APK 1996 Flashcards
The principal ms involved in light hand closure
Flexor digitorum profundus
Class lever
The weight arm is longer than the force arm
A mechanical disadvantage
Third class lever Speed
The ball of the foot corresponds to the
Heads the metatarsals
Helps in maintaining elbow extension
Stabilizes the elbow jt during other movements of the upper extremity
Initiates extension of elbow
Abductor pollicis longus is innervated by what nerve
Radial nerve
Overlapping of receptive field improves the phenomenon of sensation
The conoid and trapeziod are ligaments that connects the
Coracoid and clavicle
In what movement of the scapula are the upper and lower trapezius ms are synergist
Upward rotation plus serratus anterior
In mid clavicular fx the structures that protects the underlying vessels from being injured is s the
The highest content of elastic fiber is found in the ligament —-
For how many percent?
Ligamentum flavum
Most oblique rib
9th rib
Longest rib
7th rib
A house painter who often works with raised arms as the hands work at a height should primarily be given strengthening exercise for what ms
Serratus anterior
Efferent fibers of the muscle spindle comes from
Gamma motor neuron/ A gamma
Distal attachment of flexor carpi ulnaris
Most unstable position of gleno humeral joint
Flexed, abducted and externally rotated
Medial collateral lig is also known as
Deltoid ligament
Type of nerve fiber with the fastest conduction
Large myelinated
The most commonly injured ligament of the ankle joint in sprain is the
Ant. Talofibular ligament
The biggest volume that can be expired by a person is called
N value
Vital capacity
Ms responsible for mcp flexion
InterrUssei and lumbricals
Has a better leverage as a DIP extensor compared to its leverage as an MCP flexor
The blood supply of the post thigh mainly comes from
Profunda femoris artery
A lesions n in subthalamic nucleus will result in
Ms enhanced by extending elbow combined with shoulder flexion
The aRcade of frohse may compress
Posterior interosseous nerve(radial nerve)
First line of defense against bacterial infection among the cellular elements
Second line of defense against bacterial infection among the cellular elements
The movements of Ca+ ions across the membrane is mainly by
Active transport
Normal width of walking base
2-4 inches
Nerve that crosses the elbow as a pure sensory nerve
Musculocutaneous nerve
Upright lung with the greatest perfusion
Axis of subtalar add and abd
Vertical/y axis/transverse plane/xz axis
Ms power is greatest at approx how many percent of the max load
Most abundant cation found inside living cells
The space punctured during lumpar puncture to obtain csf
Subarachnoid space
Neurotransmitter of the majority of the postganglionic sympathetic endings
The rapid adaptations n
Strong affect
Stimulation by joint motion
Stability of the ankle joint is primary afforded by
Ligaments/ligamentous connections
Ligament that limits glenohumeral joint flexion and extension
Coracohumeral ligament
The strongest support of the longitudinal arch of the foot
Posterior tibial nerve
Men climbing high mountain will have enotmous water loss due to
Increased ventilation
Ms that its mainfxn is to stabilize the scapula
The cellular property of neurons which enables them to receive and transmit information is
Stab wound at the poplitial fossa will primary injure what structure
Posterior tibial nerve
Neck side flexion nerve roots
This term implies passage of an impulse across a junction
During dissection in order to expose brachial artery at the elbow you have to cut the
Bicipital aponeurosis
Describes the intrapleural pressure during a normal unforced breathing
Always negative
Prevents shoulder subluxation when carrying a load in the hand while standing erect
Teres minor
Connective tissue covering a ms fiber
Nerve action potential
Ms action potential
How many compartments in the lower leg
First heart sound associated with closure of
Av valves(tricuspid and mitral valve)
Death of the cortex of the bone from occlusion of the nutrient vessels caused by intense infection is called
When an individual stands erect with evenly distributed on B feet the load on each hip is approx. how many percent?
Lobe of the cerebellum fxns for coordination of skilled movements
Neocerebellum(post. Lobe)
Lobe of the cerebellum fxns for regulation of ms tone and maintenance of posture
Facets of thoracic spine is oriented in what plane?
Main source of ATp immediately after exercising for 10 seconds
During gait peak activity of gluteus maximus
Early stance
Course of ACL
Upwald, backward, lateral (pls)
Union of brachiocephalic vein of B sides form the
Superior vena cava
Controls voluntary breathing
Cerebral motor cortex/cerebrum
Normal pinch strenght of adult males
4-5 kg
The ventricles of the brain are lined by
Ependymal cells
Lung volume that is involved in gas exchange with capillary blood at the end of a normal expiration
N value
Tidal volume
The only prehension pattern that can be observed in a px with median nerve injury
Lateral pinch
Razor slash at the ant surface of the wrist will likely damage the
Median nerve
Major sensory component of the spindle
Annulospiral nerve endings
The key joint in hand movements
Wrist joint
Flexion+extension of the thoracic spine totals how much
Automatic respi center is located at the
Iv disc is located bw vertebral bodies from
Bandage ms wrapping around other neck ms
Malleoli approximates each other during
PF or ankle flexion
Structural support for nervous tissue
Rotation in partial flexion will most likely damage or may cause
Meniscus/meniscAl tear
Ms lateral to pecteneus
Pain distribution along medial border of the dorsum of the foot. What spinal level is affected and what nerve?
L4(saphenous l2 l3 l4)
Largest branch of lumbar plexus
Ant crural nerve/femoral nerve
Largest branch of sacral plexus
Sciatic nerve
Nerve necessary for normal precision grips
Median nerve
Stroke volume is lowest in what position?
Erect position
Fibers in connective tissue are synthesized by the
Most difficult task for pxs with bilteral quadriceps weakness
Going down stairs
In full term baby extension is incomplete by about how many degress
Principal product of adrEnal medulla
Fx of this bone typically involves the neck and may result what avascular necrosis?
Preissers dse
Minors elbow refers to the inflammation of the
Olecranon bursitis
Lateral cord of the brachial plexus continues as the
Musculocutaneous nerve
Branch of the facial nerve innervating lacrimal gland
Petrosal nerve/greater petrosal nerve
Strongest hand precision
Cylindrical prehension
Ms substitutes for a weak or paralized scapular adduction
Posterior deltoid
Decerebrate posture generally indicates a lesion of the
With the exeption of the pisiform which is the smallest carpal bone?
Trapezoid/lesser multangular
Hyperventilation with the absence of increased CO2 production results in
Flexion at the metatarsophalangeal joints is possible up to
Most abundant protein in the body
Forms medial wall of the axilla
Serratus anterior
A ms that complements the PCL and helps prevent forward subluxation of the femur when doing knee bends