Anti-epileptic, anti Parkinson's, and anti Alzheimer drugs Flashcards
True or false: it is abnormal for children to have seizures w/o having epilepsy. Explain your reasoning.
F: children can have fever induced seizures
-2nd/3rd gen antiepileptics
These are ____ drugs
AED therapies require:
serum drug testing
AED drugs carry a black box warning for
Barbituates for epilepsy (phenobarbitol and primidone) have a _____ half life and carry what contraindications
-contra: heart meds, liver/kidney disease, birth control
Restlessness is a symptom of barbituates: t/f
Hydantoins (phenytoins) are given __ and compete with _____ ______ drugs like ______.
IV, protein bound, warfarin
Phenytoin cannot be taken with
-other protein bound drugs
What lab would you assess if giving hydantoins? How would you give it IV?
-monitor albumin levels
-slow IV into large vein w large needle, flushed before/after
Phenytoin side effects (hint: werewolf)
-bad teeth
-increased fat tissue in face
-hirsutism (hair growth
Iminostilbenes drugs include carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine–how are the two different?
Carb: hepatic enxyme inducer–can build tolerance
Ox: is not a HEI
A pt says they are taking CARBAMAZEPINE for absent seizures with a glass of gfruit juice in the AM. Your first priorities are to…
-tell them to STOP immedieatly that is bad–no gfruit and only for partial/general seizure
Gabapentin is used for treatment of ______ seizures and __________. It carries ___ symptoms
partial, neuropathy.
LyriCa MOA and use
MOA: binds to Ca channels, slows shit down
-“add on” therapy for seizure, neuropathy, fibromyalgia
What seizure meds are protein bound?
-valproic acid