Define gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD).
A spectrum of interrelated tumors caused by abnormal proliferation of trophoblastic tissues.
Fill in the blank: GTD results from abnormal proliferation of ______ tissues.
What are the three components of the trophoblast, and their roles?
Cytotrophoblast (high mitotic activity, no hormonal synthesis), syncytiotrophoblast (synthesizes 尾-hCG), intermediate trophoblast (responsible for endometrial invasion).
Fill in the blank: GTD is one of the rare human malignancies that can be ______ even with widespread metastases.
Name the benign types of GTD.
Complete mole, partial mole.
Fill in the blank: ______ and ______ are classified as malignant GTD.
Invasive mole, choriocarcinoma.
What is a hydatidiform mole (H. mole)?
A neoplastic proliferation of trophoblasts with terminal villi transformed into vesicles.
Fill in the blank: The worldwide incidence of hydatidiform mole ranges from ______ to ______ per 1,000 pregnancies.
0.5; 2.5.
Which region has the highest reported incidence of hydatidiform mole?
Southeast Asia.
What percentage of hydatidiform mole cases have a benign course?
Fill in the blank: About ______% of hydatidiform mole cases progress to invasive mole, and ______% progress to choriocarcinoma.
16%; 2.5%.
What are the maternal age-related risk factors for hydatidiform mole?
Maternal age <15 years or >35 years.
Fill in the blank: ______ factors like low dietary intake of protein and carotene are associated with hydatidiform mole.
Differentiate between a complete mole and a partial mole based on karyotype and features.
Complete mole: 46XX/46XY, no fetal parts; partial mole: 69XXX/69XXY, fetal parts present.
Fill in the blank: A complete mole has a ______ karyotype, usually 46XX or 46XY.
How does a partial mole develop cytogenetically?
Fertilization of a normal ovum by two sperms, resulting in triploidy.
What are the clinical features commonly associated with molar gestation?
Vaginal bleeding, enlarged uterus, theca lutein cysts, hyperthyroidism, preeclampsia.
Fill in the blank: A characteristic “______” pattern on ultrasound indicates a complete mole.
What role does beta-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) play in diagnosing hydatidiform mole?
Unusually high 尾-hCG levels confirm diagnosis.
Fill in the blank: Theca lutein cysts are observed in about ______% of complete mole cases.
List the investigations performed for hydatidiform mole diagnosis.
Quantitative 尾-hCG, pelvic ultrasound, blood tests (FBC, LFT, TFT).
Fill in the blank: Serum β-hCG levels in hydatidiform mole often exceed ______ mIU/mL.
What are the treatment options for hydatidiform mole?
Suction evacuation, supportive therapy, anti-D immunoglobulin, counseling.
Fill in the blank: ______ immunoglobulin should be given to Rh-negative mothers during uterine evacuation.
What are the key differential diagnoses for hydatidiform mole?
Threatened abortion, uterine fibroid, ovarian tumor, multiple pregnancy.
Fill in the blank: ______ abortion and ______ fibroid with pregnancy are among the differential diagnoses.
Threatened; uterine.
How is follow-up monitoring for hydatidiform mole conducted?
Weekly 尾-hCG until undetectable for three weeks, monthly for six months.
Fill in the blank: Patients are advised not to conceive for ______ to ______ months after molar evacuation.
6; 12.
Which contraceptive methods are recommended after molar evacuation?
Barrier methods, combined oral contraceptives.
Fill in the blank: Intrauterine devices (IUDs) should be avoided after molar evacuation due to the risk of ______.
What is the recurrence risk of hydatidiform mole after one, two, and three previous moles?
4%, 25%, 100%.
Fill in the blank: A ______ ultrasound scan during the first trimester is recommended for detecting recurrent molar pregnancies.
What histopathological examination is recommended after delivery in subsequent pregnancies?
Placenta histopathology.
Fill in the blank: Persistent GTD is defined by hCG values plateauing for ______ or more values over at least three weeks.
What hCG threshold and duration suggest the need for chemotherapy in persistent GTD?
hCG >20,000 IU/L at four weeks or persistence after six months.
Fill in the blank: Continued vaginal bleeding after molar evacuation indicates persistent ______ disease.
Gestational trophoblastic.
What are the signs of metastasis in persistent GTD?
Liver, brain, gastrointestinal metastases.
Fill in the blank: Metastases in the ______, ______, or ______ are considered high-risk in persistent GTD.
Liver; brain; gastrointestinal tract.