APPROACHES- Psychodynamic Flashcards
What are the main assumptions of the psychodynamic approach?
-Unconscious forces in our minds determine our thoughts, feelings and behaviour ( the term dynamic refers to the ongoing involvement of these forces
-Our childhood experiences strongly influence our behaviour as adults
-abnormal behaviour is the result of mental conflict between different personalities within us
-The mind can be divided into 3 levels of consciousness which can be referred to as the iceberg analogy, the unconscious mind which is hidden beneath the surface, has the most influence on our personalities
-This approach uses case studies as its preferred research method to understand individuals as holistically as possible
-if someone is conflicted due to dysfunctional parental behaviour in childhood they may exhibit defence mechanism behaviour
Define unconscious
The part of the mind that we are unaware of that directs behaviour such as secret fears or desires, repressed memories or emotions, the effects of trauma
Define the Tri-partite structure of personality
The personality consists of 3 parts the id, ego and superego
Define defence mechanisms.
Unconscious strategies that the ego uses to manage the conflicts between the id and superego
What are the psychosexual stages?
Each psychosexual stage is associated with a conflict that must be resolved before the individual can successfully advance to the next stage
Define psychic determinism
Unconscious forces and drives are inborn and control or determine behaviour all we say and do has a cause
Why are childhood experiences important?
Events that occur in childhood remain in the unconscious and cause problems as adults
Who created the iceberg analogy?
What is the preconscious/subconscious mind?
In between the unconscious and conscious mind and holds information that we can access if we try and when we want to
What is at the top of the iceberg?
The small amount of mental activity we know about, thoughts and perception
What is the bottom of the iceberg?
The unconscious- things we are aware of and can not become aware of, disturbing memories that have been repressed
What are the two things that prove the unconscious?
-Freudian slips
-Dream analysis
What are Freudian slips?
An error in speech, memory or physical action that occurs due to the inference of an unconscious wish or internal train of thought such as secret feelings, the concept is a part of classical psychoanalysis
What is dream analysis?
Is the process of assigning meaning to dreams, although associated with some forms of psychotherapy, there is no reliable evidence that understanding or interpreting dreams has a positive impact on somebody’s mental health
What is the conscious mind?
The part of the mind that the individual is aware of, which is used to form conscious thoughts
What do dreams reveal?
secret fears/desires
Why do psychotherapists suggest psychoanalysis is necessary?
secret fears/desires
When is the Id present from?
What is the Id?
the instinctive part of our personality and operates according to the pleasure principle
What is the Id a mass of?
Unconscious drives and instincts
What does the Id seek?
self-indulgent pleasure and instant gratification
Why is the id important in early life?
Ensure survival
When does the Ego devolp?
Around 2
What does the Ego work on?
The reality principle
What is Ego a mediator for?
The Id and Superego- balaces the demands of each
Why does the Ego develop?
A response to control by others