Animal Nutrition Lab Exam Flashcards
Any material grown or processed to be fed to
livestock and poultry to sustain life
Feed affects farm _______ and farm_______
accounts for __% of the total farm expenses
- productivity, profitability
- 80%
What is the GOAL of Feed
Know WHEN and HOW to use different feeds suitable for different SPECIES and CLASSES of farm animals
What is the Basic Function of Feeds?
To provide nutrients for:
- Energy production
- Regulation of body processes and formation of
body-produced regulators
- Building and maintenance of body structure
- feed materials containing more than 18% crude fiber
* generally low in energy content (<60% TDN)
Insoluble carbohydrate fraction: cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin
Crude fiber
- Relative energy value of the feed
- digestible protein + digestible fiber + (digestible fat x 2.25) + digestible nitrogen-free extract
Total digestible nutrients (TDN)
- 6-10% Crude protein
* <0.9% Calcium
- > 10.5% Crude protein
* <0.9% Calcium
Legume and other forages
forage harvested
and dried for later use
fresh herbage cut
and chopped in the field;
offered to animals in
fermented forage
stored in a silo
crop byproducts left in the field after harvest of the major crop e.g., rice straw and corn stover
Crop residues
- Feeds that are low in fiber (<18% crude fiber)
- Contain high in energy content (>60% TDN)
- Energy feeds and Protein feeds (animal or plant origin
- Contain medium to high energy
- Less than 18% crude protein
- Cereal grains, milling by-products, and processed tubers
Energy feeds
example of energy feeds
Yellow corn, rice bran, feed wheat, sorghum, cassava meal
• >47% crude protein; >1.0% calcium; >1.5% phosphorus;
<2.5% crude fiber
• By-products from meat packaging, dairy processing and
marine industries
Animal protein feeds
• >20% crude protein; <1.0% calcium; <1.5% phosphorus;
>2.5% crude fiber
• End products of oil extraction from a group of seeds
Plant protein feeds
example of plant protein feeds
soybean meal, copra meal
a semi-concentrated source of 1 or more nutrients
used to enhance the nutritional adequacy of a ration
- Feedstuffs carrying large amounts of pure amino acids
* Essential vs non-essential amino acids
Synthetic amino acids
Examples of Synthetic amino acids
DL-methionine, L-lysine
Feedstuffs rich in one or more of the inorganic elements needed to perform certain essential body functions
Mineral supplements
Organic substances required by animals in very small amounts for regulating various body processes toward normal health, growth, production and reproduction
-Provided in the form of vitamin premix
Vitamin supplements
vitamins under fat-soluble
non-nutritive substances that when added to diets may improve the performance and feed efficiency of livestock
and poultry
antibiotics, probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes,
acidifiers, antioxidants, mold inhibitors, toxin binders and
flavor enhancers are examples of _______
-Assessment of the nutrient value and presence
of adulterants or toxic substances in the feed
• Quality control of raw materials and mixed feeds
Feed Quality Control
Methods of determining feed quality:
I. Physical evaluation
II. Chemical evaluation
III. Microbiological assay
IV. Biological evaluation
These two are under Physical evaluation
– Ocular inspection
– Feed microscopy
These two are under Chemical evaluation
– Proximate analysis
– Mineral analysis
These two are under Microbiological assay
– Microbial count
– Mycotoxin determination
These two are under Biological evaluation
– Feeding trial
– Digestion/ metabolism trial
Examination of feed ingredients using the naked eye
Ocular Inspection
– Study of the appearance of feed sample under the
– Determines the purity of the feed sample or detects
presence/ absence of adulterants
Feed Microscopy
– Substances/ impurities of cheaper value and low
quality that are intentionally added to the feeds to
change its physical and chemical characteristics
– Adds to the bulk or weight of the feed
– determination of the nutritive value of feeds.
- Moisture
- Crude fat (Ether extract)
- Crude fiber
- Crude protein
- Ash
- Nitrogen-free extract
Proximate Analysis (Weende Method)
- Drying a sample and determining moisture content by the weight difference between dry and wet material
- Fats are dissolved with
organic solvent
(petroleum ether)
Crude fat (Ether extract)
- Digestion with weak acid (H2SO4) followed by the digestion with weak alkali (NaOH) - Insoluble carbohydrate fraction (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin)
Crude fiber
- Total inorganic matter
(mineral) content in a
- Soluble fraction of carbohydrates such as
Nitrogen-free extract (NFE)
Formula of NFE
100 – (moisture + ash + crude protein + crude fat
+ crude fiber)
Determine the presence of Salmonella spp. and
mycotoxin-producing fungi such as Aspergillus flavus
and Fusarium in feeds.
a process by which different feed ingredients
are combined in a proportion necessary to
provide the animal with proper amount of
nutrients required at a particular stage of life
Feed Formulation
Characteristics of a Good Ration
- Safe,
- Acceptable and palatable to the animal,
- economical,
- Nutritionally balanced
– free from anti-nutritional factors (ANF) and toxic
– stimulate feed intake and will not cause digestive
Acceptable and palatable to the animal
– cheap and efficient; least-cost ration
– digestibility and availability of nutrients
Nutritionally balanced
Steps in Feed Formulation
1. Know the species and _____ of animal for which a
ration is intended.
2. Determine the ________ _____ of animals.
3. Determine what ______
______are _________.
4. Know the ______ ______ and unit price of the feed ingredients.
- class
- nutrient requirements
- feed ingredients, available
- nutrient composition
Steps in Feed Formulation
5. Consider the________ _____ ____ of some feed
6. Determine a ______ _______ of feedstuffs
that results to a good ration.
7. _____ ration for each nutrient content. Also
consider the cost per kg of mixed feed.
- limitation of usage
- suitable combination
- Check