Anesthetics Flashcards
Incomplete anesthetic; rapid onset and recovery
MAC >100
Nitrous Oxide
Alveolar concentration required to eliminate the response to a standardized painful stimulus in 50% of patients
Best measure of potency
Minimum Alveolar Concentration
Anesthetic with very slow onset and recovery
MAC 0.16
Anaesthetic that is contraindicated in reactive airways due to risk for bronchoconstriction
Facilitate GABA-mediated inhibition
Anesthesia for minor surgery and dental procedures, balanced anesthesia for major surgery
SE: Megaloblastic anemia, Euphoria
Drug with lowest potency (Highest MAC), least cardiotoxicity among inhalational anesthetic
Additive CNS depression with opioids and sedative-hypnotics
Drug, Class
Nitrous Oxide, GA (Inhalational)
Facilitate GABA-mediated inhibition For GA SE: Bronchospasm (pulmonary irritant) Additive CNS depression with opioids and sedative-hypnotics LUNGS Drug, Class
Desflurane, GA (Inhalational)
Pungent Smelling Inhalational Anesthetic
Facilitate GABA-mediated inhibition
For GA
SE: Peripheral vasodilation, renal insufficiency from Compound A
Additive CNS depression with opioids and sedative-hypnotics
Drug, Class
Sevoflurane, GA (Inhalational)
Sweet Smelling Inhalational Anesthetic
Facilitate GABA-mediated inhibition
For GA
SE: Catecholamine-induced arrhythmia, peripheral vasodilation, Coronary-Steal Syndrome
Additive CNS depression with opioids and sedative-hypnotics
Drug, Class
Isoflurane, GA (Inhalational)
Redistribution of blood flow from diseased to normal areas
Coronary Steal Syndrome
Facilitate GABA mediated inhibition
For GA
SE: Spike and wave activity, muscle twitching, breath-holding, renal insufficiency
Additive CNS depression with opioids and sedative-hypnotics
Drug, Class
Enflurane, GA (Inhalational)
Facilitate GABA mediated inhibition
For GA
SE: Catecholamine induced arrhythmia, Myocardial depression, Postop hepatitis
Additive CNS depression with opioids and sedative-hypnotics
Drug, Class
Halothane, GA (Inhalational)
Facilitate GABA mediated inhibition
For GA
SE: Renal Insufficiency
Highest potency and lowest MAC (very slow onset and recovery)
Additive CNS depression with opioids and sedative-hypnotics
Drug, Class
Methoxyflurane, GA (Inhalational)
Ultrashort acting barbiturate, IV anesthetic
Increases duration of Chloride channel opening
Drug for anesthesia induction, increased ICP
SE: higher likelihood of dependence than benzodiazepines
Additive CNS effects with ethanol
Potent indicer of CYP450
Methohexital, Thiamylal
Short acting benzodiazepine, IV anesthetic
Increases frequency of chloride channel opening
Drug for acute anxiety, anesthesia induction, preop sedation
SE: anterograde amnesia, unwanted daytime sedation, rebound insomnia/anxiety
Additive CNS depression with alcohol
Antidote is Flumenazil
Brotizolam, Triazolam, Oxazepam, Etizolam
Blocks excitation by glutamate at NMDA receptors
Drug for dissociative amnesia
SE: HPN, increased ICP, Emergence delirium (can be pretreated with benzodiazepines)
Drug, Class?
Ketamine, GA (Intravenous)
Modulates GABAa receptors containing Beta 3 subunits
Drug for GA especially in pxs with limited cardiac or respiratory reserve
SE: Adrenocortical suppression
Minimal effects on CV and Respi Fxns
No analgesic properties
Drug, Class?
Etomidate, GA (Intravenous)
Interacts with Mu receptor and Kappa receptor for endogenous opioid peptides
Drug for GA
SE: Respiratory depression
Antidote is Naloxone
10000x stronger than morphine
Blocks Na channels
For GA, Prolonged sedation, Pre-op sedation
SE: Bradycardia, hypotension
Milk of Amnesia
Additive Effect with Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs
WOF: Airway, Dec in BP
Drug, Class?
Propofol, GA (Intravenous)