Approach to the Investigation of Lymphadenopathy Flashcards
non-lymphoma causes of lymphadenopathy
mets eg breast/ovarian
connective tissue disease eg sarcoid/SLE
symptoms of lymphadenopathy
night sweats eg drenching clothing weight loss itch fatigue alcohol induced pain
Ix suspicious lymphadenopathy
LN biopsy
(can do immunophenotyping of blood/marrow instead of biopsy)
lymphadenopathy is regional/generalised in bacterial infection
lymphadenopathy is regional/generalised in viral infection
large glands = infection T or F
F, cant tell from the size
there are enlarged lymph nodes where in lung cancer?
consistency of viral LNs
consistency of bacterial LNs
consistency of LNs in lymphoma
what causes viral lymphadenopathy
follicular hyperplasia in response to inc lymphocytes
why is there pain in viral lymphadenopathy
capsule of the lymph node enlarges
consistency of metastatic lymphadenoathy
lymph nodes are tender/nontender in infection
lymph nodes are tender/nontender in cancer
non tender
what will make lymph nodes feel irregular on the surface
mets (growing outwith the LN)
if the skin is inflamed over the area of lymphadenopathy what is the likely cause?
bacterial infection
best way to biopsy a lymph node?
take the whole thing out
you can diagnose lymphoma on a CT T or F
F, need a biopsy
follicular hyperplasia is normal T or F
T, it is a physiological immune response by lymph nodes
sclerosed tissue surrounding nodules…
hodgkins lymphoma
reed-sternberg cells on histology…
hodgkins lymphoma
low grade lymphomas contain mature/immature cells
what does immunohistochemistry measure?
pattern of proteins on the surface of lymphoma cells
positive areas will stain ___ on immunohistochemistry
immunophenotyping uses liquid/solid
give examples of cytogenic analysis techniques for lymphoma
G banding
the most aggressive forms of lymphoma result from progenitor cells/mature cells
progenitor cells
if you have a B cell NHL what should be found out?
whether its low or high grade
which is more common - hodgkins or non-hodgkins lymphoma?
NHL is a problem with B/T cells
B AND T (mainly B)
HL is a problem with B/T cells
burkitt’s lymphoma is low/fast growing
very fast and aggressive
a mantle cell lymphoma can mask as….
a non-hodgkins low grade lymphoma
what is the prognosis of a marginal zone NHL?
very good
main difference between leukaemia and lymphoma
lymphomas arise in the lymph nodes and tissues
leukaemias arise in the blood