Asepsis and Infection Control Flashcards
A nurse is caring for a client with a bacterial infection. Which type of medication would the nurse expect to see ordered?
What is the easiest way to prevent infection?
bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, prions
Multi-drug resistant organisms: Antibiotic-related issues (4)
- overuse
- wrong treatment
- not finishing a prescription
- farming and agriculture
Multi-drug resistant organisms: Provider-related issue
not following precautions – nurses can inadvertently be a carrier and transmit to others
Infection in the blood
Infection sources
person, animal, food, water
Portals of entry unique to hospitals
IV cath, urinary catheter, surgical site, respiratory assistance
Portals of exit
sputum, emesis, stool, urine, blood, wound drainage, genital secretions
Contact pathogens
MRSA, c-diff
Droplet pathogens
influenza, pertussis, meningitis
Airborne pathogens
TB, measles, coronavirus
Vehicles for pathogens
Vector-borne transmission routes
mosquitos, contaminated needles
Contact precautions
gloves, gown
Droplet precautions
mask, eye protection (not gown)
Airborne precautions
N95, eye protection, negative pressure room
CDC prevention strategies to lessen risk of infection
- bundled practices for invasive procedures or treatment
- expedient diagnosis and treatment
- careful determination of appropriate antimicrobial therapy
- following appropriate precautions
Three things to prevent needle stick injury
- do not recap needles
- engage safety lock feature on needles
- use puncture proof sharps container
What four situations do you need to wear gloves with standard precautions?
- touching bodily fluids
- touching containers of bodily fluids
- touching mucous membranes
- touching broken skin
At a minimum, when should you wash hands?
changing gloves, entering/leaving a room
Also: bathroom, eating, visibly soiled
On standard precautions, when should you wear a mask/gown?
When there’s a potential of exposure to bodily fluid?
Where do you remove PPE
In the room
Which precautions: N-95 and negative pressure room
Which precautions: mask within 6 ft of pt
Which precautions: gloves and gown
Which precautions: pt defenses compromised
Surgical asepsis: equipment checks
equipment is sterile
package is not open
package is not expired
t/f: you can turn away and maintain a sterile field
t/f: you can use non-sterile gloves in a sterile field
t/f: a surgical field should be located just above the waist
t/f: new items should go onto the surgical field
t/f: surgical fields do not require special containers for fluid
false – must avoid leaks
t/f: you can reach across a surgical field
Asepsis considerations for newborns
caregiver handwashing and immunization education
Asepsis considerations for toddlers
teaching toddlers hand hygiene
Asepsis considerations for school-aged and adolescents
reinforce hand washing, STI prevention
Asepsis considerations for adults
preventive health