APK FEB 2000 Flashcards
A rheumatic disorder that is frequently mis diagnosed with myofacial pain syndrome, polymyositis,juvenile RA or SLE.
A chronic pain d/o of unknown etiology.
There are widespread musculoskeletal pain and aches ,stiffness and fatigue.
Median age onset 29-37
Medical presentation 34-35
Fibromyalgia syndrome
The scaphod lunate and triquetrium shifts laterally during
The scaphoid , lunate and triquetrium shifts medially during
The primary deficit that CVA pxs must learn to compensate to be able to return to driving
Almost the whole of the broad sacral plexus narrows down to form a huge branch called
The angle formed by the tendons of the quads and ligamentum patella with the center of the patella
Q angle
Normal value of Q angle in females
Normal value of Q angle in males
The muscle length at which the maximum tension is attained
Optimal length
Position to test middle traps
Inserts into the triangular fibrous sheet that occupies the palm of the hand
Protects underlying structures and prevents the palm of the hand from being readily pinched
The aponeurosis is present even when this ms is absent
Palmaris longus
The stability of the shoulder joint principally depends on
Pulmo artery leaves the heart via
R ventricle
Sends impulses to inhibitory interneurons to relax antagonist ms
Stores and releases calcium ions during contractile process
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
A combi of the four primary movements in which each succeed one another
It is the highest ms of the orbital cavity which raises the upper eyelid
Levator palpebrae superioris
Skeletal ms store just enough ATP to provide chemical energy for at least 30 sec of continous contraction
Dorsal scapular injury will most likely affect what muscles
Levator scapula
A modified skin that lines not only the inner surface of the lids but also reflected on to the eyeball
3 ms that make up the thenar eminence
Adb pol. Brevis
Flexor pol. Brevis
Opponens pollicis
The entire flexor pronator can be surgically removed from its common origin and transferred proximally onto the humerus to substitute for weak or absent —-
Biceps muscle
During ms contraction they slide towards each other
These fibers bring neurons of one part of the cortex of the hemisphere in into communication with those of another part of the same hemisphere
Association fibers
Ms that contract statically to support some part of the body against the pull of contacting ms
Assessed by pressing over the area
Pitting ng edema
Assessed by balloting the fluid
Excess Synovial fluid/synovial thickening
It derives its profuse blood supply from 2 superior arteries and 2 inferior arteries
Thyroid gland
The most significant sign of heart attack
Chest pain
It regulates the number of RBC in circulation
It produces lymphocytes and is the principal residence of reticulo-endothelial cells of the body
Surgically removal of a a piece of bone to realign bone and shift weight bearing stress away from a worn area
Atlanto axial joint is an example of what type of jt?
Pivot joint