Asthma Flashcards
Asthma etiology?
EPF-->LU \ \ diet-->SP-->Phlegm------>asthma attack / illness-->KID/ congenital xu
What is another name for asthma?
xiao chuan
What is the chief pathogenic factor for asthma?
Phlegm= deep rooted
Explain asthma attack in TCM terms?
phlegm and QI block air passages and impair LU D+D function of LU
Which organs are involved in asthma?
What are the two main divisions of asthma patterns?
1) during attack
2) remission stage
What are the patterns for During asthma attack?
1) cold phlegm in LU
2) Phlegm heat in LU
3) Phlegm damp in LU
4) Yin xu with phlegm heat
5) Yang Qi xu with phlegm damp
What are the patterns for asthma remission stage?
1) LU xu
2) SP xu
3) KID xu
SOB, worse on exertion, low voice, low gurgling sound in the throat, cough with white dilute sputum, dry cough with little sticky sputum
T- red, thin white coat
P- thready, rapid
LU xu asthma (during remission)
short rapid breathe, rattling sound, profuse white sticky sputum, gurgling sound in throat, no thirst
T- thick sticky coat
Phlegm-damp in LU asthma (during attack)
inconsistent breathlessness, worse on exertion, severe wheezing, difficult inhalation, rattling sound in throat, cough without or with little sticky sputum, dry mouth/throat, afternoon fever, night sweats
T-deep red, thin yellow sticky coat
P-thready, rapid
Yin xu with Phlegm-heat asthma (during attack)
short rapid breathing, difficult exhale, rattling sound in throat, paroxysmal cough with thick yellow sputum, thirst with preference for drinks, irritability, sweating
T-red, thin yellow sticky
P- superficial, rapid
Phlegm-heat in LU asthma (during attack)
inconsistent breathlessness, severe wheezing, difficult inhalation, rattling sound in throat, no thirst, chills, cold limbs, spontaneous sweats, purple lips
T- pale, puffy, purplish, slippery coat
P-deep, thready
Yang Qi xu with Phlegm-damp asthma (during attack)
SOB, difficult inhalation, worse on exertion, cough with frothy sputum, little sticky sputum, pale complexion, chills, cold limbs, palpitations, weak lumbar/knees, dizziness, tinnitus, impotence, nocturnal emission
T- pale, tender, red
P-deep, thready, thready/rapid
Kindey Xu asthma (during remission)
SOB, low voice, poor appetite, abdominal distension, worse after eating, loose stools, lassitude
T- pale, white sticky
P-thready, soft
Spleen xu asthma (during remission)