinism
15  cards
issues and debates - idiographic + nomothetic
What does idiographic approach fo...,
How is the idiographic approach d...,
What research methods are idiogra...
11  cards
schizophrenia- interactionist approach
What is the interactionist approa...,
The interactionist approach is ex...,
Explain the diathesis stress model
7  cards
schizophrenia - interactionist approach treatments
What is the treatment involved wi...,
What is a strength of interaction...,
What is a limitation of interacti...
4  cards
cognition and development - piagets theory
What did paiget believe resulted ...,
What did paiget believe about sch...,
How does schema become more compl...
10  cards
cognition and development - piagets stages
Name the 4 stages in piagets theo...,
What is object permanence,
What is conservation
9  cards
cognition and development - piagets stages evaluation
Strength of object permanence sup...,
Supporting research for pre opera...,
Strength for egocentrism
10  cards
cognition and development - vygotsky's theory
What are 5 aspects of scaffolding,
What did vygotsky see cognitive d...,
Explain the social and individual...
9  cards
cognition and development - vygotsky theory evaluation
What is a strength of vygotskys t...,
What is another strength of vygot...,
What is a limitation of vygotskys...
3  cards
cognition and development - baillargeons theory
What did baillargeon suggest,
What is the violation of expectat...,
What was the main principle behin...
11  cards
forensic psychology - top down profiling
What is offender profiling,
Where did the top down approach o...,
What is the top down approach
10  cards
forensic psychology - bottom up profiling
What is bottom up profiling,
What two techniques are used for ...,
What is investigative psychology
10  cards
forensic psychology - atavistic form
Define the atavistic form,
What did lombroso do in terms of ...
9  cards
Cognition And Development - Selmans Levels Of Perspective
What is the difference between pi...,
Selman s research 1971 procedure,
What were the findings of selmans...
15  cards
Cognition And Development - Selman’s Levels Of Perspective Evaluation
What is another strength of selma...,
What is a limitation of selmans l...
4  cards
Cognition And Development - Theory Of Mind
Define theory of mind,
What is a false belief,
Define autism spectrum disorder
20  cards
Forensic Psychology - Eysencks Theory
What did eysenck propose,
What did eysenck do later on,
According to eysenck all personal...
10  cards
Forensic Psychology - Eysencks Theory Evaluation
What is a strength of eysencks th...,
What is a limitation of eysencks ...,
What is another limitation of eys...
4  cards
Theory Of Mind - Evaluation
What is limitation of theory of m...,
What is another limitation of the...,
What is a strength limitation of ...
4  cards
Cognition And Development - Mirror Neurons Description
What are mirror neurons,
How were mirror neurons discovered,
What did gallese and goldman 1998...
12  cards
cognition and development- mirror neuron evaluation
One strength of mirror neurons ev...,
Explain another strength of mirro...,
What is another strength of mirro...
5  cards
Forensic psychology- Kohlberg's level of moral reasoning
What type of explanation is kohlb...,
What does moral reasoning refer to,
How did kohlberg objectify the pr...
7  cards
Forensic Psychology - Differential Association Theory Description
What does the differential associ...,
What is the main process behind o...,
Criminality arises from what to f...
5  cards
Forensic Psychology - Kohlberg
What is a strength of kohlbergs m...,
What is a limitation of kohlberg ...,
What is another limitation of koh...
3  cards
psychopathology - biological explanation for OCD
What did lewis 1936 suggest,
What did the diathesis stress mod...,
What is the role of candidate gen...
11  cards
psychopathology- biological ways of treating OCD
What is the main way to treat ocd,
What is the aim of drug therapy,
What do ssris such as fluoxetine do
12  cards

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