Anatomy: Lab - Structure locations Flashcards
Transpyloric plane (location)
Axial plane halfway between the suprasternal notch and public symphysis
Transumbilical plane (location)
Axial plane at the level of the most superior aspects of the iliac crests
Transumbilical plane (vertebral level)
Transpyloric plane (vertebral level)
L1 (12th rib)
Subcostal plane (location)
Axial plane at the level of the inferior most aspects of the costal margins
Diaphragm (location)
Composed of two domes that meet at the xihisternal junction and peak at the midclavicular line (right side: just below the nipple at the 5th rib; left side: 2-3cm below the nipple at the 5th intercostal); meets the costal margin at the midaxillary line
Enlarged gallbladder (location)
Intersection of the costal margin and transpyloric plane (near the intersection of the midclavicular line and costal margin)
Abdominal aorta (location)
Crosses the diaphragm at T12 (inferred from xiphisternal junction (T9/T10) and the transpyloric plane (L1/L2)), lies just left of midline and ends at L4 (just below umbilicus)
Bifurcation of Aorta
Renal arteries (location)
Either side of the aorta at the transpyloric line
McBurney point (define)
Location of the base of the appendix, junction of the ileum and cecum (ascending colon)
McBurney point (location)
One third the distance from the right anterior iliac spine to the navel
Isthmus of thymus (location)
Crosses trachea at the level of the 2nd/3rd tracheal rings
Isthmus of thymus (location)
Crosses trachea at the level of the 2nd/3rd tracheal rings
Heart (border location)
Apex: 5th or 6th intercostal space just medial to the left midclavicular line
Inferior border: Apex to 1cm right of the sternum
Right border: from inferior border end, parallel to the sternum to the 3rd intercostal space
Superior border: from 1cm right of the sternum at the 3rd intercostal space to 2cm left of the sternum
Arch of the aorta (location)
Starts between the midline and right margin of the sternum, moves right to 0.5 cm right of the sternum then arches through the middle of the manubrium
Bifurcation of the trachea (location)
Sternal angle
Order of cardiac valves
From left 3rd costosternal joint toward midline at the xiphisternal junction: Pulmonary, aortic, mitral, tricuspid
Auscultation location of aortic valve
2nd intercostal space to the right of the manubrium
Auscultation location of pulmonary valve
2nd intercostal space to the left of the manubrium
Auscultation location of tricuspid valve
Just left of the xiphoid process
Auscultation location of mitral valve
Apex of the heart (5th or 6th intercostal space medial to the left midclavicular line)