Animal Breeding Flashcards
Study of principles of INHERITANCE and VARIATION in farm ANIMALS
Animal Genetics
- keep and use animal records (essential step)
- selection (the best, the most superior)
- system of mating
application of the principles of animal genetics with the goal of IMPROVEMENT of animals
Animal Breeding
art and science of the GENETIC IMPROVEMENT
Animal Breeding
activities expected of
animal breeders
- Determine the genetic variation
- Develop statistical model for predicting breeding values
- Measure & predict genetic progress
- Organize testing & recording program
- Provide result
-backbone of modern animal breeding
Quantitative & Statistical genetics
Austrian monk
garden pea
-inheritance of character
Gregor Mendel (1865)
Rediscovered the work of Mendel
- Hugo de Vries
- Carl E. Correns
- Erich von Tschermak
- Studied the inheritance of some traits of CHICKEN
- Mendelian law is applied in animals
William Bateson (1906)
Wilhelm Johannsen
Chemical structure & function of the gene (double helix)
James Watson & Francis Crick (1956)
Father of Animal Breeding
Robert Bakewell (1725-1795)
Father of modern Animal Breeding
Jay Lush
Los Banos Breeding Animals
Philamin cattle, Berkjala pigs, LB-cantonese chickens
Who created the “bitik” “tikbi”
Dr. Cecilio R. Arboleda
Formulated the mule ducks/laguna ducks from peki, pateros and muscovy
Dr. Angel L. Lambio
Develop the itik Pinas
Dr. Rene C. Santiago
Group of animals of common origin that possesses DISTINGUISHABLE CHARACTERISTICS
occur only in one country
Local breed
breed that occur in more than one country
Transboundary breed
Example of Transboundary breed
Difference between Bos indicus and Bos taurus
Bos indicus may hump while taurus wala
Variations in Phenotype
Qualitative and Quantitative traits
actual variation we observe
among animals for each trait of interest.
Phenotypic variation
refers to the genes that make up the animal.
amount of variation that is controlled
by genes.
Genetic variation
Different forms
of the same gene are called
It is a part of the cell which is the complete set of genetic instruction
it carry genetic material except sex
summing up of effects of alleles of a gene and of effects of
genes at different chromosome locations to make up a trait
additive gene action
collection of semen from the male and artificially
introducing it into females to obtain pregnancy
artificial insemination (AI)
most accurate statistical method
used for the prediction of breeding values and genetic trends in livestock breeding
Best Linear Unbiased Prediction (BLUP)
⅝ Berkshire and ⅜ Philippine native pigs from Jala-jala, Rizal
Bekjala pigs
group of animals that only breed among themselves and show persistent
differences from other members of similar breeds or species
ability of two or more breeds to combine well to produce
superior crossbred progeny
breed complementarity
crossing of two different breeds or lines of animals
process of cooling and storing cells (sperms and embryos),
tissues, or organs at very low (freezing) temperatures to maintain their viability
opposite of selection
number of females that are removed from the herd
culling rate
line, breed or crossbreds selected for a combination of good female
reproductive performance
dam line
type of gene action which describes one allele overriding or dominating another at the same locus
dominance gene action
reproductive technique that allows cloning of the embryo to produce identical (monozygotic) twins
embryo splitting
interaction of different genes so that they tend to enhance
each other or cancel each other out, rather than adding together
epistatic gene action
estimate of the genetic value of an animal as a
potential parent of the next generation
Estimated breeding value
manipulating the animal’s estrous cycle to cause the
majority of breeding females to show standing estrus around the same time
estrus synchronization
breed that is not native to a particular area or region; also called
introduced (or invasive)
exotic breed -
half the breeding value of an animal; also
called estimated transmitting ability (ETA)
expected progeny differences (EPDs)
basic unit of inheritance composed of linear sequence of nucleotides, each
containing an organic base, a pentose sugar, and a phosphate
length of time it takes an individual to be replaced by one of its
generation interval
amount of variation that is controlled by genes
genetic variation
genotypes respond differently in different
genotype x environment interaction
mating procedure whereby sires of a high-performing exotic breed
are mated to a local breed of female and their female offspring generation after
generation; also called upgrading
ratio of genetic variation to phenotypic variation
occurs when the genetic merit (and hence performance) of the cross is
greater than the average of the purebred parents
mating of related animals
measure of the level of inbreeding equal to the probability that alleles carried by that individual will be identical
inbreeding coefficient
reductions in fertility, litter size and general viability due to
inbreeding depression
process of fertilization where an egg is combined with
sperm outside the body
in vitro fertilization (IVF)
- technique of letting the contents of ovarian follicles and the oocytes inside to mature in vitro (under laboratory conditions)
in vitro maturation (IVM)
mating of animals in the same genetic line or selected groups
which are not highly related
line breeding
mating of animals from different inbred lines
- alternative strategies for the mating of animals selected to be parents as they influence gene combinations received by progeny and, consequently, the degree of homozygosity or heterozygosity of the population; also called systems of mating
mating systems
use of gonadotrophic hormones
to stimulate ovulation of large numbers of ova and then transplanting fertilized ova
(early embryos) to recipient females for pregnancy and parturition
multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET)
breed that inhabit or originated from a particular area or region; also called indigenous (or endemic)
native breed
method of selecting and using breeding animals,
consisting of a small number of elite (high performing) breeding animals in a nucleus,
or upper tier, and a large number of animals in a lower tier
nucleus breeding program
technique of letting the contents of ovarian
follicles and the oocytes inside to mature in vitro (under laboratory conditions)
oocyte recovery and maturation
a more flexible type of nucleus breeding program
that allows animals from the lower tiers to contribute progeny to the upper tiers.
open nucleus breeding scheme
mating of animals less closely related than the average of the group
to which they belong
mating of unrelated animals within a particular breed; a form of
record of an animal’s ancestral line or bloodline; also called ancestry or
family tree
actual variation observed among animals for each trait of
phenotypic variation
approx. ½ American Hereford, ⅜ Indian Nellore, and ⅛ Philippine
native cattle from Lipa, Batangas
Philamin cattle
millions of copies of the DNA of interest are
rapidly made from minute starting quantities of DNA
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) -
study of gene and genotypic frequencies within a population
and the prediction of these frequencies in subsequent generations; also called see
statistical genetics
population genetics
measurable traits that fall into clearly distinguishable categories;
also called categorical trait
qualitative traits
study of inheritance of quantitative characters that vary
quantitative genetics
traits which do not fall into discrete categories but are measured
on a continuous scale
quantitative traits
percentage of replacement (or purchased) animals used in
livestock production systems with continuous turnover of breeding animals (usually
replacement rate
number of offspring produced by a sire or dam in a year
reproductive rate
applied techniques used in vivo or in vitro to alter the
reproductive rate or the whole reproductive process; also called reproductive
biotechnologies or artificial breeding
reproductive technologies
process of choosing animals to be the parents of the next generation
traits that can be
improved corresponding to traits in the breeding objectives
selection criteria
relative measure of how much the average performance of
those individuals which are selected to be parents, will exceed the average of all
individuals in their generation
selection intensity
mating of animals belonging to different species (interspecific
cross) or different genus (inter-generic cross)
species hybridization
commercial crossbreeding program wherein the
crossbred progeny never enters the breeding populations
terminal crossbreeding
line, breed or crossbreds that are selected for growth
performance and used as sires in the terminal crossbreeding program
terminal sire line
breed that occur in more than one country or region
transboundary breed
Biochemical compound consisting of a CHAIN OF NUCLEOTIDES or polynucleotide
Nucleotide is consists of what?
phosphate, sugar, base
Four bases
Adenine and Guanine
alternative form of a gene
Individual carrying similar alleles
individual carrying different alleles
fails to express itself
recessive allele (b)
expresses itself completely or partially over the other allele
Dominant allele, A & B
reference for resemblance between parent & offspring
Formula of heritability
Additive genetic/ phenotypic variance
Bases for selection
- Physical characteristics
- Individual performance
- MAS, marker, gene
set of rules for making mating decisions
mating system
mating animals having similar phenotype
Positive Assortative Mating
mating animals having dissimilar phenotype
Negative assortative mating
Correct faults of parents on offspring
corrective mating
type of inbreeding which it increased the homozygosity & prepotency of offspirng
sum of independent or additive effects of genes
-genetic merit based on sum of genes
Breeding value
highly heritable
carcass quality
moderately heritable
growth, milk production
lowly heritable
fertility or reproduction
it is the same with independent gene effect
Additive genetic effects
dependent of interaction
-expression of genes at one locus depends on gene combination
Dominance and epistasis
Different forms
of the same gene are called
summing up of effects of alleles of
a gene and of effects of genes at different chromosome locations to make up
a trait.
Additive gene action
one allele overriding or dominating
another at the same locus.
Dominance gene action
refers to the interaction of different genes so that
they tend to enhance each other or cancel each other out, rather than adding
Epistatic gene action
-most important
for genetic improvement since it can be influenced by selection programs
-most of the genetic variation behind
most of the economically important traits in swine so it is the best place for us
to focus our efforts.
Additive gene action
- part of the cell
- complete set of genetic instruction
-one pair of genes segregate independently of the other pairs
Law of Independent Assortment
What are the four bases of selection
- Physical characteristics
- Individual performance
- MAS, marker, gene
-derived from phenotype without knowledge of the genes that affect traits of interest.
Estimated Breeding Value
True or false.
Molecular genetic information is not affected by the environment
correct faults of parents
corrective mating
causes certain genotypes to perform well under certain environments than other genotypes
Genotype and Environment Interaction (GxE)
technique when embryo is collected from donor parent and implanted into the uterus of recipient parent
embryo transfer
a 16-32 cell embryo is removed from donor and each cell is separated from each other
Nuclear transfer
- laboratory strategy for creating a viable embryo from a body cell and an egg cell
- nucleus of somatic cell is removed and transferred to an enucleated egg cell
somatic cell nuclear transfer
detecting DNA variants