What is the definition of antepartum haemorrhage (APH)?
APH is defined as bleeding from the genital tract after the 28th week of gestation until delivery.
Why is 28 weeks considered the landmark for APH in developing countries?
28 weeks is considered the landmark because it marks viability and the registration of stillbirths in developing countries.
List the primary causes of APH.
Causes include placenta praevia, abruptio placenta, local causes, vasa praevia, circumvallate placenta, and indeterminate haemorrhage.
What is placenta praevia?
Placenta praevia is when the placenta is wholly or partially located in the lower uterine segment.
How is placenta praevia classified?
Placenta praevia is classified into four types based on the extent of attachment to the internal os.
What are the differences between minor and major placenta praevia?
Types 1 & 2 are minor placenta praevia, and Types 3 & 4 are major placenta praevia.
What are the types of abnormal placentation?
Abnormal placentation includes placenta accreta, increta, and percreta.
List predisposing factors for placenta praevia.
Predisposing factors include advanced maternal age, increased parity, previous uterine surgery, and multiple pregnancies.
What are the classical symptoms of placenta praevia?
Symptoms include painless, bright red vaginal bleeding, recurrent bleeding, and torrential bleeding closer to term.
How is placenta praevia diagnosed?
Diagnosis involves ultrasound, MRI, high presenting part, and contraindicated vaginal examination.
What management strategies are used for placenta praevia?
Management includes conservative approaches like bed rest and surgery for major cases.
What are the complications of placenta praevia?
Complications include haemorrhage, anaemia, shock, and death.
Define abruptio placenta.
Abruptio placenta is the premature separation of a normally situated placenta before delivery.
What is Couvelaire uterus?
Couvelaire uterus is when bleeding occurs into the myometrium.
What are the primary causes of abruptio placenta?
The primary cause of abruptio placenta is unknown, but hypertension and trauma are significant contributors.
What are the risk factors for abruptio placenta?
Risk factors include advanced maternal age, parity, polyhydramnios, and rapid uterine decompression.
How is abruptio placenta diagnosed?
Diagnosis is based on painful uterine contractions with vaginal bleeding and absence of fetal heart rate.