Anemias Flashcards
diamond-blackfan anemia description
rapid-onset anemia within 1st year of life due to intrinsic defect in erythroid progenitor cells
diamond-blackfan anemia findings
increase % HbF (but decrease total Hb)
short stature, craniofacial abnormalities, and upper extremity malformations (triphalangeal thumbs) in up to 50% cases
hereditary spherocytosis description
extravascular hemolysis due to defect in proteins interacting with RBC membrane skeleton and plasma membrane (eg, ankyrin, band 3, protein 4.2, spectrin)
mostly AD inheritance
hereditary spherocytosis peripheral smear
results in small, round RBCs with less surface area and no central pallor (increase MCHC) -> premature removal by spleen
GCPD deficiency description
most common enzymatic disorder of RBCs causes extravascular and intravascular hemolysis
X-linked recessive
defect in G6PD -> decrease reduced glutathione -> increase RBC susceptibility to oxidant stress
G6PD deficiency presentation
hemolytic anemia following oxidant stress (sulfa drugs, antimalarials, infections, fava beans)
hereditary spherocytosis findings
splenomegaly, aplastic crisis (parvovirus B19 infection)
hereditary spherocytosis labs:
increase fragility test
normal to decrease MCV with abundance of cells
hereditary spherocytosis treatment
G6PD deficiency findings
back pain, hemoglobinuria a few days after oxidant stress
G6PD deficiency labs:
blood smear shows RBCs with Heinz bodies and bite cells
pyruvate kinase deficiency description
autosomal recessive pyruvate kinase defect -> decrease ATP -> rigid RBCs -> extravascular hemolysis
increases levels of 2,3-BPG -> decrease hemoglobin affinity for O2
pyruvate kinase deficiency findings
hemolytic anemia in a newborn
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria description
increase complement-mediated intravascular RBC lysis (acquired mutation in PIGA gene -> impaired synthesis of GPI anchor for decay-accelerating factor [DAF/CD55] and membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis [MIRL/CD59] that protects RBC membrane from complement)
acquired mutation in a hematopoietic stem cell
increase incidence of acute leukemias
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria findings
associated with aplastic anemia
triad: Coombs negative hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia, venous thrombosis
patients may report red or pink urine (from hemoglobinuria)