Anatomy (Pelvis) Flashcards
False vs True Pelvis
False - (greater pelvis) above pelvis inlet
True - (lesser pelvis) between pelvic inlet & outlet
- Rectum goes from Flase to True across Inlet
Pelvis Outlet
- Keeps organs from squirting out of pelvis
Male vs Female Pelvis
Inlet - Heart (male) vs Oval (female)
Outlet - Narrow (male) vs Rounded (female)
Cavity - Cone (male) vs Column (female)
Subpelvic Angle - Less broad like 2nd & 3rd fingers vs More broad like 1st & 2nd fingers
Obstetric (true) vs Diagonal Conjugate Lines vs Midpelvic (transverse) Diameter
Obstertric - from sacral promontory to pubic symphysis & 2cm shorter than diagonal due to width of pubic symphysis
Diagonal - from sacral promontory to inferior aspect of pubic symphysis & measured with fingers
Midpelvic - between ischial spines & shortest
Perineal Body
- Anchoring strucutre that stuff attaches to so no organs prolapse
- Between anterior & posterior gap
Pelvic Diaphragm & Its Deficits
- Closes off most of the pelvic outlet
- Deficits allow passage of urogenital & digestive structures into perineum
Systems from Anterior to Posterior in Pelvis
- Urinary
- Reproductive
- Digestive
- True for males & females
Anal Canal
- Passes pelvic diaphragm
- In perineum, not pelvis
Blood Supply for Perineum
- Internal Pudendal Artery
Superior vs Middle vs Inferior Rectal Vein Drainage
Hepatic Portal Venous System - Superior
Internal Iliac into Inferior Vena Cava - Middle & Inferior
Parasympathetic vs Sympathetic Innervation of Rectum
Parasympathetic - preganglionic fibers from S2, S3, S4 to postganglionic fibers in organ wall
Sympathetic - preganglionic fibers from IML to internal anal sphincter & prevertebral ganglion in lumbrosacral plexus
Anal Canal Innervation
- Somatomotor & somatosensory
- Pudenal nerve innervates anal canal & external anal sphincter
Controlling Defication (3)
Internal anal sphicter - smooth muscle controlled by sympathetic NS
External anal sphincter - skeletal muscle controlled by pudendal nerve
Puborectalis muscle - contracts to kink rectum
Female vs Male Ureter
Female - crossed superiorly by uterine artery
Male - crossed superiorly by ductus deferens
- only portion of interior bladder walls with smooth muscle
Location of Empty vs Full Bladder
Empty - within true pelvis
Full - balloons into abdominal cavity
Ureters Orientation & Function
- Enters bladder obliquely
- Prevents back flow of unrine during bladder contraction
How to Fill vs Empty Bladder
Filling - detrusor muscle relaxes & sympathetic fibers contract the internal urethral sphincter
Emptying - visceral afferent fibers carry bladder stretch information to S2, S3, S4, parasympathetic fibers contract detrusor muscle & internal urethral sphincter
Atonic vs Spastic Bladder
Atonic - inability to empty bladder due to lesion of parasympathetic portion at S2, S3, S4
Spastic - inability to fill bladder due to lesion of sympathetic portion above sacral spinal nerves
Male Urethra Divisions from Superior to Inferior
- Prostatic
- Membranous
- Spongy
Catheterization of Bladder Complication
- Membranous urethra can rupture since it’s curved and surrounded by external urethral sphincter
Sphincter Between Bladder & Prostate
- Contracts to prevent semen from going into bladder
Bulbourethral Gland
- Sits in membranous urethra but deposits contents into spongy urethra
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
- Enlarged prostate prevents flow of urine through the prostatic urethra
Rectouterine Space (4)
- Most inferior part of female peritoneal cavity
- Site to drain peritoneal cavity
- Site to do transvaginal surgery without damaging organs
- Site that can be breach peritoneal cavity accidentaly during abortions
Anteverted vs Anteflexed Uterus
Anteverted - right angle to vagina in more inferior portion of uterus
Anteflexed- bent more towards vaginal in more superior portion of uterus
Proper Ovarian Ligament
- Attaches lower pole of ovary to uterus
- Only provides structural support
Uterine Tube Parts from Ovary to Uterus
- Infundibulum
- Ampulla
- Isthmus
Cervix Function
Plugs with mucus to close off uterus so fetus can live safely
Broad Ligament
- Peritoneum that drapes over both sides of the female reproductive structures
Transverse Cervial Ligaments
- Uterine artery & vein pass in this ligament